Wang Long saw this scene, bowed his head, and kept thinking about some problems. He thought the master would punish him a little, and then put him in custody. Unexpectedly, he cut off his limbs directly.

That kind of pain, even he felt very cruel.

"Do you think about it, Wang long? You brought the people. You can deal with them."

"Master, why don't you imprison him? After we find Long Yan, we'll discuss how to deal with him. I don't think the matter has affected anything. Long Yan doesn't dare to show up. Elder martial brother Xuankong will be punished. Just teach him a lesson."

"Hum, I think this matter is more important than anything else. Even my life is at stake. Everyone here knows that if anyone dares to use his mind or hand to sabotage my plan, I will not tolerate it. I will deal with it strictly."

"Well, I'll decide. I'll put him in the" sword sea prison "to let him know what it means to live worse than death. He will bear thousands of swords to pierce his heart every day. If anyone dares to let him out secretly, I will not forgive him, and the crime will be more serious." The sword sky is very cold.

This sentence completely confused Cang Xuankong. It seems that the patriarch really wanted to kill him.

This kind of punishment is too heavy. In the main hall, the seven swordsmen and others dare not plead for it. After all, Jian Tianqiu's view of this incident is too heavy, which is tantamount to violating his bottom line.

Follow the sword sky and look at the sky: "how dare you, for the sake of Longyan, dare you betray me and our whole Tianjing sword clan? Have you ever thought about your father's safety? You don't disappoint me in general. Everyone has to pay for his behavior when he makes mistakes. Let's wait until I find Longyan."

It can be seen that this time he was really angry with the sky, and he clenched his fists.

The sword sky lay on the ground, with no blood on his face, and became very pale, leaving only one breath.

He closed his eyes and didn't dare to think about the consequences. If Long Yan was caught, he was doomed to be killed, and the end would be worse than him. Even this time, it was exposed, which implicated Long Ling and Mrs. Ru Xueqin.

He had the heart to die, but he could not. Thinking of all this, his whole strength seemed to be drained.

The whole person is whirling around.

Soon, the sword sky directly ordered the two strong swordsmen to take away cangxuankong and put him in the prison of the sword prison.

Wang Long sighed: "master, I didn't expect that elder martial brother Xuankong would be so confused. I'm really sorry for him. He ruined his future. It's not a pity for such a person to die. Should we start as soon as possible to find the whereabouts of Longyan?"

Sword sky nodded: "this boy can't stay. Go now. At the same time, all the members of sword clan will go out and find him."

There were still five swordsmen left, nodding one after another, but they were about to go out when they were stopped by Wang long.

"Wait a minute, master. I think the less people know, the better. Five swordsmen, why don't you stay here and continue to discuss your affairs? You and I will go to look for it. After all, Long Yan is the emperor's holy warrior in the imperial palace. If we get to the Imperial Palace after being killed, we will cause a lot of trouble and scare the snake, Let the boy of Longyan be on guard. Anyway, the place where the boy can hide is limited, and we can easily find it. "

Wang Long is young and smart. Jian Tianqiu looks at him with satisfaction.

"Well, I'll go with you as a teacher. This boy will die this time."

After Jiancang told jianzun and others that this matter must be kept secret, they rushed out of Jianzong hall with Wang long.

Without much delay, they came out of Jianzong hall, and then began to search quickly along Jianfeng mountain. Jiantianqiong was already the four peaks of Nirvana and was able to develop their own powerful divine consciousness. Half of Tianjing Jianzong was under the control of his divine consciousness.

In this way, it's easy to find Longyan!

Long Yan, however, didn't realize that danger was quietly approaching him. He was still immersed in cultivation and comprehension, and was distressed for the enhanced version of the Dragon reverse power.

To be able to practice, but not proficient, he must get an opportunity, which makes him almost want to break his head.

But every time he tried, he ended up in failure. Long Yan smashed the nearby star stone with one blow, and there was a kind of inexplicable bad premonition in his heart, but not to be specific. Where did the bad premonition come from.

There are still eight days left. After eight days, I'm afraid that if I continue to practice like this, it's difficult to understand and break through my own understanding. Let alone the sword sky and the seven swords respect the eight swords emperor, I'm afraid that even Wang Long is not his opponent. In that case, he will only fail and let himself fall into a desperate situation.

This time, God's test on him is too cruel. He will face such a powerful opponent all at once. This is also the most powerless one for Long Yan in history.

If once the disaster emperor is revived, I'm afraid that the old witch, with her strong ambition, will slowly swallow up the palace of the holy emperor in the future. Maybe, in that case, Haotian emperor doesn't want to see that happen.

Haotian emperor, already very weak, can not suppress the rebirth of the natural disaster emperor.

In this way, all the pressure is on Longyan, and now the emperor Haotian puts almost all his thoughts on the leader of Youquan mansion. Longyan can't expect the strong men in the palace to help him.

This matter must be solved by himself. As for the wild emperor's palace, Long Yan never thought that at most little lion would help him.

When the demon clan came to the Terran territory, it was sensitive, and the barbarian emperor must have explained it.

Thinking of these, Longyan entered into the cultivation state wholeheartedly.

These difficulties make Long Yan a headache. In this way, in his crazy comprehension and cultivation, he comes from the sea of stars and then to the sword sea, and makes the whole person turn into a sword. With the vertical and horizontal sword sea, he is surrounded by Jianfeng mountain.

Longyan is eager to grow up. Like an ant on a hot pot, he is suffering a lot. However, when he opens his eyes, he suddenly senses a huge threat of death.

"Good familiar feeling, Wang Long..." the first time, he reacted, extremely alert, looking around.

This fatal sense of crisis, let Long Yan can't realize, this time accompany Wang long together, and sword sky this patriarch personally out.

At this time, all of a sudden, he saw a familiar figure. Within ten li, Wang Long's figure appeared.

Wang Long didn't seem to be close to himself immediately, and he probably found himself in this distance, otherwise he wouldn't have sent out such a terrible atmosphere of killing.

When Long Yan saw that Wang Long didn't get close to him, he raised his mouth and showed a cruel smile. In the sword sea where he was, all the sword Qi that was flying in one direction turned around and surrounded him.

The sword of killing came at a high speed, and a huge sword array was formed in an instant. This was actually the famous "prison demon sword array" in the sword clan.

The prisoner's magic sword array, within a radius of 1000 meters, began to send out a kind of Rune flow of the array. Unexpectedly, it was so fast that the Dragon Yan was trapped in it.

Moreover, the sword array forms a circle, which is composed of millions of sword Qi.

Moreover, in the sea of swords, these sharp swords are extremely terrifying. In this way, they seem to be revived. On each sword, there is a surge of sword spirit.

"No, I may have exposed the target!" Long Yan now realizes that it's not good.

For the first time, he thought of Cang Xuankong. There must be something wrong with him. Otherwise, how could Wang Long appear.

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