Looking at this mysterious and huge meteorite realm, Long Yan was really shocked by its vast territory and immortal realm, but there is no end here. You should know that the holy land is the territory of the whole continent, and this place is still a part of the continent.

Meng Xinghun said that even his grandfather didn't know the end of the huge space here, and if he really went deep into it, he might not be able to get out of it all his life.

If you are lost here and have no contact with the outside world, you will be imprisoned here for life.

Although beautiful, but no one exists, it is destined to be lonely for a lifetime.

Longyan looks around, as they go forward, the sky gradually becomes bright, with the sound of birds and the fragrance of flowers, bringing people a beautiful fairyland.

How could Meng Xinghun know how huge the real holy land is? The three regions and nine frontiers alone are huge, and each of them is unimaginable.

For example, Canghai area looks more like a boundless sea area, but he stays here all the year round and has no idea about the outside world.

This meteorite God Star domain is really magical. Long Yan can't figure out what place it is.

Would it have anything to do with death.

It is rumored that this is the largest ancient relic discovered so far, so it can't be so beautiful on the surface, it must be dangerous.

Maybe someone can find out in the depth of here, three people, walking towards the front like this.

"Long Yan, I haven't been in-depth, but my grandfather has been in-depth, he has never let me into the depths, I know that my grandfather must also be in order to protect me, I thought about it a long time ago, waiting for one day, when I have no nostalgia for the world, I will go deep into here, I must find out the mystery here."

It's more comfortable to come here for the elderly than to explore.

Meng Xinghun opened his arms: "so I must find out how huge it is here." Looking at him that way, Long Yan also followed to smile.

Long Yan thought about these mysteries in his heart. After he came to the magic land, he entered the death realm, and then went to the netherworld. He also met the legendary first terror devil, Youquan blood devil. Now he came to the place where the legendary meteorite God was. There were gods and spirits, and there was a real dark and blazing dragon who died here. These mysteries, It's worth exploring. Now the most important thing is that Longyan needs to find the ghost of Yanlong Baori.

There are many mysterious places in the holy land that Long Yan has never been to. It seems that if you want to know all of them, you are doomed to find them all your life.

The huge and magical world is full of mystery, which makes countless people full of adventure spirit constantly explore them.

Fortunately, there is no magic here, otherwise Longyan will be very nervous, so what is the danger here? If the environment is bad, it seems unusual here. Longyan will be alert to the unknown danger.

"Longyan, the danger here is generally a natural phenomenon, not a man-made existence, such as natural disasters."

Long Yan nodded. At this time, they entered a mountain forest. There were flowers, trees, and some strange looking divine grasses. When they saw the strangers, they began to dodge, and left them alone.

Long Yan thought about it. At this time, Xiao Hei should come out. Meng Xinghun has seen Xiao Hei. At the same time, double winged birds are flying in the sky, very happy.

Between the mountains, rugged mountain road, but Long Yan looked at black a face full of worries, several times, don't know what happened recently.

The lotus like pattern found on the Ghost Tower of the nether world is the map left by Yanlong. Only Xiaohei is the clearest. Therefore, only Xiaohei can help Longyan find the location.

Xiao Hei didn't communicate much with Longyan. He just ran forward. The three of them followed him. Meng Xinghun knew that Longyan was looking for something important, so he didn't say much.

So they went all the way.

"Long Yan, where are we going? Do you know how to get there?"

Long Yan patted Meng Xinghun on the shoulder. "You don't know. We might as well follow Xiao Hei. His nose is very smart. Maybe it can lead us to find some treasures of fairy spirits."

Both Longyan and mengxinghun pretend that they are rambling in search here, and they seem to cover up some of their own ideas as they move forward.

Meng Xinghun looks at Xiao Hei in front of him. He smiles and knows that Long Yan has always been a very cunning and careful man. Maybe he let Xiao Hei lead the way to confuse him. He doesn't tell himself that maybe the treasure he wants is also very important to him.

"Xinghun, you just said that we may encounter some terrible natural dangers. What do you mean by the dangers of natural disasters?" Long Yan asks at this time.

"Well, it's easy to understand. For example, when we walk, we may fall into a huge void, and then we will be trapped in it forever. There are also some muddy places that will occupy us. There are also some precautions here. If we encounter thunder, it will be very terrible. There are also all kinds of strong winds, rainstorms, ice and snow. That's all, There are generally no terrible beasts here. At least I haven't met them yet, but some poisonous insects are extremely huge. We should be careful to deal with them. "

Long Yan nodded, the so-called natural disasters are these, as long as more attention, should be able to avoid.

Looking at the surrounding environment, I think there are not many opportunities for these natural disasters. Otherwise, they would have been destroyed everywhere.

Now I have a general understanding of this place, but it is still full of mystery. The real threats and unknown secrets are even more mysterious.

"We can't imagine many of the most terrible natural dangers. There are many species we haven't seen. But no matter what, we should have the strength to deal with it. Otherwise, my grandfather would not be so relieved of us. The growth environment here grows very fast, and even if it is destroyed, it will recover quickly."

"There are no fierce beasts here, but there are fairy Warcraft. Fairy Warcraft is a more terrifying existence, because there are a lot of fairy grass growing here. Those Warcraft devour fairy Warcraft and have a certain control power.

For example, the King Kong demon ape can control thunder and lightning, use thunder and lightning to swallow explosions, and the holy sound spider can make people confused, make people coma, and then eat them. There are other things, and the horror of those demon insects can't be ignored. "

That is to say, no matter where you are, you can't escape these natural disasters, or the attack of fairy Warcraft and devil insects.

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