Dragon of the Root

Chapter 613: Beginning

Wu Ming was not a negligent person, he did it on purpose.

"But Vero, we're short on staff." Kurousagi's ears drooped down, looking regretful.

"Looks like we can only make money by renting excess land," Kurousagi said helplessly.

Why helpless?

Although it is not wrong for Kurousagi's words, but this is No Name's main base, how can it be said that the community's main base is rented out to make money.

After all, the community is equal to the "state", and as members of the "state", there is a collective sense of honor such as "national honour".

This was also the reason why Kurousagi was helpless, as she didn't want outsiders to enter her "house" with her friends.

But why did Kurousagi think of renting it out even though she was powerless?

Even though No Name wasn't short on money this time, it was still the same sentence. This money was all "borrowed" from Wu Ming. Even though Wu Ming lent him an unlimited amount of time, Jin and Kurousagi had a strong sense of responsibility and thought it couldn't be too much of an unpaid debt, so they also made money in principle.

Moreover, such a vast land like No Name is really a waste, with special treatment in special moments, can only be half pushed and half humiliated.

"That's the only way." Jin also nodded helplessly, agreeing with Kurousagi's opinion.

However, this made Wu Ming laugh.

"I said Kurousagi, Jin, are you two listening to me carefully?"

Wu Ming couldn't help but laugh at Jin and Kurousagi, each scratching their heads, causing them to mourn for a while.

"Didn't I say, I can do it again."

The money that Wu Ming "borrowed" to No Name before, and the matter of the land now, why do the two always listen to Wu Ming's words.

When "borrowing" money, Wu Ming also said that it should be donated to No Name, but Kurousagi and Jin, and even Lily, the slightly older child should consider this money as a "loan".

Then "borrow", only "borrow". After all, Wu Ming never thought about returning it, so he gave it time without a payment period.

However, Kurousagi and Jin started to make money with the idea that they should pay him back quickly.

Although it's not as tiring as it used to be, it's still not easy now.

It was the same this time Wu Ming said that he had a solution, but these two people ignored him again, which left him helpless.

"How can the land in our No Name base area be used by outsiders? You have to follow your own heart, Kurousagi."

Don't forget his original intention, Kurousagi's words weren't just for fun, his invitation's original intention was to protect his family's "home", so it couldn't be changed because of this.

"But, Vero, we are really understaffed." Kurousagi rubbed his sore forehead with an innocent expression on his face.

"You idiot." Wu Ming smiled helplessly, and then pulled Kurousagi's rabbit ears again.

"Wuaaaa-" Since it was at the same place, the Kurousagi was about to cry again.

However, the sticks have been given away, and now it's time for the sweet carrots.

"With a supporter like me, what are you afraid of?" Wu Ming stroked the Kurousagi's head and smiled.

After all, no matter what he said, he was recognized by Shiroyasha as a power no less than his.

It can be said that No Name merged with such a powerful person, and his awakening is a matter of time.

"So, is there a way Vero?" Yo asked curiously, tugging at Wu Ming's sleeve.

"Of course the solution is to increase the number of people." Wu Ming said with a faint smile.

Immediately after, Wu Ming stretched out one hand towards the void, and instantly, golden ripples struck his arm.

He looked like he was looking for something.

"I've been wondering for a long time, Veto, what is this golden ripple?" Kurousagi asked with interest and confusion.

"One of my abilities is ordinary private space. Even though I have a Gift card, after all, it has been with me for a long time, so it is still more convenient."

After Wu Ming finished speaking, as if he had found something he wanted to find, he withdrew his hand from the golden ripple.

There was an extra palm-sized stone puppet in Wu Ming's hand, it looked like a giant rock, but the giant rock was a little smaller.

"Stone statue?" Kurousagi curiously looked at the palm-sized stoneman doll in Wu Ming's hand, and by the way, stabbed it twice.

"This is no ordinary stone statue." Wu Ming shook his head and moved his arm to move the stone statue away from Kurousagi who was poking and playing.

This made Kurousagi puff out her cheeks slightly in dissatisfaction.

"Did you know that there is a rare stone statue item that can summon endless demons." No longer teasing Kurousagi, Wu Ming asked everyone.

Wu Ming had such an item, which was one of the many powerful items Demiurge had given him when he left Nazarick.

"Rare gift of endless demon summoning?" Everyone who had never heard of this Gift muttered.

"If the item is used, unless it is destroyed, the summoned demon will fill the entire world."

The endless demon summoning is no joke, it's real.

Who let that be a game item? Game items are turned into reality, and some abilities are often quite scary.

Talking about awakening alone was powerful, no matter which world, reviving a life was difficult enough, and only an existence like Nazarick had the ability to resurrect without any sequelae.

In other words, the other world itself has that ability. Wu Ming learned from Sebastian that the captain of the Pleiades had the ability to awaken, but it seemed that his physical fitness was up to standard, and he had to lie in bed for a month. .m

But even so, the natives of that world had the ability to revive, which was enough to open Wu Ming's eyes.

After Wu Ming finished speaking, Asuka took a serious look at the stone statue held in Wu Ming's hand.

"Could this be a rare Gift in your hand?" Asuka asked calmly.

"Of course not." Wu Ming shook his head.

This was a relief for slightly worried people like Kurousagi and Jin.

"Though I also have that item."

"Then you say it like you've never seen it before!!" Kurousagi roared and complained.

Not caring about Kurousagi's complaints, Wu Ming raised the giant stone statue in his hand, or in other words it could be called the magic stone idol statue.

"I have an item that can summon unlimited golems."

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