Dragon of the Root

Chapter 927: Goddess of the underworld do it herself

But these words, like the judgment of death, did not frighten Ugallu.

Even though Ugallu shut his mouth subconsciously, this did not mean that he was afraid, the so-called "fools were not afraid" might speak of this truth.


Perhaps because Ugallu's brain was completely malfunctioning, it actually roared at the majestic voice in the void, as if provoking the opponent.

"Is that crazy???"

Wu Ming who could understand what the Demon Beast was saying, naturally understood what Ugallu was doing. After translating it and reducing the swear words, it means almost "Come on".

Yet only Ugallu dared to challenge the goddess of the underworld alone in the underworld? Whether it was Wu Ming or Ishtar, they all knew clearly that Ugallu would definitely die.

Sure enough, after Ugallu roared, a black-gray stone pillar that seemed to be dead rose from the ground at an irregular angle, tightly constraining Ugallu's limbs.

Even though Ugallu was shocked by the sudden restriction, he didn't feel panicked or anything, and he actually used brute force to smash the stone pillar to pieces.

"Roar——!!" He stomped on the broken stone pillar beneath his feet until it shattered, and Ugallu let out another "victory" roar.

"This fellow… is really done…" Seeing such a sight, Ishtar couldn't bear to look directly.

Ereshkigal's provocation is like that, if the original ending of Ugallu's prototype is only death, even the soul will be played by Ereshkigal to destroy.

It must be said that, being Ereshkigal's half body, coupled with Ishtar's journey to the underworld, Ishtar knew Ereshkigal quite well.

After Ugallu uttered a righteous roar of victory, which was actually the roar before his death, another stone pillar rose from the ground, confining Ugallu's body and limbs again.

However Ugallu was restrained again, still ready to use his brute strength to break free, and at this moment, the stone pillar exploded in an instant, and all the places where the stone pillar was were replaced by spears of light. Instead of a stone pillar, it further held up Ugallu's body.

"That's Ereshkigal's weapon." Ishtar frowned at this scene, as if remembering something bad.

Yet the few spears of light were no different from stone pillars to Ugallu, only looking ugly.

But just as Ugallu was about to continue using the brute strength given to him by his mother to free himself from this spear of light, a large number of new spears of light grew on the spear of light, and they stabbed into Ugallu's body causing him to scream in pain.

The spear of light did not hit any part of Ugallu's body, from top to bottom, head, neck, shoulders, chest and back, waist and abdomen, legs and knees, arms and joints did not fall, and because of piercings. These body parts include the joints of the hands and feet, waist and abdomen. In this way, Ugallu's violence can be considered closed and unusable.

"I didn't expect Ugallu to receive this attack."

If Ishtar was pierced by this spear of light in the underworld it was basically equivalent to death, but Ugallu relied on the strength of his body to prevent this spear of light from penetrating his body smoothly.

"I must say, we absolutely cannot underestimate the Demon Beast commander." Ishtar's expression became serious, and she now understood the strength of the Demon Beast commander.

If the current Ugallu was replaced by her, without any defense and only physical resistance, his spiritual base would not be able to stop this spear of light, and would be impaled in an instant.

It can only be said that the brain of the prototype of Ugallu, one of the commanders of the Demon Beasts, is really not easy to use. Otherwise, with such tyrannical physical strength, even running away was enough before Ereshkigal got serious.

Yet this prototype of Ugallu is like a stubborn donkey, without the slightest intention of begging for mercy or repentance, but opening its mouth and once again condensing the light of the "sun".

Ugallu's eyes are full of desire to kill and take revenge, this person is still thinking about revenge in this situation? Did he become arrogant because he didn't die again and again? Or is Ugallu really that confident?

Wu Ming felt that it was the first, it was not a matter of arrogance and confidence at all, rather, it should be a matter of the brain.

In mythology it is explained that Kingu, son of Tiamat, led these Demon Beasts to fight against the gods. The reason why Kingu led the Demon Beasts was probably because the IQ of the Demon Beasts born by Tiamat was not good.

Wu Ming guessed that the Demon Beasts could lose, perhaps due to a problem with their IQ...

"This is probably the price to pay for gaining great power. Goddess Tiamat's eleven sons may lack IQ." Wu Ming shook his head regretfully, but then for some reason, his nose suddenly itch, and he looked like he was about to sneeze.

This shocked Ishtar, and she quickly covered Wu Ming's mouth.

"Uhhh!?" Wu Ming looked at Ishtar, his eyes showing "you are not small".

But Ishtar stared back in silence.

"Don't drop the chain this time…" Ishtar looked at Wu Ming with dissatisfaction with a "can't drop the chain" face.

Just as Wu Ming was on the verge of trouble, Ugallu also had a problem.

In the next instant, Gallu's spirit which was several times larger than the other Gallu spirits and the size of Ugallu appeared above Ugallu.

Seeing this Gallu spirit holding a large and slender spear of light, it slowly raised it up high.


The spirit of Gallu who spoke the majestic voice of Ereshkigal, slammed the spear of light that was raised high, aimed at Ugallu, and stabbed him hard like a god of death who gave the world an equal death.

At this moment Ugallu finally felt a crisis. If this spear of light pierced him from top to bottom, it would not last.

As for whether it could penetrate his skull, Ugallu didn't have the slightest belief this time, because Ugallu recognized him, and the huge Gallu spirit that appeared above his head was actually the goddess of the underworld. That spear of light was a genuine artifact, far exceeding the physical strength of a Demon Beast.

"Roar!!" A demon beast scream escaped Ugallu's mouth, as if he had sensed that true death was near.


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