Dragon of the Root

Chapter 656: Black Unknown

Wu Ming watched Yo enter the final place alone.

The "Battle of the Creators" decision clearly stipulates that contestants are allowed to bring one assistant, and only one assistant.

Of course, that's not saying that you should bring someone along, or that you can choose not to.

Yo of course, chose the latter.

To ask why? It was only natural since she had already received help from his new friends, and it was no small favor.

After Yō entered the arena, Wu Ming did not go to the spectator stands or special seats at Shiroyasha to watch the match, as he already knew the outcome of the match.

With the "help" of new friends, Yo's chance of winning is not 100%, but 80% to 90%.

After all, no matter what Wu Ming's ability was, it was quite strong, so he didn't worry about Yo at all.

However, Wu Ming would not stay idle here and have nothing to do.

Today, during the biggest competition of the Fire Dragon's Birth Festival, during the "Battle of Creators" competition, or at the end of the competition, the upcoming Demon Lord, namely Pest, will definitely come, so Wu Ming needs to make some small preparations.

Wu Ming didn't think about it at all, nor did he believe that only the Pest group had come to attack the Fire Dragon's Birth Festival.

The faction that once wanted to buy Leticia might come as well.

As for why? Simple words, intuition.

Therefore, Wu Ming needed to be prepared.

"Let's go for a walk." Wu Ming said, putting Calico on the ground and letting him wait obediently.

As a cat with a high IQ, Calico will naturally not run around, Calico consciously ran to Yo's entrance to the competition venue and watched Yo's match.

"This cat…" Wu Ming shook his head with a smile.

Then, Wu Ming opened the Gate and entered.

Of course, not only was Wu Ming going to wander around a bit, he was preparing.

Repeatedly coming to several famous scenic spots at the outer gate of 54545, with Hades' hidden helmet confiscated from Perseus, Wu Ming opened his mouth and mumbled something, and his hands were not silent, and gestured with one hand in the void.

An incantation word spewed from Wu Ming's mouth like a devil's whisper, and runes of secrets appeared like spirits from his finger.

In just a moment, Wu Ming prepared what he needed to arrange.

At this time, Wu Ming suddenly felt a line of sight, this line of sight came from the red realm wall.

Wu Ming's head immediately turned to the position of the peek line of sight, he took a closer look, and a petite person stood at the highest point of the royal wall.

That person is Pest.

"It really is you, Pest." Wu Ming's mouth moved, he believed that Pest's vision could see and understand his lips.

The best evidence was that Pest disappeared as soon as Wu Ming finished speaking.

"Come on," Wu Ming said lightly, and then black and purple ripples swept over him.

Then, a piece of black parchment fell.

On the other hand, the final place of "The Showdown of the Creators".

Countless black parchments fell from the sky like raindrops, and the entire Gift Game field was covered in an ominous black color.

People held sheets of black parchment paper in disbelief, and their hands trembled slightly.

Then, like a vat of powder being lit, the entire auditorium "exploded", and the audience began to flee in panic.

In the auditorium of the competition venue, the onlookers who were initially enthusiastic about the Fire Dragon's Birth Ceremony had only one thought left at this moment – running away.

Like ants in a hot frying pan, panicked screams resounded throughout the arena. Even though their voices were messy, it wasn't hard to hear what they were shouting.

The Demon Lord is here.

Almost everyone who ran frantically shouted this sentence, mixed with some negative sentences like "Run!", "We die" and so on.

However, there were still people who didn't panic, like Salamandra who already knew that the Demon Lord was coming.

"Quickly calm the crowd at the exit and let them calm down!" Mandora seriously ordered the surrounding soldiers and started "emergency rescue" due to the fear brought on by the Demon Lord.

Sandora is also not unemployed.

"Don't panic everyone!!" Sandora lifted her chest and sighed, and her voice was very loud and entered the ears of everyone present.

However, the panicked horse was not easily suppressed.

Even though some of the audience had started to calm down, most of them were so panicked that they couldn't hear Sandora's words at all.

Only a voice more majestic and extremely terrifying could stop them.

"Stop!!" Like a dragon's roar, the moment this sentence was spoken, everyone who was confused or not confused stopped their steps

However, each and every one of them trembled involuntarily, indicating that they were forced to stop by the coercion of a higher species.

Then, a figure appeared in the sky.

Everyone looked at the figure, and the golden vertical pupils undoubtedly showed that this was the master of the voice that frightened them, an existence higher than them.

This figure was undoubtedly Wu Ming.

Then, Wu Ming nodded at Sandora who was standing on the high platform.

Wu Ming, who came here through the Gate, saw Sandora's embarrassment, so he came out to help.

Sandora gratefully nodded and smiled at Wu Ming, then spoke to everyone.

"Please evacuate in an orderly manner according to Salamandra's arrangements!"

The audience who had calmed down had no intention of resisting, at this moment, it was always appropriate to follow the official.

The residents of Salamandra started the evacuation of spectators.

Seeing that Wu Ming was almost done, he threw away the pressure, his eyes changed from golden vertical pupils to ruby pupils, and then he flew towards Yo on the playing field.

Not to mention the impact of the Demon Lord's attack, seeing the sad expression of the pale ghost girl beside Yo, the Gift Game was over, and it seemed that Yo won.

After landing next to Yo, something happened on Sandora's side as Wu Ming saw Yo just wanted to say something.

The high platform where Sandora and the others were standing cracked open, and a figure flew up suddenly with a wild laugh.

Needless to say, it was Izayoi.

And seeing as Izayoi's flight direction was the direction of the barrier, he had also found the place where the Demon Lord was now.

"This kid…" Wu Ming shook his head helplessly.

Selectively ignoring him, Wu Ming looked back at Yo.

"Yo, congratulations on your victory in this game."

Seeing Wu Ming's gentle smile, and listening to the blessing words, Yo's mouth twitched slightly and nodded.

"Un, thank you, my friend."

However, Yo's opponent was not happy.

"I said… What are you two doing! Now that the Demon Lord is coming, why are you two teasing each other…" The pale girl who looked like a ghost screamed helplessly and was slightly dissatisfied.

Because the girl who had just experienced Wu Ming's suppression, she was a little afraid of Wu Ming, the girl spoke a little cautiously and looked a little inconsistent.

At this moment, a monster-like creature with a pumpkin head floating in the air next to the girl spoke up.

"Yah ho ho ho~ That's an attitude that a strong person should have without getting muddled in the face of danger, Sasha."

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