While fighting, the little lion is rapidly leaving here. This is the battle scene in the sky. In the pursuit of the battle, the little lion also changes any attack moves from time to time. He can also exert his power of all things in the world. The power from heaven and earth will overturn the nearest strongman again.

At this time, there are only eight strong men who can only follow the little lion. They are also very nervous. They are afraid that the little lion will run away like this. If so, what face will they have when they return to the God's palace? The patriarch will blame them.

Now they are more sure of the little lion's identity. It must be the most rebellious gathering place of elites from the wild region, the wild emperor's palace, and it still has the highest status.

Even so, they can't let little lion go. After all, he committed an unforgivable crime. At least the desolation of the Imperial Palace should be explained.

"Boy, I'm sure that your status in the wild area is not low, and you should be the super genius among the top elite. But what's the matter? There are super strong people in the powerful alliance of heroes behind the temple of God, and they are not vegetarian. The little master and the little master don't let you be killed so easily."

"Ha ha ha, that Luo Junyi deserves to die. I don't want to explain to you. If I have the ability, I'll take him back. I just want to tell you that people are not good enough to swallow elephants. He's greedy for my skills. Why don't I kill him? So I advise you to get out of the way. If you really want to continue to pester me like this, I promise that some of you guys will continue to be killed by me. I will be absolutely merciful. "

"Continue to kill. Can you kill it? It's ridiculous. Do you think we are all just a decoration? It's just wild talk." One of the old men, who was immortal and upright, was shouting with the lion.

The little lion gave a cold hum. In that case, he was completely impolite. Suddenly, the most violent breath from his body was fully displayed.

"In that case, don't blame me for being cruel. I want to kill you." When the little lion talks, suddenly, he turns into a man with three heads and six arms, and has three heads. It's like turning into three connected people. These three little lions are so handsome.

And have the same strength as the lion!

"Attack Those who are strong in heaven and earth rush here again without saying a word, and the lion roars.

He's going to use his powers.

"Fire is the sun - burning the sky!"

The terrible flame burst out from the lion's body, forming the most terrible flame, which was more than a thousand times more terrible than the original black whirling flame.

Fire is really Yang, which is reflected in the last two words. Although the flame is extremely hot, it can burn people and produce the result that can not be put out. Of course, it can also form a really Yang fire that is like ice, which can completely burn the enemy into ice sculptures and reach the touch.

This fire is really Yang, not afraid of water, not afraid of anything, and can change at will, and has endless phagocytosis and combustion effect. It can be said that this is the real terror of this fire. It is such a fire that can change different flames and burst out from the little lion.

Then it forms a huge golden flame, a huge lion shape, and roars at the crowd. It's burning hot flame, so that within ten miles, it's even lower than the powerful of heaven and earth, and can't get close to them.

Long Yan has a strong body, can keep in the range of three li, but this distance, also let him feel the body will be burned.

Zhenyang fire, burning the sky, this burning the sky includes a lot of destructive attack power, with the huge fire lion, in this way, began to completely become the golden light, forming the confluence of fire.

"The sun..." countless strong people have seen that the flame can even absorb the light of the sun god. It's too against the sky.

Seeing such a burning and destructive flame, those strong people can't even get close to the body of the little lion. Moreover, the body of the little lion has been surrounded by thousands of fires. The air burns and makes a distorted sound at the same time.

In addition to the dragon fire, almost all the onlookers retreated ten li away, and some of the slower ones screamed. Some of them were burned into black powder in an instant.

The fire is so bright, attack!


The terrible lion's fire shadow, which was changed by the fire, swept away quickly towards all the living beings around. Everywhere it passed, it became black and there were no living beings.

At that moment, Long Yan could only retreat quickly. He knew that only when he withdrew from the range of five Li could he bear such a hot degree. It can be imagined that those who had been fighting with the little lion in heaven and earth were terrified.

"Fire is the sun - burning the sky!" Long Yan had to admire himself secretly. It seems that little lion is swallowing the fire now, and almost no one can compete with his rebellious fire, and even those strange fires collected by Long Yan can't be compared.

Flame must not be linked with the word "true Yang". It's just like dragon Yan's display of fire dragon's first magical power, it will also form true Yang and different fire. The meaning of true Yang's interpretation is too great, and the power of explosion is also the most terrible.

It can only be said that the degree of terror of the fire completely exceeded Long Yan's imagination and completely compared his strange fire.

Fire burning, incarnation of fire lion devouring, this is the master of heaven and earth, such a tough means, I'm afraid that the strength of the lion can compete with the general nirvana.

At that moment, there were eight strong men in the world who still had fighting power. In this way, there were three strong men. Before they could react, their bodies were surrounded by the fire, and then they changed into ice sculptures. After the fire, there was a hot wind. Countless people saw that the three hot flames of the ice sculptures were blown away, Completely disappear in this world.

Yes, they died, and the way they died was the same as the young Lord Luo Junyi.

The rest of the fire, still not removed by the lion, surrounded his body, waiting to attack at any time.

"If you don't see the coffin, you don't shed tears. Are you not reconciled to a group of old people? Have you ever thought about why those who are strong in Nirvana haven't come after me all the time? Naturally, they have no way to let me make you cannon fodder. Don't you understand this? And your bullshit patriarch, whose two sons died and didn't show up, what's the reason? If their son's life, Don't you know which is more important than the lives of all the supreme elders and ordinary elders and hundreds of thousands of disciples of the whole xuansha sect? Get out of here. I really don't want you to make unnecessary sacrifices. "

With that, the lion looked at them with a condescending attitude, and even such a strong voice full of magnetism resounded through half of the magic army capital.

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