Those young talented warriors outside the hall of the Dragon Emperor are talking about the identity of the young genius and what kind of person he will be.

"Elder Chen Zhe, you see the boy sitting there. This time, the genius that we dragon people talk about is not the boy."

The elder Chen zhe shook his head: "I don't know, but looking at the boy's appearance, he really has a bit of momentum. He only has the initial state of spirit and martial spirit, and he is so calm, brave and brave. He is qualified to sit on the Dragon Emperor's hall. He is very important. Obviously, the appearance of Long Yan makes many people very curious about him.

Of course, some people doubt the talent of Longyan. It's just the four levels of spirit and martial spirit. Even if it's powerful, it can't do much.

After all, Long Yan looks so young that he doesn't look like a person who has gone through any big storm. Up to now, Long Yan is only 21 years old. If you look at the whole holy land, I'm afraid there will be no second person who can achieve the four levels of the spirit of God and martial arts.

Of course, these old friends thought that Longyan was young, and he was two or three hundred years old, because his appearance was almost the same as Li yundie around him. They both looked very young. Longyan was relatively old city.

Just in the midst of the public discussion, a strong voice came from outside the hall of the Dragon Emperor. With a big laugh, the two figures came directly to the two heads of the dragon family from the top of their heads at a very fast speed.

They are the ancestors of Li Yao and the owners of Li Long's family.

”Lizu, Xiaoyun, Gongjing, I'm here to see you. "

Li Yao laughed, "ha ha ha, I'm not late. I'm really sorry. There's something in the family that needs to be settled down, so I'm delayed."

Long Xiaoyun also said with a smile: "Laozu Li, it's OK, it's OK, look at the seats quickly."

They are so strong that naturally they all sit in the front of the hall.

"Xiao Yun, how come we don't see the two great ancestors of the dragon family Xiao Tian and Hong Tian on such a happy gathering day today? We haven't seen each other for a hundred years."

At this time, longgongjing said: "Laozu Li, our two ancestors are in the closed pass, so it's inconvenient. Today, everything is held by our two brothers."

Li Yao nodded and Li Long sat down one after another. Then he looked down at Longyan and nodded slightly. Li yundie ran to her grandfather happily.

There were only at least one young man named Long Yan among the old friends, but they didn't dare to guess who was Long Yan.

At this time, Long Tai was already sitting near the gate of the main hall, because he was only a descendant of the dragon clan. Even if he was against heaven, he could only sit outside like someone else, but his eyes never left the sight of Long Yan. Because of the appearance of Long Yan, his aura was becoming dim.

The thought of his teeth being broken by Longyan made him very angry. Fortunately, now his teeth are growing again. However, the source of evil, a burning pain, he has been trying to bear it. At this time, he is really worried that the most important baby will never grow out.

The children of several families around Longtai found the fierce light in his eyes and asked: "brother Tai, what's the matter with you? Is someone provoking you to anger?"

Longtai nodded and went straight to Longyan's position in the deep hall along the crevice of the crowd.

"See the boy in the bottom? The little guy of Shenwu soul quadruple, he is Long Yan, the gifted boy our master is going to introduce. "

"What? Is it the humble little fellow? " Many martial arts people listen to what Long Tai says and look around. Of course, they are not disciplined by the elders of the family. Naturally, they are in a mess and look back at each other.

"Tigo, it's amazing that such a little guy can make you angry like this. Moreover, he is so arrogant in our hall that he looks even more arrogant than us."

"Yes, this boy has no eyes. It's really hateful. Brother Tai, what can you do to make you angry? We all listen to you. We can't let this boy come to our dragon family to be arrogant."

Longtai stretched out his hand to stop more than ten brothers of the same race around him: "no one can be impulsive without my consent. This boy is not terrible. It's just that the two dogs around him are hateful. Before, I accidentally followed the way of the two guys, and then I let you do it to me."

"What? How dare he do it to you? It's really lawless

Hearing that someone dares to move Longtai in xuanyinmo City, and that he is a boy with only four spirits, he makes these guys indignant.

Even more people are full of surprised eyes to Longyan.

"The Dragon inflammation is too bold."

However, when they saw the two great masters of martial arts behind Longyan, they were stunned. They also guessed the identity of Longyan in their hearts. If they could make such a strong man stand behind him, he was really powerful.

Long Yan naturally also found around those who look at their own strange vision, Long Yan completely ignored, he only looked at the top of the main hall of the two dragon owners.

Long Xiaoyun is slightly thin and straight. Although he is middle-aged, he has a lot of energy. The Dragon Palace scene on the right is obviously much older than him. It should be considered that his family is about the same as those who are older. He is tall. His whole body is full of fierce and explosive power, which makes people feel scared.

Of course, these dragon strongmen, Long Yan from them, can't feel any kind feeling, all with killing.

If you didn't see the two masters, it's hard to imagine that one would be so old and the other so young, which makes Long Yan think that the strong man of the boundary emperor level of the dragon family is called long Xiaotian. This boundary emperor is a strong man of Nirvana and is also the ancestor of the family. But why does he belong to the same generation as the leader of the long Xiaoyun family.

I'm afraid that although they are brothers, there is a big difference in age. A father doesn't mean the same mother. These are old Goblins who have lived for more than 100000 years. Of course, there is a big difference in age between the eldest son and the second son, which can be well understood.

One has already been called the ancestor of the family, and the other has also become the head of the family. It can be said that they are all absolute bigwigs. They are the existence that Longyan can't stir up. Even if they are lonely and crazy, they don't have much resistance to the strong people like the whole dragon family.

After all, many of them are strong men of the same level as the two of them. Long Yan guessed that the Dragon Palace scene of this other school is at least the top of the nine spirits of God and martial arts. The huge killing atmosphere on his body makes all the old strong men present extremely shocked.

But how many strong men like this have died in their hands? They are all ruthless. Longyan controls longxujing completely, and Jin Xuanmeng can't find these dragon enemies who have deep hatred outside.

She is now refining the immortal fruit of ten thousand years, and has entered a state of self closure. Around her, a kind of milky cocoon has been formed. When the cocoon is broken and reborn, Long Yan believes that the original golden dazzle dream will come back.

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