Han Mo's voice is loud and powerful, which makes him roar and laugh. It's very cruel. There are bloodstains in his teeth. Bata Bata, some magic blood drops fall on the cloud top. He can grow up to such a terrible height. It's also the growth after absorbing the magic blood. So the dripping magic blood has a strong corrosive effect. Every drop of magic blood has a strong corrosive effect, They all corrode black gas on the pan tilt.

"I'm a devil, but heaven forbids me!"

Han Mo doesn't believe today that his last powerful move can't kill Long Yan. Just because of his huge body, he can trample on Long Yan with one foot.

Everyone was even more shocked, and Han had to admire his son.

"Guiqin, look, see, this is our son. It seems that everything has a turn for the better. No wonder my son has never used the clock. He has realized the third magic power of the magic barrier curse. No wonder I don't know it at all."

"There are three attack methods for the magic barrier curse. The first one is the magic explosion, the second one is the skeleton ghost, and the third one is the magic blood transformation."

"What? This is what you told me about the transformation of magic blood? "

Han Gongshang's nervous mood relaxed and nodded. He wanted to see how Longyan wanted to deal with the magic blood transformation.

Because the transformation of demon blood is not only as simple as transformation. His strength and body defense will be improved with it. Shenyuan power is mixed with a kind of demonic power, which is realized by Warcraft. Moreover, it has a very terrifying domain power, which can devour all things. Therefore, after all this addition, Han Mo's strength has also become much stronger, This has the same effect as the magic blood nerve of the crazy hall, which can increase the power of Shenyuan a lot.

In other words, Han Mo's Shenyuan now, because of the transformation of magic blood, has improved a small heavy realm, and the power of the explosion has reached the medium level of nine heavy spirits.

This is a huge challenge for Longyan.

"Longyan, now you, in my eyes, are mole ants. I can trample you to death with one foot. You want to look up at me. Hahaha, you can never defeat me. Unexpectedly, this is my strongest strength. You will die miserably!"

Han Mo's voice resounds through the whole cloud platform and the huge square of 100000 Li. All the people are frightened. Such a terrible shape can bring a terrible killing atmosphere to the people and completely frighten the people.

Of course, Long Yan that way, the corners of his mouth and hang up a confident smile, it is such a smile, every time in the face of difficult to surpass the opponent, the more he is to maintain a self-confidence.

This kind of self-confidence is innate, because when he was in the universe, there was no limit to the region, so at that time, his body could grow to seven or eight hundred meters. But when he came to the real holy land, he was limited by the region. Even so, he used the essence body that he had not used for a long time, It can grow to a height of at least a few hundred meters.

Suddenly, from the body of Longyan, the essence of the dragon was used. Because there was a sea of blood in the essence stone of Longyan, he was also extremely rebellious.

"The essence makes the body, open up!"

Long Yan with a sneer, at the same time that everyone is extremely shocked, his body also began to grow up quickly.

Just now, everyone in Shura hall was scared to the extreme. Even the two great masters were a little at a loss.

But when they see that Longyan goes against the sky again and exerts his magic power, they are relieved that Longwu can't surpass him. Moreover, there seems to be many secrets about Longyan that they don't know.

"See, there are a lot of secrets about my nephew. He can use such a supernatural power. It's absolutely a supernatural power."

Han Mo's body soared 300 meters, so Longyan soared 400 meters.

In this way, Long Yan looks down at Han mo.

"If I can beat you once, I can beat you the second time. I will never get up. Now who is the mole ant? I don't need to say more."

When Han Mo sees the change of Longyan, his heart is drowned by hatred again, and he even wants to cry. He has always been superior. The appearance of Longyan seems to come to the Imperial Palace just to suppress him.

Brush! Shaking the sky burst again in the hands, blocking in front of the body, and is a huge sword, dazzling, with a wave, can cut half of the cloud platform.

"Longyan, you make me look up to you, but I don't believe how long your Shenyuan power can support you!"

Han Mo was not afraid, but roared. In his hands, he began to condense powerful Shenyuan, and a huge magic light ball appeared in his hands.

Any of his actions, even an ordinary fist, is to cause heaven and earth to tremble, the evil Qi to the sky, and the domain space power, are also acting on Long Yan.

Enhance the power of Shenyuan Xiaoyi, which is similar to the magic skill of the magic blood nerve, and make Han Mo become extremely crazy. Of course, after using this magic blood to transform, his body will also suffer a certain reaction, and his life will be reduced by a thousand years, but he doesn't care about it any more.

Han Gongshang thinks that his son should be able to suppress Longyan with this move, but when he sees that Longyan is also getting bigger, he is shocked again.

A little Long Yan, who can have so many unimaginable magical means, is really terrible, he is very nervous.

He must seize the chance to turn defeat into victory. The more crazy Han Mo continues to condense this magic power. He wants to kill Long Yan completely.

However, the killing of Longyan in this way has not been recognized by anyone, and others will not think that he is the first, because this power has exceeded his own power, which is obtained by cultivating the forbidden magic skill.

Magic yuan power soars, Long Yan is not in a hurry to start, waiting for everything to come.

"Han Mo, do you think that you are still qualified to be your opponent? Do you deserve it? Now, the word" dignified "is more appropriate for you. You are no longer qualified to be a person."

Long Yan finish, brush! A sword that destroys the sky and the earth, cleaves heavily towards Han mo.

Where it passed, there was a deep chasm in the cloud platform, which was probably tens of meters deep, and people were shocked.

At the same time, Han Mo in the hands of that energy magic gas light ball, also toward the Dragon Yan quickly hit.

Chu Yuxi stands under the cloud platform, looking at the two giants in the sky, fighting crazily. In fact, she is not calm at all, and she trembles inside.

But soon, many people saw that Longyan's sword, which destroyed heaven and earth, acted on Han Mo's energy magic ball, and it was blown to pieces, and the sword was soon destroyed.

After all, it's just an ordinary sword of Longyan. Many people open their eyes and think that Longyan will lose this time. At this time, the energy magic ball is about to attack Longyan!


Long Yan's left hand pointed to the sky, and a thunder burst out from the index finger and the middle finger.

Not only that, at that moment, the expressions of all the people on the scene were solidified. No, to be exact, it should be that Long Yan used the speed beyond time to break out the effect of the most powerful blow of thunder.

Countless thunder and lightning in the sky came down quickly. This is the thunder electricity from the majesty of the god dragon of the way of heaven. You can imagine the horror. Everyone must have guessed the end.

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