Longyan was brought to the second step by Zaxi emperor. If he wanted to go up, he had to kneel down solemnly before last time. This was a matter of etiquette. Longyan and Zaxi did as they did. Of course, he didn't understand these.

Now he is getting more and more excited. When he looks up and really sees the huge statue of the guardian God, the carved statue of the goddess is too perfect, just as vivid, and has a very real appearance. No matter the eyebrows and eyes, they are very expressive. The whole body is painted with that kind of five colors, which gives people the feeling of dazzling, And that kind of people's mind is very quiet, with a pleasant feeling.

Long Yan can't help sighing that this beautiful sculpture is so exquisite, just like a real person, and it is ten meters high.

It seems to be sleeping, just like an iceberg beauty. Before long Yan, he just watched and knelt down at a distance of 100 meters, but at a close distance, it would be such an effect.

These poor Warcraft people, I really don't know, if they see the real Youquan, it's still not like this. In this world, people who have seen Youquan, except those emperors, Longyan is the last one. For the mystery of Youquan, Longyan has always been confused.

This statue of Goddess looks strange, which makes Longyan even think of jinxuanmeng, which he hasn't seen for a long time. At the thought of jinxuanmeng's cold appearance, there are some similarities with this carved statue.

It's really wonderful. Is this a coincidence? Natural beauties usually have some similarities in appearance, but their temperament is different.

That kind of cold and quiet, let Long Yan in any case also can't associate with the deep spring that terrible skeleton appearance.

Think of jinxuanmeng, also don't know where she is now, no matter how, Longyan all hope to meet her again, next time after meeting her, absolutely can't let her leave himself again.

"Come on, let's go. Follow me up!" Zahi said.

With Tashi began to kneel down, three steps a kowtow, nine steps a worship, Long Yan followed suit, in this way, two people toward the highest platform.

Because Longyan is a deity, even the king does not have the qualification to go to the top, but Longyan does.

All Warcraft population are chanting, the witch priest also around the Dragon Yan turn a few circles, don't know what to say.

But Long Yan and the witch look at each other, the witch immediately shows a look of panic, the body is a few steps back.

Long Yan sneered, so he continued to climb the steps. Every step, Emperor Zhaxi, with the kind of cleaning things in his hand, would carefully clean it. In fact, there was no dust at all.

Zhaxi is very happy and has no heart to guard against Longyan.

In the past few days, the strength of jiehuang has recovered quickly, but Long Yan is sure that if this guy dares to continue to embarrass himself, he can also retreat for the first time.

Long Yan saw an eye boundary emperor, he is looking at oneself with a kind of strange eyes, as if still don't believe to him, still have a trace of vigilance.

Long Yan thought about it, then the witch priest suddenly said aloud: "Bala menggan, our respected God, we have all seen your divine power. This time your envoy has helped us. I thank you on behalf of all the people in the Youmo tribe, but it's only by the emperor to guard the statue. You..."

Sure enough, the problem still came. At this time, Longyan couldn't behave too much and nodded.

"Zhaxi, go up by yourself. I'll just watch it here."

Zhaxi didn't think much. In fact, the witch priests are quite authoritative in the tribe, because they know more than others.

The boundary emperor kneels down there and doesn't speak. Long Yan understands in his heart that the witch priest must also feel her own human breath, but he doesn't have to worry.

In his mind, he had already carefully observed all the details of the guardian deity. It seems that he can't act rashly today. This Priestess is also a big problem. When Long Yan thought of long Tian's strange means, he was afraid that he would really come up with some skills he didn't understand and expose his identity.

"It seems that we can't rush this matter. Take your time. These Warcraft people believe in themselves at present."

Long Yan thought in his heart that if he took away the statue, it would be unacceptable to the Warcraft people who believed in it. They would lose their sustenance in their heart and the power of believing in themselves.

When that Zhaxi emperor, kneeling in front of the statue, did not know what to say, he returned to Longyan.

After another period of sacrificial ceremony, the sacrificial ceremony came to the end. The dead soldiers' bodies were put into the sacrificial beacon fire.

Tens of thousands of people, are quietly watching the fire, the body was burnt smell, very bad smell.

Near the end, Long Yan personally went to Zaxi emperor and said, "Zaxi, I have another plan in my heart now, that is, after I take the guardian idol away, I plan to use the special material of the guardian idol to make a new one for all tribes to accept, otherwise I'm afraid of causing a panic. This is my initial idea. What do you think?"

Zaxi dizi nodded: "yes, I've been thinking about it. It's feasible. I'm also worried that they don't understand what you're doing. If the statue is taken away by you, then everyone will have no faith in it."

After the sacrificial ceremony, Long Yan went back to his residence and completed a new statue with Zhaxi. Only Long Yan and Zhaxi knew about it. The statue looked just like the real one, and it was the emperor of Zhaxi who usually went to the statue of the patron saint. Long Yan wanted him to help him finish the job, but in order to avoid mistakes, He still plans to find a time to do it himself.

In fact, Long Yan was worried that the emperor of the world had always been on guard against him, so he did it.

Long Yan will do, false Guardian statue, temporarily put into his dream dragon Kingdom, this just closed his eyes, began to think about the next plan!

Long Yan still had many opportunities because he didn't believe that the king really believed in himself. Even if he believed in himself, the witch priest couldn't believe in himself.

Long Yan guessed that it was right. After the ceremony, the witch priest went to the emperor to discuss the matter.

It's just that Long Yan has always wondered why the priestess didn't show up when she killed those Warcraft before. Is it that she suspected herself from the very beginning? What's more, Long Yan has a bigger worry, that is, the patriarch here will shut up at this time. That's really bad.

Long Yan learned that the head of the Youmo tribe was an emperor. Nirvana cultivation had reached the fourth level.

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