This huge and grand wedding was celebrated all over the world. It can be said that Tianjing Jianzong was very lively, and all the faces were full of smiles.

The moment of happiness has finally arrived.

The whole sword clan's 90 million disciples can be said to have prepared so many lanterns and decorations in advance. They are all excited and full of excitement.

The vast scene, Tianzong sword field, can accommodate 10 million people, the rest of the disciples, also in the edge of the sword field, looking at the sky soul mirror.

The sky soul mirror is almost the same as the test soul tablet. It can be magnified many times and turn back the image inside the wedding hall, so that the guests of three regions and nine regions can see clearly and witness the wedding.

Moreover, around the huge sword field, there are at least ten such huge soul mirrors. Everyone cheers and boils. They sit down one after another in the laughter.

In the same way, on Jianfeng mountain, there are innumerable pavilions and halls, all of which have set up banquets. Just waiting for the arrival of noon, the whole world will celebrate.

Jiantianqiong is the happiest one. He stood at the top of jianlingjudu hall and looked at the people below. He said in a loud voice, "ladies and gentlemen, my little girl is married today. But after the wedding, two days later, I still have a big event to tell the world. I hope that all of you will not leave in a hurry. I will send someone to show you around and visit our Jianzong in these two days, I've got a lot of wonderful and interesting programs for you

On such an important and grand day, it must be that all the warriors who did not come to the mainland of the holy Dynasty also gathered in the kingdom of heaven.

The face of the sword sky is really too big. It definitely makes the Heaven Sword clan shine. You know, this time, it's the super strong people all over the world.

I can't help but let the disciples of Jianzong feel proud and proud. This is the most lively moment. Jianzong is boiling up and down.

There are hundreds of cranes. They are also busy adding spirit to the halls. They are responsible for transporting and delivering dishes. Everything is ready,.

From Jianzong hall to broken star Pavilion, and then Jianzong Pavilion, they are all covered with red rose petals, full of joy. It's like a road to the temple of heaven. The fragrance permeates the whole space, and there are red lanterns hanging on many fairy plants.

The whole sword clan is so beautiful that it seems to have really entered the palace of immortals.

All things, like dreams, such a wedding, how many people dream of, with a dream color.

In the sky of sword, millions of elites from Tianjing Palace are secretly arranged to maintain the order of the scene. Their duty is to guard the scene.

Of course, anyone who dares to make trouble today must be impatient to die.

In addition to the Jianzong hall, the highest place of Jianfeng mountain is the Jianyun position. Jiantian looks at the sky. He is excited and believes in their God. The emperor of natural calamity will be reborn soon. This news is destined to shock the holy land.

At this time, he was accompanied by Ning Yan jianzun and Mu Nan fengjianzun, who should be regarded as his closest right arm. Moreover, the strength of the three men was equal, and their bodies were full of terrible sword spirit.

"Lord, let's go down. It's almost time for Tianzong sword field to be here. The emperor respects her old man and resurrects him. I'm sure I'll be moved to see what you've done for him."

"Yes, our God is coming back at last. From then on, our Jianzong is the first major force in the whole holy Dynasty mainland. It's a pity for Wang long and long Ling."

Ning Yan and Mu Nanfeng said, waiting for this moment, waiting too long, the sky of sword even got wet.

"No, they are not. They should be honored for this. If we want to accomplish the great cause in the future, some people will sacrifice themselves. Even if I sacrifice myself, I am proud to contribute my life to the emperor of natural disasters. This is the supreme honor.

Sword sky finish saying, wave a hand, soon three figures disappear in sword cloud position!

Similarly, the seemingly ordinary Tianzong sword field is also the most sacred place of Jianzong gate, because in the center of the sword field, there is a huge Tianjian, representing the most sacred Tianjian, the soul of the sword.

Usually, the disciples of Jianzong worship this sword first when they practice their swords here. Moreover, this huge thousand meter sky sword has a direct relationship with the sword sea in Jianfeng mountain. If this sky sword is destroyed, I'm afraid the sword sea will disappear at any time.

This is the center of Jianzong, and it is also the most sacred place. Countless dead swordsmen, their spirits and spirits, will be absorbed into Tianjian.

There is a small sword pool around the part where Tianjian is inserted into the underground. It can be said that the swords of Jianzong are all in the sword pool. They practice their own swords with the energy of sword soul.

Every warrior has his own soul sword, so the soul sword is destroyed. If you take it here, it can still be restored intact.

There are many miraculous things in Jianzong. There are not many people in the center of Tianzong sword field, the center of the huge sword pool.

I think we all know that this is a sacred place of Jianzong. We all consciously keep a certain distance.

The nine Xinjiang masters, led by the ancient city of Tongling palace, the five great kings of martial arts, the nine great emperors and the ten great demons, who are the representatives of the strong, are also seated one after another under the arrangement of the sword sky. They all have their own exclusive positions. Similarly, the gods and Demons wanzu are arranged in the closest place to the strong, which is also extremely respectful to him.

It can be said that in this position, you can clearly see the luxurious wedding hall built on the high platform.

At this time, before noon, the wedding hall worshipped the eight sword emperors with seven swords and worshiped them, but the sky was not visible.

On such a grand day, how can we not worship our ancestors? However, among the numerous forces below, the strong ones are still full of doubts.

Because today, it seems that there is a very important little genius who has not appeared. From time to time, people are talking in a low voice.

"What's the matter? How did the Emperor Wu zunlongyan, who was newly appointed to the palace of the holy Dynasty, not appear? "

"Yes, the outside world is not all in spread, Long Yan will certainly appear at that time, to destroy this wedding." They speak in a very low voice, and a few of them say it, but it is enough to show that many people don't say it, but they are full of doubts.

Yes, even at the moment, Long Yan is still missing, the most anxious is Xiaoshi and Meng Xinghun, although Xiaoshi incomparably trust Long Yan, but at this time, some can't help it.

"Master, you let me go, I have to find brother Yan, otherwise it's too late."

"No, Emperor Zun told us to keep an eye on you. We are not allowed to go anywhere." Huangji red soul lion holds the lion to death.

In the same way, on this side of the ancient city of Tongling palace, the master of Xinjiang, holding a folding fan, is closing his eyes. He seems to be very leisurely. He is dressed in white and has a handsome appearance. He looks quite dignified. Moreover, his strength is the same as that of the five kings of Wu and the Lord of sword heaven.

"Palace master, are you really in no hurry? Long yanwuzun hasn't appeared yet. Should we..."

"An, the five great kings are so calm. They can wait so much, so can we. Don't worry, everything is in my expectation."

As soon as he thought of the task given to him by the mysterious guest before he set out, the master of the psychic palace was full of great pressure, but under the pressure, he had to complete the meeting.

"Master, but..."

"Well, Longyan won't have an accident, that person won't not know, more won't let him have an accident!"

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