Dragon of the Root

Chapter 516: Plot Shuten Douji

Wu Ming's eyes widened, showing his inner restlessness.

After the previously released Noble Phantasm, the sky became cloudless.

Wetted by the sudden rain of sun, Wu Ming blinked.

Wu Ming dodged quickly and came in front of Tamamo. Wu Ming stretched out his hand and directly grabbed the white neck in front of Tamamo, but the magic power attached to his hand holding the neck in front of Tamamo showed this grip was no joke.

Even a Servant couldn't endure if his neck was twisted.

"How do you know this name." There was a trace of murder in Wu Ming's tone of voice.

That's right, Wu Ming was surprised that Tamamo wanted to marry him. Although he was a little worried about coughing… He was surprised that the other party knew Wu Ming's name.

It should be known that even among the people who knew him, not many people knew his name "Wu Ming".

In addition, the three additional Holy Grails of this singularity were also arranged by King of Magecraft Solomon, Wu Ming had to guess whether because of Solomon, Tamamo knew his name.

Or, Tamamo-no-Mae was just a thug sent by Solomon to confront Wu Ming.

At this moment, Wu Ming's mental power was completely released, and a range of thousands of meters had entered his perception range.

Wu Ming released his mental strength not only to find out if there were other enemies or traps in the vicinity, but also to see if he fell into the opponent's illusion.

Although Wu Ming can now be said to be immune to illusions.

If it was an illusion that didn't act on Wu Ming itself but changed the surroundings, he might fall into place if he didn't notice it for a while.

To give a simple analogy, apply an illusion to the stone, in theory, let the stone think it is a flower, then the stone will think it is a flower, and then use magic power to help people see the stone's original position. There is one more flower this time.

Similar to implying magic.

But now that Wu Ming had completely liberated his mental strength, no worries, the other party did nothing.

"I only learned of your identity through contact with the Holy Grail, Wu Ming-sama." Tamamo didn't care that Wu Ming was strangling his neck, as if believing, she said to Wu Ming with a smile.

"Holy Grail?"

Hearing what Tamamo said earlier, Wu Ming thought of such an example, but the other party did not touch the Holy Grail, but her.

While in Fuyuki City, Stheno, the eldest sister of the Three Gorgon Goddess, was obedient because she came into contact with Wu Ming and knew his identity.

Strictly speaking, Stheno had the divinity of the Earth Goddess, and Tamamo-no-Mae also had a very close relationship with Amaterasu.

If Tamamo found out Wu Ming's identity because of his contact with the Holy Grail, it wouldn't be unreasonable.

Compared to Stheno, who knew the information, Wu Ming felt that the statement that Tamamo in front of him only knew the information because he had been in contact with the Holy Grail was more reliable.

Although Wu Ming didn't have [Discernment of the Poor] like Karna, but at this moment, he who was full of energy was also monitoring Tamamo's every move, including breathing, every hair moving by the wind and a series of other details.

Moreover, Wu Ming discovered that there really was no other Servant level magic power in this hall except the Servant magic power in front of him.

There was no doubt that Tamamo wasn't lying.

Wu Ming slowly let go of the hand that was holding Tamamo's front neck, and looked deeply in front of Tamao.

"I can't fully trust you yet. If you want to prove yourself, then you will stay here all the time. If I find you anywhere else, I will immediately consider you an enemy and kill you at any cost, how about that?"

After all, if the other party was lying, then most likely, it was Solomon who did it. In that case, it would be risky to let Tamamo stay here for a while, so Wu Ming would say that he would not allow it.

After hearing Wu Ming's words, Tamamo nodded happily, and no doubt he agreed.

"No problem, I'll be here waiting for the husband to come back to pick me up, and I hope the husband returns triumphantly." Tamamo's upper body is bent, her arms are folded, and her whole body is lying on the ground, like a Japanese woman to her husband.

Facing Tamamo who called himself husband, Wu Ming frowned.

"It's my first time meeting you. You just found out about me from the Holy Grail, and you said that you wanted to marry me. I will definitely refuse shallow love. Don't call me husband in the future."

In Wu Ming's view, marriage without feelings is meaningless, he can't walk when he sees a beautiful woman, and he won't immediately agree just because the other party has posted backwards.

After all, Wu Ming still has some love debt, how can he add a cough...

"Yeah~ I know that, Silence-sama."

Wu Ming nodded in satisfaction this time, instead of calling "Wu Ming", Tamamo called out "Silence", which shows that the other party is also an intelligent person.

Wu Ming only likes to deal with smart people.

"Then, stay here, if you don't lie, I will come back to thank you." After that, Wu Ming turned around and immediately left.

"I hope you win."

After not seeing Wu Ming's figure again, a smile appeared on Tamamo's face again.

"Haha~ Such a good husband could be snatched away by others if I don't hurry. I'm Tamamo-no-Mae, who inspires to be a good wife and fox~ And I'll give you a meeting gift, my husband. ~" Saying this, But Tamamo's eyes currently look a little scary.

It was a pity that Wu Ming had left and not seen this sight.


On the way back to the city gates, Wu Ming started to think about the information gathered so far. According to the information in front of Tamamo and Wu Ming's own exploration, Shuten Douji was no longer in the central hall at this time.

There might be two reasons why Shuten Douji governed this poisonous city.

First, she needed to make Wu Ming think that she was in the center of this poisonous city. After all, if you want to start a fight, it's definitely beneficial to get the blessing of Shuten Douji's own territory.

However, Wu Ming had forgotten that his Noble Phantasm could continue operating on its own after Shuten Douji left the stage last time, so this time the odds would be the same. So what was the purpose of this self-governing poison city to attract Wu Ming to come, naturally, Shuten Douji fled.

This is also the second point, everywhere is full of poisonous magic power. Under normal circumstances, there was no way to detect the movement of a small magic power. In this way, the other party had most likely sneaked out of the city.

In Wu Ming's view, Shuten Douji was not a demon who ran away without starting a fight, not to mention Ibaraki Douji was still here, and even if the other party left here, where could he go.

There is only one answer, go outside the city to find Gudako and Mashu.

Even though Shuten Douji wouldn't run away in fear, his opponent wasn't a fool either, so she couldn't just sit back and wait for an enemy she couldn't beat to bother her.

Therefore, it was the most reasonable choice to divert the main force and attack the weakest enemy.

And if Shuten Douji was the Servant sent by Solomon, Gudako's was the only hope for Humanity, at least for now.

Then as long as Gudako is eliminated, Solomon will not worry.

As for why the other party was so sure that only Wu Ming and Karna would enter, it could only be said that this was probably only part of the plan.

Wu Ming guessed that even Gudako and Mashu were in, and it was estimated that Shuten-douji would have a way of separating them.

"As expected of the leader Shuten Douji, son of the great god Ibuki, his brain is truly no worse than a human's."

Men have no power, so they soften their wisdom; oni have power, so they throw away their wisdom.

As the son of oni and god, Shuten Douji is very smart.

No, there are people who procrastinate.

"Shuten told me that even if you die today, you will be dragged here!"

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