Wolf king clan leader, at this time, actually bowed to Long Yan deeply: "young man, you have saved us wolf people, how can I take back this thing? In fact, for so many years, this crystal stone has no use for us. You'd better keep it, which can be regarded as our reward for saving your life."

Long Yan didn't expect that the wolf clan leader would be so polite to himself. Of course, Long Yan was also rude. He put the soul Eating God Yanjing into the Dragon virtual mirror and chatted with it.

Although Jin Xuanmeng was in a coma on the surface, she could feel it from the only remaining spirit, and the warm breath enveloped her again.

In her heart, Long Yan is already the most ideal genius. Even if he is kind-hearted, he will protect the unrelated wolves. Of course, this is his good side. If he is cruel, he will make his opponents tremble with fear.

Anyway, now he and the dragon have become friends. Follow the leader of the wolf clan, take out a token from his waist and give it to Long Yan.

"Young Xia Longyan, this is our wolf's keepsake. This token is equivalent to our wolf's warrior seeing me. So when you go out, no matter you meet our wolf, or the leopard or the bear, everyone won't be embarrassed."

"What? How could this little token have such a powerful effect? " Longyan is happy and reaches for the token, which is a great help for Longyan. With it, you can say that after going out for a while, you don't have to fight with the demons.

Of course, Longyan's competitors are the warriors of the Terrans, but will he still pay attention to the Terrans?

"By the way, patriarch, you must know the immortal fruit that has been cultivated for thousands of years. Do you know anything about it, or how it helps me when I fight for it?"

The clan leader laughed: "don't worry, I will tell you if you don't ask. According to the current time, you are afraid that you can smell the ripe fragrance of the fairy fruit when you walk out of this cave. It should mature in less than one day. Starting from us, you should be able to get to that place in more than half a day, At that time, the whole space will be the fragrance of the fairy fruit. "

"There is still one day left, and this news is too important for me." Long Yan is about to say goodbye to the wolves, but the clan leader seems to have something to say.

"Young Xia Longyan, wait a minute. We wolves will never see you again when you go. If you are not in a hurry to fight for the fairy fruit, we wolves will treat you well. When you get to that area, which is the forbidden area of our wolves, the emperor of the Terran has made a border there, we demons can't go, or we can escort you for a distance."

Long Yan shook his head: "if you are escorted by the emperor, it's not good for you and me. Don't worry, those Terran warriors, no one is my opponent. I just don't understand why you demons and the Terrans here have such a big hatred. Can't you resolve it?"

The patriarch sighed: "no, the hatred between the human race and the demon race has come to an endless situation. The emperor is cruel and inhumane. He has imprisoned us in this death den for generations. Fortunately, the space here is huge. It's like a heaven and earth world. I'm afraid you don't know how cruel his means are, Every thousand years, the Terran will hold a training competition for xianlingguo, and the task assigned to me by the emperor is that every time the Terran experiences, our demon clan must kill enough 20000 Terran warriors, and if we don't kill enough, he will kill 20000 of us, which basically kills our demon clan, the emperor, It's just to find out the real talents of Xuanyin demon city and cultivate them. It can be said that her means is that many people dare not speak up even if they know it. Even the heads of the big families or the patriarchs of the clan dare not speak up. I'm afraid that only on the day of the fall of the emperor will our demon clan emerge, or a new generation of emperors, It's not so cruel, but the Terrans worry too much. Even the new emperor is afraid that the world will be in chaos if he pardons us. Ah ~ "the middle-aged patriarch's face is full of sadness. Looking at the people around him, he looks very weak.

Because the wolf clan leader's assumptions are basically impossible. The hatred between the Terran and the demon clan for tens of thousands of years can't be easily resolved. Long Yan wrote down these words. He didn't expect that the emperor was really cruel, but he didn't know how to say it now. After all, he couldn't do it alone, Even if lonely crazy male and situ qiuzui are present, they will have no plan.

But Long Yan vowed that in the future, he would come back here and help them solve this problem in person. Only when he is really powerful, can he change anything.

Long Yan chatted with the wolf clan leader casually and planned to leave here. Of course, in order to kill more Terran warriors and achieve the 20000 target, the clan leader had to go back to the battlefield again. After going out, he would also choose some strong wolf clan members to protect the weak members of the clan, so as not to happen again.

"Well, let's go out together." Long Yan said goodbye to the wolves and followed the wolf king all the way out of the cave. During the walk, Long Yan also realized that it was not so easy to get the ten thousand year old fairy fruit, because there would be many dangers around the fairy fruit. For example, there would be powerful poisons near the fairy fruit, some of which were plants, some of which were poisonous insects and so on, A seemingly insignificant poisonous snake with thick or thin fingers can take the lives of some warrior people. Moreover, some terrible cannibals, some more terrible than Warcraft, so it will be more dangerous.

After hearing these news, Long Yan had already made psychological preparations. As long as he could not poison the strong one like jiuzhong, the soul of God and martial arts, he had the resistance. His body, because of the dragon soul and the essence and blood of the five dragon balls, was no longer afraid. The only thing he could do was those cannibal flowers. However, it shook the sky and burst through the power, It must be OK.

"By the way, young Xia Longyan, and the most important thing, I almost forgot to tell you, that is, when some of you martial arts get the immortal fruit of ten thousand years, the boundary space I just mentioned will be strengthened, so strong that all of you martial arts can't get out, because the boundary is so strong that the emperor will send his disciples to show up, When the new rules of the game are announced, you may not be able to imagine that horrible picture. The martial arts who can really reach that level are basically the strongest of all ethnic groups, and the number is not very large. However, the rules of these people are competing with each other. The one who last for the longest time is the one who belongs to. Of course, I'm afraid that the competition will be extremely fierce, But they are not allowed to continue to kill each other. After all, the talents left behind can't all kill each other. "

"What? It's unreasonable that there is such a rule. That is to say, whoever gets it first will attack him, and he can let xianlingguo out and continue to let the next person be besieged. But who will become in the end depends on who sticks to it for the longest time and who will get it in the end. That's not certain. "

The head of the wolf clan nodded: "yes, that's it. This emperor, I wonder if his brain is squeezed by the door. Such rules can be thought out."

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