Dragon of the Root

Chapter 6: Medb

My name is Medb Feidlech, princess of the kingdom of Ireland, and my father most beloved daughter, Eochu Feidlech. Ever since I was very young, I have heard people say that I was naughty. But I'm talented, and mischief is nothing. If I become the queen of this country, I will definitely lead this country to prosper and end the current internal strife.

Now the country is in an unstable state, so royal father decided to choose some of his daughters and our six sisters to marry into nobles who can stabilize the country power.

Heh~Poor royal father, do you think this method of marriage is useful? For these nobles who were cruel to send them wealth. Besides, I don't want to marry a noble old enough to be my grandfather.

So, when I found out that royal father wanted to marry me to a noble, I managed to escape with my wits, and after some time I returned to the royal palace to meet royal father.

Royal father also knows my temperament and my intelligence. Therefore, royal father sent my other sister to marry a noble. Royal father thought that if he set me up again with another noble, the result would be the same.

Coupled with the work father love for me, in the end, royal father decided to give me the territory of Connacht, and allowed me to find my own husband.

Hee hee~, that's great. With this, I will become Queen Connacht. I believe that under my leadership and wisdom, the people in my area will be happier. Also, I don't want to recruit my husband or something.

Those stinky men must have seen my beauty. I have to find a hero who won't be mesmerized by my beauty to be my husband.

By the way, I heard that a young hero recently appeared in the Connacht area, his name is Silince. It was said that the hero wielded a silver-white holy spear, and when everyone was in despair, he killed the Demon Beasts that were rampaging in Connacht and no one was able to subdue him in dozens of fights.

Ah~, what a great courage. Hearing from other people, Silence has black hair and black eyes, and he is very handsome and has a very impressive temperament.

During battle, it is said that his eyes can turn into vertical pupils like dragons during battle. He bit his opponent madly like a ferocious dragon.

Ahhh~ fierce, brave, and cruel hero, it must be God who sent you to save me. You must be the husband God chose for me Medb.

Ahhh~ My cute little sil, I'm coming soon, soon, soon. You must wait for me at Connacht. Oh, by the way, since I'm afraid that my little Sil will leave Connacht, then I have to hurry, and I have to arrive in 10 days, um , It's decided, speed up the marching speed of the guards, hurry up~

According to the plan, I would not arrive in Connacht until a month later. After half a month, I just approached the vicinity of Connacht. Unfortunately, this group of soldiers was completely useless. In the future, I will have to build a strong army myself.

Finally, I can see little Sil. I couldn't wait any longer, when I kept ordering to speed up the journey again, the captain of the bodyguard actually came to ask me to let the soldiers rest.

Unfortunately~ the captain of the guards actually asked the soldiers to rest. Ah~, you know, you delayed my time to see little Sil. Obviously, we have rested many times along the way.

Finally, I thought about it and allowed it, for the sake of those who accompanied me along the way, let them rest for a while. After all, I am also a little nervous now, to meet little Sil.

Suddenly, the soldiers outside panicked. Ah, is there an attack from the Demon Beast outside? How did it happen? There shouldn't be a Demon Beast of that rank in this country. Demon Beasts like this that were neither too strong nor weak had to be exterminated.

I can feel that the Demon Beast is getting closer and closer to me, ah~ Am I going to die? I really don't want to, I haven't seen you, my little Sil.

The train is wrecked. Surprisingly I didn't feel any pain at all because I closed my eyes in fear, but I could still feel it. I was saved by someone and I can feel the warmth of the person who saved me.

"For a moment, let the male Demon Beast be entangled for a while, attracting my attention, husband and wife don't even think about escaping today!"

"It is over! Yggdrasil"

Ahhh~ How fierce this voice is, I opened my eyes closed in fear.

What do I see?

A young man with a stern expression. He held a white-silver spear in one hand and held me in the other. Standing on a giant tree, the sun shining on his face, ah~ a sacred sight, He must be Silence, of course, you are the husband arranged for me by the heavens. My little Silence.

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