After Long Yan finished, he seemed to be full of infinite respect for Quan. He put his hands together and said, "Bala menggan!"

"Bala menggan!" Zaxi emperor, also followed, he looked very excited.

"By the way, you can call me, dry!"

"Dry! As long as you can help us kill Warcraft, you are the benefactor of our whole family. You are the people around God, that is our patron saint! "

Long Yan is a little embarrassed by the other party's respectful attitude. He knows that at this time, if Zaxi is allowed to die, this guy will be very obedient. This is the heart of a person who has faith. Their ideas and practices can't be described by common sense.

"Tashi, my mission here is to kill Warcraft. Let's go!"

Long Yan finished and reached out to pull him up from the ground.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't mention the position of half a guardian statue. When he got there, he would know.

When the time comes, the Zaxi emperor will tell himself everything.

See here, in the hall, those high-level strong people are more and more satisfied with Long Yan's performance. This boy has a certain strong psychological thinking, and knows how to make good use of people's heart. Such people will also have a great ability in decision-making.

I believe that at this time, the five great martial kings have been guarding outside the sea of riots. They all know what happened here.

According to this development, Long Yan has surpassed the performance of long Tian and Chu Yuxi. Although they are very smart, they have little experience in growing up.

Although Long Yan is younger, he has experienced too many such things. His adaptability, reaction ability and clear thinking all show a detached genius.

On the main hall, the Lord of the Wu Imperial Palace looked a little ugly: "what are you worried about? The Zaxi emperor is a fool. Does Long Yan think that if he bluffs the boy, he can make all the Warcraft people believe his lies?"

People continue to watch, there are too many factors, whether Longyan can complete the task, or unknown.

However, Long Yan said that his task is to check the situation here and kill Warcraft, which makes Zaxi emperor more excited. Does this mean indirectly helping them.

Zaxi emperor, kneeling on the ground again, hands kneeling Longyan.

"Don't such a task mean to guard us? You are God, Gan, Tashi. Thank you. Please accept my highest courtesy. You will be the greatest man. We Youmo tribe can meet any conditions you need. Our tribe women can choose from you. Tashi is willing to sacrifice his life for you, even if you want."

This is completely brainwashed by Youquan, and it's not light.

Too persistent people, in fact, is also very terrible.

Long Yan didn't speak. He felt their faith from Zhaxi. It's really terrible. The leader of Youquan mansion can change their mind by a race. How terrible is the devil.

Anyway, Longyan's purpose is to get the guardian statue. As long as he guarantees to get the statue, he will leave and run away. As for the life and death of these Warcraft people, he doesn't care.

Zaxi continued: "before long, our Youmo tribe will be attacked by Warcraft. Those Warcraft will set off a huge wave of attacks again. At that time, we are bound to die and hurt countless people. Everyone is afraid of those Warcraft. They eat people and tear life apart. As a God, you must help us."

"Oh? How do you know about animal tide? " Long Yan asks a way.

"That was calculated by the strong in our family a few days ago."

Long Yan nodded. In this way, he got into the Youmo tribe more smoothly, as if it was specially designed for him. I have to say that his luck has always been so good.

Longyan can take advantage of the opportunity of beast tide to show himself well. In this way, he can get more trust from them. It's easier to get the guardian statue.

This is definitely the best chance. Long Yan's only worry is that they will be found or caught, and they may also be Bao Lu.

So he knew that he should seize the time. Without delay, Longyan caught Zaxi emperor, and they went to the Youmo tribe.

The tide of Warcraft is very terrible. Once those Warcraft come, they will slaughter their tribe. Longyan has the magic weapon of Lingyang and Fengshen chop. This time, he can show his power.

Of course, the speed of Longyan is not so fast. He must let Zaxi emperor have a process of adaptation.

Two people also through the road, while trying to talk up, let each other more familiar with some, of course, most of Longyan is made up.

When he saw Zaxi emperor, he had completely believed in himself. On the way, he used soul taking and pupil taking to this guy, and his thought basically recognized himself.

Long Yan asked deliberately: "is Warcraft really so terrible for you? As far as I know, there are hundreds of thousands of people in the Youmo tribe. Among the nine tribes, the number is the largest. "

Zaxi replied: "yes, so the primary target of those Warcraft attacks is us. This time, the high priest can predict the future in advance, that is, he said those Warcraft will come in two days."

"High priest? He has the means to predict the future? " Long Yan is a little flustered. There is no record of the duty of high priest.

"Well, our high priests can only predict the next three days at most. They are all mysterious. They hold sacrificial ceremonies every day and use people to offer sacrifices, but they are all people who have committed some evil deeds."

In the chat, Long Yan also drew a lot of records from his mouth, which were not recorded in the data.

Zaxi emperor laughed, "dry, you look beautiful, young and promising, so powerful, it's better to stay in our Youmo tribe, our tribe is a beauty tribe, those women will love you very much, they will throw their arms to you, you are our Savior, we will give you the most beautiful goddess."

With that expression, Zhaxi seemed to be intoxicated.

Looking at his expression, Long Yan couldn't help laughing. After they contacted, they felt that the Warcraft man was not so difficult to get along with, and he didn't look savage.

In fact, the identity of Zaxi emperor is the most useful for Long Yan. Only with his identity, can he get close to the guardian God. With his maintenance, it is also a guarantee for the safety of Long Yan. Moreover, he has been fully trusted by him. Even if there are some mistakes on the way, he can use soul control to control him.

But now let Long Yan have another worry, that is, he said that the high priest, don't know what kind of person that high priest is, really as magical as he said? Have the power of foretelling

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