Dragon of the Root

Chapter 999: Start transfer

At first, Ulidim called Wu Ming "Laḫmu". No matter how stupid he was, he had to know that the identity of the Dragon Sage had become Laḫmu, one of Tiamat's eleven sons.

This means that Wu Ming can also be considered as "Laḫmu", and this "monster" is also called "Laḫmu"....

The name made Wu Ming feel quite disgusting.

But this is just a code name, Wu Ming isn't Lahmu at all, it's just made up by a myth tampered with by later generations.

Moreover, Wu Ming gave all the divinity of the "Dragon Sage" to Ereshkigal, and the "Dragon Sage" was able to become half paralyzed. Therefore, he shook his head and stopped thinking about these things.

"There is a code name that is always called on the side, so have you ever met Kingu? Do you know where it is now?"

"Just now, the fake Enkidu claiming to be Kingu attacked us when we rushed to the Persian Gulf to support Ishtar, but Quetzalcoatl repelled the other party by taking advantage of the other party's abnormality, and then worried about the state of the dense forest, and here we come."

The implication is – I don't know.

But Wu Ming speculated that the other party is still in the Persian Gulf, there are abnormalities and injuries, and the appearance of the Goddess Tiamat, Kingu can't go anywhere else.

Then, Wu Ming spoke to Roman from Chaldea.

"Roman, send me all the information about Tiamat and this singularity."

Wu Ming reached out and clicked on the communicator on Gudako's wrist.

Even though it was a "request", when Wu Ming touched the communicator, Chaldea's data was lost.

"Ahhhh!" Roman's panicked voice immediately rang out.

Roman was surprised, Wu Ming hacked Chaldea through Gudako's terminal using an unknown method, and directly "copied" information about the seventh singularity from Chaldea's database.

"What kind of magecraft can do this…" Roman sighed sadly.

There might be such a Magecraft, but Wu Ming didn't. He actually asked Chrysbelite to help get Chaldea's data.

After all for Chrysbelite, Chaldea's "firewall" system was very ancient. There is no problem with hacking, Chrysbelite is indeed busy preparing Wu Ming's trump card, but that does not mean that Chrysbelite is completely useless, otherwise Chrysbelite will not come to this singularity with Wu Ming.

"I will open the Gate to Uruk in Ur City and Eri City, and the task of guiding the citizens will be left to you guys, see you in Uruk."

After Wu Ming finished, he flew into the air, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

After Wu Ming left, black and purple ripples appeared in front of Mashu and Gudako.

This is probably the Gate connected to Uruk. Such a gate has also appeared in Eri city at this time.

"Senpai, Vero senpai has a problem…" Mashu was a little worried.

But it wasn't Gudako who answered Mashu.

"Don't worry, he is a god that even I admire~ and he only went to investigate, not directly fight Goddess Tiamat, nothing will happen."

Quetzalcoatl who didn't know what to do, ran to Mashu's side to comfort Mashu, and thens he whistled, and a large pterosaur with gray hair flew in front of Quetzalcoatl.

"Going to Eri City to help guide the citizens, leave it to me here."

Quetzalcoatl who was listening to the conversation, asked Humbaba and Ishtar to temporarily block the various Laḫmu, while she came to deliver transportation to Gudako and the others.

"Please, Quetzalcoatl."

"Quetzalcoatl, please."

Gudako and Mashu asked one by one.

"Yeah, leave it to me, then, see you in Uruk~~~~"

Quetzalcoatl waved at Gudako and Mashu, as if ordered, the Pterosaur under the two spread its wings and flew towards Eri City.

Soon after, Quetzalcoatl arranged for the citizens of Ur City to enter the Gate one by one. Whether it was to survive or escape the majesty of Quetzalcoatl, they all had to enter the Gate.

Therefore, in just a short time, all the citizens of Ur City entered the Gate.

"Quetzalcoatl!! Come and help!!" At this moment Ishtar's panicked voice came, and Laḫmu couldn't take it anymore. Even if Humbaba continued to summon vines to intercept it, she still couldn't hold back a large amount of Laḫmu.

Rats can indeed kill elephants, especially those that emit water, and Humbaba and Ishtar are such elephants today.

Ishtar had to value magic power, so she could only kill Laḫmu bit by bit, the task of blocking was actually left to Humbaba, however it was more suitable.

Although Humbaba could kill Laḫmu, but now his main task was to intercept Laḫmu so that the citizens of Ur could be evacuated. It's still very good to survive until now, there may already be tens of thousands of Lamu and that doesn't include Lamu that died, and don't forget, Lamu always have reinforcements.

Now that the water was released on Ishtar and Humbaba, and the Lamu continued to strengthen, the number of Lamu could only increase, not decrease.

Now may be the time to harvest. After all, the citizens of Ur City had all moved.

"Ishtar, you can give it a try, so can Humbaba~~~" Quetzalcoatl waved m

Immediately after, Quetzalcoatl whistled again, and a colorful long-haired pterosaur flew over, which was his exclusive mount.

When the pterosaur flew over Quetzalcoatl's head, Quetzalcoatl jumped up, landed on the pterosaur's back, and continued to lift the pterosaur, as if something was about to hit the ground.

What Quetzalcoatl did was right, indeed something was about to spill onto the ground, and it was the anger that Ishtar and Humbaba had been holding back for so long, ready to be released in one breath.


Accompanied by Humbaba's scream, an earthquake-like tremor stretched from Humbaba's feet to the surroundings. All Laḫmu were shaken to the ground, and even the buildings in Ur City collapsed and cracked.

But this is just an appetizer.

The view of Quetzalcoatl flying through the air became very good. In his eyes, almost all of Lamu were instantly pierced by the surrounding vegetation that suddenly mutated, and even some vegetation that couldn't kill Lamu, a seed was left in Lamu's body, and the next second, the shoots on Lahmu's body suddenly grew, instantly splitting. lahmu body.

Not only that, the impact of the earthquake has also arrived at this time, the ground instantly cracked with countless cracks, and countless Lahmu were trapped in the cracks of the earth, like falling into an abyss, and disappeared without a trace.

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