The three scriptures forbid the book of heaven, which is known by the head of Youquan mansion. It shows that he should know more about the book of heaven. In a word, the book of heaven, even the head of xuansha, cares so much about it, so it must be not simple.

But no matter this book, there is any secret that I don't understand. Long Yan won't ask the head of Youquan mansion, and he will gradually understand it all in the future.

Meng Xinghun's words remind Long Yan that the master of Youquan mansion is so mysterious that he doesn't even know what character the devil is. He completely ignores all life. It seems that life is so insignificant in his eyes.

This is what makes Longyan feel the most terrible. In short, he is a dangerous person. Longyan has to be careful.

As for saying, after Long Yan gets his things, whether he can take them or not depends on his own ability.

The head of Youquan mansion, looking at Longyan, said with a smile: "don't worry. I'm not worried about what you're worried about. Besides the treasure I gave you, I have another secret to tell you."

"Secret, what do you want to tell me?" Long Yan knew that he was very strange, and he was afraid that other demons would appear, so he would be killed by him.

"Well, I'm just telling you a secret. You don't have to be so wary of me. Don't worry. I won't kill you. It's rare for me to value such a funny little guy. Haotian is one and you are one."

When Youquan spoke, he came down from the back of the abyss bone dragon, but approached some Longyan: "don't you really want to know the secret I want to tell you? Maybe that secret will be of great benefit to you."

"Oh? Great for me? Is that a second benefit for me? "

Youquan nodded: "it should be regarded as it. The secret is actually the blood essence stone that emperor Haotian took away from here. Can I see it at a glance, and it's got by you again, cluck!" With that, he reached out and pointed to his eyes.

"Blood essence stone? You, are you talking about Wudao spirit stone? " Long Yan suddenly remembered. He seemed to have heard Meng Xinghun say that when Emperor Haotian got the spirit of martial arts, it was true“ It's just that I didn't know how this Wudao Soul Essence stone came into your hands. It seems that you can get even the things of emperor Haotian. You say it's magical or not. Although I don't want to know how you got it, I know many secrets about the blood essence stone. What you have now is only one of the few secrets, Do you think it's good for you? "

Longyan was shocked. He even looked at the leader of Youquan mansion. It seemed that all his secrets could not be concealed from him. Emperor Haotian got the spirit of martial arts and became the great emperor with the help of his inner power. Moreover, he lost such an important treasure. Not only that, the treasure spread to the lower world.

It's just that Long Yan can't understand why the emperor Haotian lost such an important treasure, and he also wants to find it back. Hearing what the leader of Youquan mansion said, Long Yan is more sure about the spirit of martial arts. There are many important information that hasn't been disclosed.

Youquan burst out laughing: "you little guy, you see, let me tell you the secret of the temple. You don't have to talk. You can ask me anything you don't understand. Anyway, I have time to help you solve it. Now I find that I like you more and more. I even want you to stay with me forever, cluck, but you don't have to be nervous, I'm just talking. You don't have to be afraid of me. I'm so kind to talk to you. Don't you still be afraid of me? "

You Quan finish saying, lean on Long Yan to approach some.

"Little guy, we should be very predestined. Maybe for so many years, I've been waiting for an interesting person like you to show up. Now I can tell you, what's the function of this martial spirit?"

After you Quan said these words, Long Yan's psychological changes were also ups and downs. He wanted to stay here for a while, and then he said he was joking. It really made him speechless. But now when it comes to Wu Dao soul, Long Yan is totally interested.

"You Quan mansion master, thank you for telling me what this blood essence stone is?"

Youquan said with a smile: "it's my eyes, the soul of martial arts. Why can I analyze other people's martial arts? It's because it has a very powerful essence that penetrates people's spirits. It's not the most important. Do you know that the eyes are the windows of people's hearts. They collect all the things they see in them, so the blood essence stone, It also integrates part of my previous cultivation of Dharma comprehension. I have practiced ten ways, each of which is a seal. One of them is stored in the blood essence stone. "

After hearing this, Long Yan was completely shocked. He didn't expect that the spirit of martial arts was the eye of Youquan. No wonder it looked like an eye. In this way, the Youquan of that year was not the ghost of a white skeleton, but a flesh and blood person, or a person from the realm of the Dragon Emperor. When he was reduced here, he began to do evil and became a devil.

Even the way he spoke was a little gentle, just like a woman's tone. Although his voice was as low as a man's, Longyan was a little confused.

Well, for the moment, Long Yan knows that it is in the spirit of martial arts that there is a seal of his martial arts understanding. That's why he became emperor Haotian. That's it.

One way can achieve the existence of terror like emperor Haotian. Then he practiced ten ways, which belong to his own understanding of heaven. How terrible was the strength of Youquan in its heyday.

This simply makes Long Yan dare not continue to think about it. His strength is absolutely against heaven. It's easy to destroy the whole holy Dynasty mainland.

The so-called way is the way of heaven. When we really understand the way of heaven, we need to step on the nirvana. At that time, the so-called punishment of the way of heaven will come down every thousand years.

It will lead to thunder disaster. The strong man of heaven and earth martial mirror will also lead to such a kind of heavenly way before breaking through the threshold and stepping on the nirvana disaster. When he merges and absorbs such heavenly power, he can produce Nirvana power in his body. At that time, he will be a real Nirvana disaster strong man.

You Quan's Dao Yin is his own way of understanding Dao FA. Everyone's Dao is actually different, and the direction of cultivation is also different. Why are some people of the same level, but their strength can still differ a lot.

Maybe that's why they understand different ways.

Cultivation itself is full of difficulties, especially after stepping into nirvana, there are too many things to understand. It's extremely difficult to cultivate one seal. Only those talented people can cultivate it.

I'm afraid there will not be more than 10000 strong people in the whole holy land who have set foot on nirvana, and few of them have set foot on nirvana.

The more you practice, the more difficult it will be and the longer it will take. Many people are directly killed by their own way of heaven in the process of cultivation.

After all, stepping into nirvana is basically against heaven. Every time you become stronger, you need to go through the test of heaven.

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