Without saying a word, Long Yan made the most powerful attack. Although he didn't plan to kill him, this time, Long Yan couldn't be polite to this guy, so he was the strongest attack.

This guy, in a sense, is the biggest challenge of Longyan up to now, so the first type of Chiji spirit fire was put out. A huge flame burst out completely. In the flame, it also evolved into a majestic dragon.

The Dragon roars and frightens the heaven and earth. All the poisons around dare not move forward. They may also realize the strength of the two warriors in front of them.

Shaking the sky burst into a gun, dancing at the same time, suddenly, this strange fire dragon, toward his purple sky demon split, the moment of confrontation, heaven and earth trembled, the Dragon roared.

With a bang, a huge fire burst out in the middle of the dark soul Sui tree. This kind of explosion completely illuminated the ground thousands of meters below.

"What's that?" Everyone saw the light of the explosion, and soon they reacted.

"I'm afraid these are the two strong men who have already started fighting. Be careful, the real strong men, the power that erupts, and the scope that can be covered is kilometers away."

What puyuchen didn't expect was that Longyan's fierce attack not only destroyed his Zixiao devil's splitting skills in an instant, but also turned the remaining terrible flames into countless tiny fire dragons, still attacking him.

After Park Yu Chen dodged for several times, the flames gradually disappeared.

I'm afraid he never dreamed that Longyan could break out such a strong attack skill, even no less than himself, and Pu Yuchen's performance was just a god level six level advanced skill, but that might have been able to compete with Longyan's God level seven level skill.

"Strange, after such a long time of fighting, can't this boy be consumed?" This is what Pu Yuchen doesn't understand.

"Park Yu Chen, I didn't expect that. You want to deal with me just by using your six level advanced combat skills. You look down on me."

Park Yu Chen didn't speak. They both floated on the opposite side and looked at each other. Because they felt the terror of the huge flame just now, they didn't dare to provoke them easily.

Dozens of giant centipedes and spiders have been killed and even turned to ashes.

"You're good, but you're too proud. You're just a little miracle." Park Yu Chen looks at Long Yan two words not to say, attack again but come.

Long Yan is not polite, but less than a quarter of an hour later, they saw that there are many powerful men with six peaks of spirit and martial spirit under the Sui tree.

There are some people who are not afraid of death. They fight, but regardless of the others, they are equal in speed and strength. But this time, no one has used the strongest means, because it is not the time to fight.

In the process of fighting, Long Yan transformed his martial arts soul into his own martial arts by constantly analyzing his martial arts.

With their attack, when they are in a state of anxiety, the powerful Shenyuan and thunder power in Longyan's hands suddenly attack Pu Yuchen again. At the same time, the other side also displays the Shenyuan power of the seven peaks of Shenwu soul.


A powerful wave spread quickly, and then the two were also shocked to retreat. But this time, with the power of the wave, Long Yan suddenly turned around and continued to rush towards the sky.

"What? Boy, do you want to run away? " Park Yuchen pursues quickly, and Long Yan is more than 20 meters ahead of him this time. The thunder is trapped in the devil's land, and the terrible lightning is like an intertwined power grid. But Long Yan is not afraid of death and rushes in directly.

"I can't imagine that this boy's defensive skills are stronger than mine. Doesn't he have to worry about these thunderbolts?"

Long Yan could feel that there was a lot of spirit power digested by the immortal fruit. According to the perception of spirit power, the distance should be about four or five hundred meters.

"Brother Chen, you can't expect to get the immortal fruit in my hands." Park Yu Chen surprised, quickly toward the top chase out.

Long Yan doesn't want to entangle with him. As long as the fairy fruit is got by himself and put in Longxu, Jinxuan dream will be saved. No one wants to take it away.

"It's you who are ahead of me. If I hadn't been on guard against you, I'm afraid I'm really dead now, so I don't believe you at all."

Long Yancai didn't bother to entangle with him. He had planned to seize an appropriate opportunity to rush to the sky, but there were still many poisons on it, and they became more ferocious.

The shaking sky burst in Longyan's hand and directly penetrated dozens of them. Then he said to Xiaohei, "it seems that the time has come. Xiaohei is looking at you this time. There are too many poisons. I want to rush up as soon as possible."

Xiaohei said with a smile: "brother, don't worry. I'll let that guy have a good time with these poisons. Just look at it."

With the next scene, let Park Yuchen completely open his eyes, even extremely shocked, the expression on his face is very wonderful.

He had thought that he and Longyan were entangled by these poisons, and he had a chance to catch up with Longyan, but he didn't expect that such a thing would happen.

"What? How could this kid be? Is he holding his arm and laughing at me? "

Because he saw that the poisons, instead of attacking him, were attacking him directly. It was so strange that he didn't even dare to think about it.

From the magic weapon to the body skill, the defense skill, or the speed, and the attack skill, which were the strange blood fog before, to the more strange means now, those poisons, don't attack him, just like Longyan has become a part of this earth soul Sui tree.

It's incredible. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed it.

Xiao Hei uses nightmare magic to strengthen his perception ability in park Yuchen's position, which is equivalent to an enlarged version of Park Yuchen. He doesn't know it at all. This is the perception of those poisons. Compared with Longyan, as long as he uses longxiluan to change all his breath, he can't feel those poisons completely.

I'm afraid that park Yuchen has been completely silly by this accident of Longyan. Longyan hums and rushes towards the sky quickly. This time, he has no worries.

In less than a few breath, he had been separated from him by a hundred meters.

"No, no, the immortal fruit can only be mine. No one can take it away from me."

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