All the Warcraft people in the Youmo tribe saw that their king killed the strong man of the celebrity clan with one palm. For a moment, everyone could not believe that the strong man of the Terran clan was killed because he could not stand it.

Even the king himself felt incredible.

However, Long Yan from the beginning to the end, did not stop, which made him have a trace of doubt.

Long Tian is thought to be dead by everyone, but is he really dead? No, at this time, suddenly someone yelled.

"No, look, what's that?"

All people look at the space where long Tian was killed. For the first time, people's faces show a look of panic, because they see that the broken bodies in that space are constantly reorganized and become at least a dozen long Tian.

This means of rebirth is more terrible than those horrible Warcraft.

Long Yan also looked at all this in shock below. When he fought with long Tian before, this guy also used this terrible magic power, even made Long Yan feel so terrible.

"The devil, the real devil!" Some people roared, and many Warcraft faces began to be full of panic.

They were frightened and screamed. Even some timid Warcraft people hid directly in the room. Even the king of the world didn't know when he saw this. So he killed the man completely, smashed his head, and even survived. This time, he became the same person.

The thirteen figures were just like the Terran demons. Their eyes burst out fierce light, like the eyes of wolves. They were very cruel, even some ferocious terror.

"This is the real devil. It's terrible."

At this time, the four clawed Warcraft demon emperor came to the world emperor and said, "Lord world emperor, you can see that this Terran devil has a supernatural power, that is, immortality. We have killed him several times, but he has resurrected in this way. It's terrible, and there must be a way to crack those who kill us continuously, So we've come all the way here. If it's not for the undead, we've killed him many times. I'm afraid that this boy has something to do with those undead Warcraft. We should be careful. "

Next to the demon emperor, another person continued: "Lord Jie Huang, my elder brother is right. Since this boy can't be killed, we just thought of a way. Don't you have a super treasure, magic gold steel ring? Why don't you trap this boy and let's go to attract him here?"

The king of the world nodded. The one who had imprisoned Longyan before was the magic diamond ring. Although Longyan could escape from it, he did not destroy the magic diamond ring.

After all, it's a treasure with four lines.

In this way, when the thirteen dragon heaven figures, with their ferocious and terrifying appearance, rushed towards the emperor without any reason, the beast like terror and ferocity seemed to be crazy.

The king of the world, without delay, also made all the preparations. The four clawed devil king, who were strong, took cover. When they joined hands to attract the thirteen dragon figures to a central position.

The king of the world made a decisive move, and a huge magic diamond ring appeared directly from his hand. In that space, it seemed that the whole world was shrouded in darkness.

Long Yan is also frightened to see below. The huge black halo over the sky shortens the scope quickly. At the next moment, he directly imprisons long Tian in the magic diamond ring.

And the scope was directly reduced to a scope with a diameter of only two meters. The thirteen figures of long Tian had to change into his own body.

Long Tian was furious and tried his best to shake the magic gold halo around him, but he couldn't escape.

The emperor of the world, with a cold snort, used the power of all things in the terrible Nirvana world to kick him down from the sky and smash him into half the ground.

There was a huge noise, and the huge waves made everyone shake a few times, which stabilized their bodies.

Long Yan see all this, think of before, thanks to his own God cut this super destruction of the sword of death, this just from inside to escape.

The four clawed Warcraft tribe, the demon emperor and others, are relieved to see that they have finally imprisoned Longtian.

"Lord jiehuang, thanks for your means. Thank you very much."

Their nervous heart, finally put down, it can be said that they hate the dragon to the extreme, this hatred, wish to kill the Dragon ten times is not enough.

Of course, there are many ways to kill the Dragon sky, such as burning, freezing with ice, and purgatory.

The emperor of the world snorted coldly, and didn't say much, because he was most concerned about seeing the change of Longyan at this time.

He took the lead in pushing away the crowd and came towards Longyan. The expression on his face was completely different from the previous trust in him.

"Terran demons, I can finally find strong evidence. Terran means are really terrifying. There is another one in our demon tribe!"

"What? There's another devil? " The four clawed Warcraft men all looked frightened.

However, soon they followed the direction of the emperor, looked over, at a glance saw that looks incomparably beautiful Longyan.

For a moment, it made those four clawed Warcraft people even more frightened. They were greatly surprised, and they were full of incomprehension. It seemed that these people of the Youmo tribe were mixed up with the Terran devil.

"What's going on?" These people also all follow in the boundary Huang Zun after death, walk toward Long Yan this side.

The emperor of the world, when he comes to Longyan, instantly releases the power of nirvana. His huge momentum shows up and acts on Longyan.

"Lord emissary, do you have anything to say now? You can see the Terran devil I caught. It's your kind and your companion. Do you want to explain it?"

Zaxi emperor was about to speak, but he was stopped by Longyan. He sneered and stared at the emperor.

"Then you say, what should I explain?"

Four eyes opposite, Long Yan in fact this time heart already some nervous, he didn't expect the strength of this world emperor, unexpectedly in a few days, can recover so fast, and the effect on himself, that kind of strong pressure, let him have a kind of breathing difficult feeling.

"Jiehuang, it seems that you still don't trust me very much. Well, what do you want to do? What can you do to me? Do you know that if you offend me, your Youmo tribe can't be protected and favored by God. What will happen to your tribe? How dare you get angry with me? What did you trust me before?"

The emperor of the world, it can be said, was already extremely angry at this time. He raised his head and burst out laughing.

"Trust, I really have enough trust in you before. It's all because you have too many Terran means, which confuse me for a short time."

Long Yan fought with him: "are you confused by me? Ha ha, you are really an ungrateful guy. It's better to be a beast than to be a bridge breaker. "

When Long Yan talks, he is more angry with each other. The terrible pressure on his body suppresses him even more, just like the force of the whole sea on Long Yan!

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