After Wang Long got close to Longyan, he continued: "I don't think you have fully integrated the dragon spirit of this double headed Yin Yang dragon, so you can't play all the magic powers of the dragon spirit. Unfortunately, you don't have that time. Today, you fight with me, I won't give you any chance, you won't have a future, let alone transform the dragon and Morita. All this is a dream, It's a great pity that a dragon soul warrior can't turn into a dragon in the end. I'm afraid you can't imagine how much it means to a dragon soul warrior. It's like a shackle of transcendence. If you don't meet me, maybe you will. But your talent is terrible. I won't give you this opportunity, That's my principle. I will never give my opponent any chance to turn over. "

Wang Long said, looking at the pain of Long Yan, this is really sad, the power of this space, become more powerful, Long Yan know, his life and death, has been controlled by each other, he may now become shattered, and then with all the disappearance, Wang Long is still standing in the ranks of the first title of genius.

It's not worth his death. Longyan's body is constantly torn. It's hard for ordinary people to bear the pain. His whole body is even more bloody.

His body appeared signs of collapse. Under the confinement of such a super strong stele dragon tomb, he had to wait for death, and death seemed to be on the edge of endless.

"What kind of sword are you? It's so hard that you can destroy my two magic weapons one after another. It seems that they must not be ordinary things. Then I'll kill you and have to keep them for you."

Wang long even began to notice the Fengshen chop of Longyan. He realized that it was not an ordinary spirit sword.

His purple golden dragon subduing sword and the moon destroying wheel were destroyed by this sword, which is beyond any other magical weapon.

In particular, the same level of exterminating dragon sword was destroyed, but the Fengshen chop was intact, which further illustrates everything.

Countless blood vessels, as long Yan's body split, and then began to flow out, the Golden Dragon phantom that imprisoned him, was like a terrifying beast in heaven and earth, looking at Long Yan as a little mole ant.

That is a kind of contempt, is a kind of oppression, Longyan more is resistance, this kind of Longwei terror suppression, also more severe.

Long Yan is about to consume all his strength. He can't imagine that he will die in Wang Long's hands. He has worked hard for so long and survived for seven years. Will he fall short in the end? This only shows that the other party is really too strong.

The ultimate battle between Longyan and Wang long, which represents what kind of extraordinary significance, is extremely important for both of them. Unfortunately, he will still be defeated and killed. Even if he dies, his bones are full of unwillingness.

"Did I do all this for the purpose of being killed by Wang long here today? Why, is this the life arranged for me by long Shuo, the predecessor of my father? If I don't work hard, I will be hanged like this in exchange for all my efforts?"

Long Yan's heart is full of anger. No matter how angry he is, his body still can't move. This terrible power has made his life worse than death. All his body and soul will be destroyed.

Is Zijin dragon the arrangement of fate to end his life?


Long Yan sends out a not willing roar.

All the people were shocked and nervous when they saw this scene. They were deeply distressed by the fall of Longyan, a gifted genius. If it really happened, it would be a huge loss to the whole holy land.

However, everyone ignored the dragon spirit of Longyan, and even the Dragon Balls of Xiaohei and the other five dragon generals in his body.

Longyan not only inherited the Qinglong nationality, which was the most rebellious dragon nationality in ancient times, but also inherited the ancestral Dragon Spirit in the archaic times, but he didn't know it.

Everyone doesn't know, even he is not sure, that kind of death, painful stimulation of the ancestral dragon soul nerve, all his killing, bloody breath all breed out, he is killing the bloody dragon, is the most terrifying ancestral dragon soul of time, is the group of dragon soul that all the Dragon families in the Dragon Kingdom fight for.

This is the real intention of his existence. Killing the evil dragon is the representative of Longyan. The green dragon soul has not been fully integrated, but the dragon soul has its own super supremacy, and its strength is the real master of heaven and earth.


Longyan once again broke out a dragon chant, this burst out of the Dragon chant, let the presence of all martial arts, are moved.

Is it possible for a purple gold dragon to kill a group of dragon spirits? No, it's a big joke for him and a great shame for him.

At this moment, because of the majestic and domineering ancestral dragon spirit, Longyan's whole body is full of fighting will. The resurgence of the dragon has some rebirth power, which begins to derive in his body.

The real soul of ZuLong is the most overbearing. It has been seriously provoked. In its body, any drop of blood begins to become more violent. It becomes roaring and even roaring. When any God dares to surpass ZuLong, it will be destroyed and devoured.

Long Yan's body began to expand. He felt that some changes had finally taken place in his body.

How terrible it is to offend the real soul of ZuLong. It is absolutely impossible for any living creature in this world to threaten it, or even do anything excessive to him.

Wang Long saw that such a change had taken place in Longyan. He didn't understand that his strength had soared to the extreme, and he had not been able to kill Longyan. His body, bones, skin and scales on his body began to heal. No matter how strong he used, he couldn't tear it again.

He looks shocked, he can feel the power of Longyan is becoming stronger, the other party is bound, but the power of the imprisonment, seems to be Longyan struggling, will be broken soon.

He is more and more difficult to control Longyan, and that space, began to appear unstable, it is shaking.

"No, no, what's going on? No one has ever been able to break away from my dragon tomb and my monument to the God of extermination. "

He also became furious. He knew that Long Yan might be struggling for life and death. He used his own reluctant facts to find excuses and reasons. Thinking of this, he increased all his strength even more.

Roar, roar

Between heaven and earth, there is a terrible sound of dragon chanting. These sounds make countless people feel numb, and the whole heaven and earth seems to break up.

Long Yan's expression is still extremely painful, but what he has changed, only Xiao Hei can see, others can't believe that he is changing.

That crazy power, continue to tear, Longyan body deformation, by serious compression, he from the space of death, will soon come back, the abyss of death is more and more far away from himself.

Hope, Long Yan like to seize his life-saving straw, he finally saw the change of the body, this is his last hope.

"Still not dead, still not dead? Why do you have so strong vitality? You know that I still have the most terrible killing moves that I haven't used. After I turned into a dragon, ten of you are not my opponent." Wang Long desperately want to kill Longyan, angry roar up.

Long Yan raised his head and glared at him. His blood red eyes burst out of his eyes. ZuLong was swimming and roaring, which brought him deep fear: "you can't kill me with this power. Why let me die? The last one must be you. Look at it."

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