Dragon of the Root

Chapter 735: The hidden 'base'

"It's true to say that, but whether the other party recognizes you as 'father' is still a matter of choice." Wu Ming attacked mercilessly.

Wu Ming was not very familiar with Mashu, but not too unfamiliar. In Wu Ming's view, Mashu was not the type of child who would recognize someone else as his father easily, but this was uncertain, after all, Mashu's spiritual base belonged to Galahad and she would be affected.

"..." Lancelot fell in a low voice.

Contrary to Wu Ming's understanding, Lancelot believed that his relationship with Galahad was still fine.

But because of this, Lancelot could clearly recognize that Galahad was still very strict with his father.

When the king was lost, he did not take action in time, but let the king go, and even joined the wrong way.

With what he was doing now, Galahad couldn't admit it.

After all, Galahad had obtained the Holy Grail, and was a fairly pure knight known as the Knight of the Holy Grail.

Even if there are other secrets, it can't cover up Lancelot's mistakes.

Even if Mashu wasn't the real Galahad, but was possessed by Galahad, Galahad's feelings for her would likely affect Mashu.

Therefore, in Lancelot's view, his daughter might be very angry, and she would most likely not recognize her "father".

"Don't be so negative, if you admit your mistakes well, I guess Galahad, or Mashu will forgive you." Wu Ming smiled and patted Lancelot on the shoulder.

However, Lancelot just sighed and lowered his head helplessly.

"I hope so..."

During this conversation, they almost reached Lancelot's headquarters.

"This place is quite secluded." Looking at the houses with sharp angles in front of him that were surrounded by hills, Wu Ming, who was walking along the street, commented on this.

"When I was looking for your figure in the wild, I accidentally found this secluded place," explained Lancelot.

However, there is one thing that is quite confusing.

"This should not be your base outside the Holy City."

Wu Ming's words had no other meaning, he just thought that this place was not like a base that the knights outside the holy city had to search for.

Even if it is not in the plains, it must be in the terrain and the base of the building in accordance with the "knight" style.

Otherwise, Agravain wouldn't be able to pass that level.

Things like "You are not worthy of being a king's knight", "It is disrespectful to be part of the Holy City in such a corner of the country", and so on, would definitely be brought out by Agravain.

Agravain would definitely say so, and there was also suspicion towards Lancelot.

That's why Wu Ming said that this place didn't look like an auxiliary staff headquarters in the Holy City, but rather...

"Like a hidden secret base, you mean Sir Vero."

Wu Ming nodded, without him, it is too useful to be a secret base here.

"Indeed, actually, this is not where my troops are actually stationed." Lancelot explained to Wu Ming.

"Is this really what I thought?" Wu Ming became interested. Even though he had his doubts, he was just a random guess. Rarely did he guess it right?

Lancelot didn't say much, only nodded slightly, then signaled the knights behind him to go first.

The army of knights behind Lancelot responded and accelerated collectively. From Lancelot and Wu Ming, they rushed towards the base which was surrounded by many low hills.

After all the knights left, Wu Ming and Lancelot mounted their horses and walked slowly forward.

"Sir Vero, as you know, I don't really agree with the king's approach." Lancelot began to explain to Wu Ming.

Lancelot couldn't choose to betray Artoria again, so he was on Artoria's side.

In other words, it made sense for Lancelot to disagree with Artoria's current actions.

"If I meet refugees in the wild, I will protect them without the knowledge of the other Knights of the Round Table and the king, and the front is where the refugees I protect live."

It could only be said that Lancelot who used to be "hesitating", chose to join Artoria's camp, but Lancelot still chose to make small moves personally.

Of course, this was a small step for the Holy City, but in Wu Ming's opinion, Lancelot had done a good job.

"Good, Lancelot, if Galahad finds out, he will be impressed by you."

Wu Ming's praise, received Lancelot.

"I've walked the wrong path, and even if I were to walk again, I wouldn't follow it exactly."

What Lancelot meant was that even though he was in Artoria's camp, he would not slaughter the refugees at will, except on Artoria's orders.

Compared to Gawain's rigidity, Lancelot intended to be flexible.

Chivalry courtesy prevented him from betraying Artoria again, but he would personally save these refugees.

Undoubtedly, this approach could be described as a lot of calcification for Lancelot who was on the side of the Lion King.

Of course, this was actually a bit of Lancelot's selfishness.

In order not to disappoint his son, Lancelot who is the "father", of course must act, not to mention that now that his son has become a daughter, Lancelot thinks that he must work harder.

Daughter-con, cheers!

Cough cough...

"Let's go and see your 'secret base'." Ignoring Lancelot's face that was "Excited soul Daugther-con", Wu Ming rode the horse to speed up.

Seeing Wu Ming getting faster, the reacting Lancelot also accelerated his horse speed and followed Wu Ming.

For a moment, a tent-like image after a disaster appeared in Wu Ming's eyes.

A simple tent-like house of unknown material was regularly arranged in a valley surrounded by hills.

Wu Ming can see that these "tent"-like houses look simple, but are strong enough, at least the rain, snow and hail can be completely blocked.

"I set up knight patrols at the entrance and around the hills, and the terrain here is far away, so it's fine for the refugees to use them as shelter."

Lancelot did a great job.

There were knights patrolling around the camp, in charge of security work, and there were many ordinary people walking around the house like tents. Judging from their clothes, it was true that they were refugees.

All the refugees had smiles on their faces, even though they were suffering, their smiles were not fake.

Because this is the Middle East, water sources are relatively scarce, but Wu Ming suddenly saw a rather modest well in the corner.

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