Dragon of the Root

Chapter 695: Summoning the Flugel

The magic circle glowed as if the sun appeared in front of her, so Gudako couldn't help but close his eyes, and covered them with his hands, snuggling behind Mashu.

Even though Mashu, as a Servant, was much better than Gudako, she couldn't help but shrink behind his shield, not daring to look directly at what was happening in front of her.

However, whether it is Gudako or Mashu, they all have an idea in their hearts, that is, Wu Ming succeeded.

Gradually, the light of the magic circle gradually dissipated, and the pseudo Chains of Heaven that formed the magic circle also shattered violently as if it had lost its light.

Hearing that voice, Gudako and Mashu couldn't help but stick their heads out from behind the shields and looked ahead curiously.

Seeing this, the two did not return to their senses for a long time.

In the sky right in front of the magic circle that was originally formed by the pseudo Chains of Heaven, there was a huge monster floating at the moment.

The floating island like a giant tree floats quietly in the air, the blood-red roots that are full of blood float in the air like the ground, and instead of leaves, blue-green crystals that attract people's attention.

However, this was not a tree, but a Phantasma race that looked like a floating tree that could move freely—Avant Heim.

But its huge size, coupled with the height of the floating current, made one feel like a mountain rooted in the earth.

If it weren't for Gudako and Mashu's proximity, this floating island would really be considered a mountain.

After all, the diameter of the floating island is truly immeasurable only by the eyes of Gudako and Mashu, and even the two think that the entire barren land around is occupied by this floating island.

But the point is not here, what attracted Gudako and Mashu was a beautiful figure with angel-like wings flying out of the "leaves".

Maybe they were true angels, their "angels" were all childish, and they all had peerless looks.

Surprisingly, however, this "angel" wore a sleeveless top, with a ribbon and pendant, and asymmetrical trousers, even shoes and socks.

Despite wearing such inappropriate clothes, the golden ratio bodies of the "angel" girls were still perfectly displayed.

Gudako felt that this "angel" already had a body and appearance comparable to Cleopatra and even Medb who was famous for her beauty.

A complex magic circle like an angelic halo is located on the head of each "angel". Perhaps a pair of dove-like wings is the only thing "angel" has in common.

An "angel" flew out of the floating island and came to the position of the magic circle originally formed by the pseudo Chains of Heaven. They spread their wings and floated in the air with their eyes closed.

Mashu couldn't count how many "angels" there were in the sky, but in Mashu's view, the number of thousands had already broken through, and maybe 10,000 people were more accurate.

Among them, a green-haired beauty with green hair who was suspected of being the "leader", who was at the front and lowest height and closest to Wu Ming, slowly opened her eyes.

The pupils of the eyes that intersect with the sword and shield even made Gudako see the contradictory feeling between "death" and "guardian" in an instant.

And like a chain reaction, when the green haired girl opened her eyes, the "angels" behind her opened their eyes one after another.

The eyes of countless pairs of swords and shields intersected in Gudako's eyes, and now he found another "angel" of the same kind.

"All members of the Flügel, join the master." The green-haired girl said, spread her wings completely to the position where Wu Ming was below, and slightly lowered her head.

Once again like a chain reaction, the Flügel behind the green-haired girl also spoke in unison.

"Meet the master~"

Countless pairs of wings spread their wings in the air with all their might, and those countless wings were like a canopy, slightly blocking the floating island behind them.

The small magical light rays that were transformed from the broken fake sky lock scattered among the "angel", adding a layer of mystery to the "angel".

Immediately after, the floating island behind the "angel" also seemed to come alive, and the blue lenses around their bodies swayed like windows, reflecting the sunlight.

Wu Ming was located not far in front of Gudako and Mashu, nodding in satisfaction. This time, the bet he made at the risk of draining his magic power and eliminating his spiritual base was correct.

Wu Ming managed to summon Avant Heim in Servant mode and all of the Flügel by nearly 10,000 digits.

However it made sense that Wu Ming shouldn't be able to use any of the family members from any of the twelve incarnations, meaning he shouldn't be able to summon the Flügels.

Even though Wu Ming was in the state of a Servant at the moment, it didn't mean that he was a Servant at all. Before he became Vero Eude's Silance Servant, he was still the Dragon of the Root.

Wu Ming introduced some abilities from the twelve incarnations into this spiritual base, but out of fear that he would be too flashy, it would attract Goetia's attention.

Although Goetia must be seriously injured at this time, and Wu Ming also determined that this singularity was not directly caused by the other party, but was caused indirectly, which means that the other party actually has no control over this singularity.

However Wu Ming could not guarantee that the other party would come directly to chase and kill him, he whose main body had not yet been taken, did not dare to be so conspicuous.

As a result, Wu Ming used the weak version of the twelve incarnations into this spiritual base, at the cost of a significant reduction in strength, and each power can only be used once.

It was also through the incarnation that he could only be used once as a "Holy Relic" so that he could summon Flügel and Avant Heim from another world as Servants.

As for why they were summoned as Servants, firstly, if they died in this world as Servants, their bodies in other worlds would not die.

While the Flügel were both warlike and unafraid of death, Wu Ming did not like accidents to his "children" that Artosh had entrusted to him.

Second, summoning them in Servant form was already the limit for Wu Ming. If he wanted to summon a body in another world, it would require great preparation.

But their current shortcoming was time, so Wu Ming directly summoned the Servant Flügels.

Actually, Wu Ming also wanted to summon Athena, Lancelot, etc. From the Campione and Heretic God who also signed a contract with him, but it seemed that Wu Ming had injected some power into this spiritual base too weak, only able to summon people from one world at a time.

What Wu Ming needed now was the number of people, so he chose the Flügels with a lot of people, rather than the Heretic God with just a few people.

To put it simply, Gudako and the others were now not short on numbers, and nearly 10,000 Flügel was enough.

Wu Ming turned to look at the two people behind him.

Seeing that Gudako and Mashu were now in a dumbfounded state.

"How, these numbers are really enough." Wu Ming asked with a smile.

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