Long Yan is a very confident person. He has grasped the heart of Zaxi emperor from the beginning. Because of his identity, he has the heart of capturing many Warcraft people. He is meticulous and does everything without leaking. Even if the emperor of the world does not believe in himself, he can't kill Long Yan in front of everyone.

He was pinched by Longyan. Zaxi emperor was a very important person, so Longyan didn't have to worry about it.

As for the emperor's attitude towards himself, Long Yan's face doesn't matter.

Don't say that Longyan is a fake. If he is a real emissary, he will rush up to the high platform and slap the emperor. He is blasphemous and ignores the dignity of the spring. If Longyan doesn't care about him, it will give him a lot of face.

You know, no one wants to be a sinner through the ages, and he won't bury hundreds of thousands of people in Youmo tribe because of any wrong decision.

By tens of thousands of people, Zhaxi's father zamus did not expect that things would develop like this, and Longyan, a little boy, seems to have such a great energy.

"With the trust of capturing these Warcraft people, let the emperor speechless, this dragon inflammation is absolutely absolute, this method, even we would not think of."

"Yes, it's also lucky that Longyan first came into contact with these low-level Warcraft people. If he first came into contact with such strong people as jiehuang, I'm afraid it won't cause such a situation now."

This shows that Longyan is absolutely smart. In the Shenwu hall, those high-level strong people all give a thumbs up for Longyan. The Lord of the Wu palace, without saying a word, is beaten in the face. He didn't believe in Longyan before.

Of course, there are those high-level powerful people of wulonggu nationality, who also bow their heads with shame.

Long Yan looked at the crowd, in such a way, want to leave himself, he nodded: "brothers and sisters, all up, your mind I understand, good, then I will not go, even if the king of the world to kill me, but also when someone will come to him to settle accounts, spring will not let him go, my uncle Yama will not!"

Long Yan continues to flicker, but no one dares not to believe it. Hearing this, everyone cheers again.

The crisis has not been lifted, because the emperor of the world has never spoken. If he suddenly rushes over at this time, he is determined to kill Longyan, which can not be stopped by anyone.

So long Yan dare not have the slightest relaxation, the air seems to be condensed together, the atmosphere becomes depressed.

At this time, the emperor of the boundary reached out and motioned for everyone to be quiet. He followed him calmly and said, "OK, everyone, be quiet. I have something to say."

"First of all, when the identity of the young Xia is not clear, we should not easily believe him. We don't believe it. As the emperor of the world, I have an important duty. Moreover, the emperor of the world can't come out to preside over the overall situation. I have to consider all aspects of the problem and dare not make any mistakes, I don't think he will care about what I did to him just now. I just want to try him. If I do this, I will naturally guess that you will be very dissatisfied with me, but I have to do it under pressure. Two days later, there will be a large-scale animal tide. It will be thousands of Warcraft. How many can he kill even if he goes against the weather, If he can really help us, I will be very grateful to him. I will kneel down and worship with the highest etiquette. At that time, I will also believe that he is Quan, our God, who sent him to save us. But what if he has other purposes? It's the Terran who sent him to find out the internal information of our tribe. Who can guarantee that he won't have this possibility? "

As soon as the words came out, Emperor Zhaxi was the first to stand up and accept his refutation.

But the king of the world waved his hand: "emperor, you don't have to talk to me like this. What I said is the truth. You are too young and have experienced too few things. OK, let's go. Since this young Xia is a god envoy, I, as the king of the world, would you please come with me to the Youmo hall to discuss how to deal with those Warcraft, Let's make a plan. "

Long Yan nodded: "good!"

In fact, he knew in his heart that the emperor did not trust him. Maybe when he arrived at the hall, the situation would not be like this. At that time, there would not be so many people to support him. Even if he was killed in the hall, he would not even have a chance to resist.

But at this stage, Long Yan had no choice. He rushed towards the high platform. The secluded devil hall, as the emperor said, was actually a huge house made of stone. Compared with the Shenwu hall, it was too simple.

In the Shenwu hall, those high-level strong people can naturally see this. If Long Yan contacts the jiehuang alone, I'm afraid the other party will embarrass him, and the risk factor is also very high.

However, some people say that Longyan has a magic power that can defeat the triple power of Nirvana, but it seems that he can't use it often.

The last time I defeated elder Ye Qiu, that's what it was. If it was that way, if Long Yan killed the emperor there, I'm afraid it would make the nine tribes of the Dragon sting clan alert. This would bring a lot of trouble to long Tian, Chu Yuxi and others, and it would increase the difficulty of completing the task.

Everyone began to worry.

"This Long Yan, really shouldn't go with him to that Youmo hall, don't he know, this boundary emperor is intentional? We have to discuss why we can't discuss it in front of everyone. Why can't we even understand this point? "

As an emperor, Zhaxi certainly has the right to enter the Youmo hall, so he came in with him. Sure enough, as soon as he entered the Youmo hall, the original face of the jiehuang immediately appeared, and his expression became fierce, and there was some ferocious terror, and the magical pattern on his face looked clearer.

He turned to look at Longyan and Zaxi emperor, eyes full of killing.

Zhaxi immediately became alert, and immediately took Longyan to walk out of the hall. But suddenly, the king of the world used a terrible power of nirvana to imprison them in the same place.

"Jiehuang, you dare to blaspheme God. What do you want to do? Is that your purpose? You dare to be disrespectful to God. I'll fight with you. "

He struggled desperately, trying to break away from this power, and his father zamus came up to him, trying to calm him down.

"Father, you don't have to say that."

Zhaxi is like the most respected emperor to the patron saint. Now the emperor dares to treat Longyan like this, which is disrespect to God. How can he not be angry.

Long Yan knew it would be like this for a long time, and all this was in his expectation. In the face of such super terror pressure, Long Yan certainly had the ability to resist, because he once cultivated the power of spiritual rebellion and the power of all things in the nirvana world of jiehuang, which did not pose much threat to him.

"You really don't trust me. What do you want?" Long Yan looks at him to ask a way.

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