Dragon of the Root

Chapter 925: Falling into the Underworld

Deep underground, the underworld.

After Ishtar's Noble Phantasm caused the earth to churn, the path to the underworld was opened, and Wu Ming also brought Ishtar to the underworld.

When he came to a path that looked like a continuous stone bridge, Wu Ming let go of the hand that was holding Ishtar's ankle and took a deep breath.

"Sure enough, there's a smell of death everywhere."

Not only that, it was full of darkness everywhere, only one or two spear-shaped cages appeared along the way for some unknown reason burning a hanging blue flame, and the entire underworld was filled with darkness and a faint blue light.

"It hurts…" Ishtar lay in pain, struggling to get up, covering her head with a headache.

After Ishtar was brought into the underworld by Wu Ming in a somewhat violent manner, there were endless bumps and bumps along the way. The most injured was Ishtar's head, and when Wu Ming let go of Ishtar, Ishtar landed headfirst...

"Sure enough, I shouldn't have believed your evil character…"

Ishtar rubbed her head while glaring at Wu Ming viciously.

Since Wu Ming had often dealt with Ishtar in the past, Wu Ming could be said to know Ishtar very well. Not only that, Ishtar also needed to deal with Wu Ming indirectly, Ishtar as well as Wu Ming had a deep understanding.

This person was a person full of bad taste, whom Ishtar had already known very well before, but now, it could be said that Ishtar's impression of Wu Ming being full of bad taste had deepened.

"Ahghh, damned person, you know that the underworld has a natural repression for the gods, why did you pull me!"

Ishtar walked in front of Wu Ming aggressively, spitting bitterness in her eyes.

"Because you have to chase after the Demon Beast commander."

Wu Ming naturally turned his head, spread his arms and shrugged, looking helpless.

"But why did you pull me in! You better go in yourself!!"

Ishtar held her head in her hands, her eyes empty, and she came to a desperate hell.

While the underworld means hell to Ishtar...

"Cough cough… I feel a little uncomfortable, maybe because of the death of the underworld. That's all, I'm going, you can handle the matter of the Demon Beast commander yourself." Frankly, Ishtar wanted to run away.

However Wu Ming was unwilling and could not let Ishtar off the hook.

"Ishtar, help me kill that Demon Beast commander, and investigate the situation of the goddess of the underworld, Ereshkigal."


As if the Command Spell had been enacted, Ishtar glowed red, which was the embodiment of the coercive power of the contract.


Ishtar who had turned to leave, turned around and answered with difficulty.

"Wuwuwuw7! Damn Dragon Sage!"

Having finished, Ishtar knelt on the ground with her hands on the ground, and shouted that even the underworld was moved by her.

Wu Ming's orders from incarnation were not the same as orders from Command Spells. Command Spell orders to the Servant will be resisted to varying degrees according to various factors such as the level of detail and the level of the Servant's magic power.

The effect of the Command Spell will gradually weaken. Although the effects of the Command Spell cannot be completely removed, it will eventually be controlled by the Servant as long as it doesn't affect itself.

Yet Wu Ming's strength came from his incarnation, and his ability to control was absolute.

However, since Wu Ming and Ishtar signed a contract regarding "Demon Beasts", Wu Ming could only use "Demon Beasts" as the main command to force Ishtar.

Influenced by Wu Ming's orders, the current Ishtar had no way of leaving the underworld at all. Only when Wu Ming's orders were completed could Ishtar leave the underworld.

While it was inconvenient to have to use commands related to "Demon Beasts" to pilot Ishtar, it was also impossible.

Incarnation was by nature voluntary, but Ishtar was trapped by Wu Ming and signed a temporary contract, the contract would be canceled completely.

It was basically impossible for Ishtar to sign a contract with Wu Ming from the bottom of her heart. If Ishtar really could make a contract obediently and from the heart, then the previous Ishtar, she wouldn't be so "naughty" anymore.

Although Wu Ming also considered setting up a word trap to make Ishtar his permanent "follower", but Wu Ming considered that the disadvantages of making Ishtar a follower outweigh the gains, so Wu Ming gave up.

Although Ishtar was said to be the Mistress of Heaven in Mesopotamia and a somewhat powerful goddess, she was also a willful fool. If Wu Ming really used puns to deceive Ishtar, having Ishtar as a vassal could solve Ishtar's self-will problem once and for all, but if Wu Ming really did that, it would really be enough to suffer, and it would have to be hole in the end.

Just being stupid and useless could make Wu Ming miserable. He used to be so sure of this...

"Let's go, Ishtar, we have serious business in the underworld." Knocking on Ishtar's head, Wu Ming took the lead and walked along this path.

"Damn, I don't want to come to the underworld, you obviously dragged me here..."

Ishtar is now very sad.

"Why am I so unlucky to meet this person, God, Father God, where are you, your daughter suffering under the Dragon Sage now, come and save your daughter."

Ishtar who was clearly a goddess, praying to the gods, was enough to see that Wu Ming was driving Ishtar crazy.

"Your father once asked me to take good care of you, and now, I have a way of making you obedient." Of course, the method refers to the contract, Wu Ming turned around, looking at the praying Ishtar.

"I will take care of you all this time, Ishtar, idiot goddess."

In the end, Wu Ming gave Ishtar a rather pleasant smile, but this smile was like a devilish smile in Ishtar's eyes.

At this moment, before Ishtar could see into the cruel future, a Demon Beast's roar entered the ears of the two.

Wu Ming and Ishtar looked at each other, their eyes full of earnestness.

At this moment Wu Ming dashed straight towards the roar of that Demon Beast, and Ishtar had no time to look ahead to the ruthless future, and directly followed in Wu Ming's footsteps.

After all, dealing with Demon Beasts is the top priority right now

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