In order to kill Longyan and maim him, jiantianqiong does not hesitate to pay any price, even resurrect the great disaster emperor. He doesn't care about anyone's life. He can sacrifice the life of Longling, not to mention these ants like disciples.

The sword sky was furious this time.

Tianjing sword sect is staging a terrible catastrophe. When he realized that such a killing could not end Long Yan's life, he stopped and found that at least thousands of sword sect disciples died under his terrible killing.

"No, how is that possible? Am I mad at this boy? " The sword sky was furious.

When his body smashed to the ground from the void, he glared at everything around him. The broken limbs and arms lying on the ground, and the ground stained with blood, made him pain and unbearable.

He didn't care about the lives of these people, but because of his own killing, so many people lost their lives in vain. His hatred for Longyan became more intense, even to the situation of immortality.

Just as he was standing on the ground and looking around, two huge strong dragon claws burst out behind him.

Disha magic power, dragon claw extension, with absolutely silent attack.

However, it was not so easy to fool such a strong man as jiantianqiong. He suddenly turned around and cut with a sword.

Suddenly, he cut off the two long claws directly, but this is the usual technique of Longyan. The real attack is not here. These two arms are coagulated with blood mist.

When the sword sky didn't realize it, there was a huge explosion from the ground standing at his feet, which directly impacted him towards the sky.

This is the real killing of Longyan. The magic blade sword in Longyan's hand attacks the footwall of the sword sky with incomparable speed.

Nevertheless, the sword sky is also extremely quick reaction, as if Longyan appears at any time, he can feel the direction of Longyan at any time.

With the power of Tianlei double swords, he instantly breaks the attack of Longyan and attacks him to the ground again. Moreover, this time, the sword sky is cruel. He must make Longyan deeply disabled, so that he will never turn over.

This is the difference between them. With a bang, Long Yan is attacked to the ground again. His body is broken by the powerful sword Qi of the other side.

He was too weak to be attacked. He was so weak that above the sky, he was like a God, melting with the golden sun. The boundless power came out of his body, which made him tremble. He glared at Longyan and was indifferent. It made Longyan feel like a mountain pressing on him and unable to move.

It turned out that he was so small in front of him that he didn't know how to resist, let alone defeat him.

He is far away from defeating Jiancang. If it wasn't for the dragon's reverse power, he has already defeated Jiancang twice. If he thinks too much about success, then he is thrilled to think of failure. It seems that he sees any hope, and Jiancang is like a devil.

At this time, he suddenly felt like Wang long before, so helpless, and even lost the meaning of living. His failure led to all his efforts in the past nine years, all in vain. His heart will not accept it, and he will collapse instantly.

"No, no, how can I fail!"

Long Yan can't bear his failure. He tries to make himself stand up. The man above Aoshi is like a fray. He can only show his dragon reverse power again. This time, Long Yan has a bad feeling, because he suddenly finds that his Nirvana power is not as prosperous as before.

That is to say, if you can't get a breakthrough, you are likely to use the Dragon reverse power all the time, and your Nirvana power will be exhausted, and the end will be extremely miserable.

However, from then on, Long Yan faced the sword sky. His eyes were more bloodshot and bloodshot. He was biting his teeth. His heart, which was not willing to yield, was burning like fire, staring at the sword sky angrily.

"Brother Yan..."

Seeing that Long Yan was abused one after another, the lion was extremely angry. Even under the siege of the two great swords, he transformed his original body of the golden lion into a terrifying golden lion. It was so powerful that it integrated with the whole heaven and earth, and then tore away towards the two great Swords.

Ten thousand swords cold ice sword, the ten thousand swords formed by ten thousand swords belong to the clan. Then the cold ice cold flame, with the sword Gang, makes the whole space cold. Where ten thousand swords pass, the whole space begins to freeze quickly, breaking the true Yang flame of the little lion, and resisting each other crazily. Moreover, these ten thousand swords attack the little lion with a steady stream of sword Qi, and slash the sky. The sword Qi is really terrible.

Seventy two goldfish swords are even more terrifying. Each sword is vigorous and domineering. It's like a rain sword, which makes it difficult for the lion to move.

"Devour heaven and earth!"


Little lion opens his huge mouth and spurts out flames, forming a huge flame whirlpool of heaven and earth, and then devours it crazily. He is too busy for himself. It's very good that he can stick to it, so he's very worried about Longyan.

In this way, Long Yan was wandering in the line of life and death. After his serious injury, his inner fortress became more and more unstable. Every time he was killed, half of his life was left. People's hearts trembled. It was hard for them to imagine that the strength of the sword sky was so terrible. At the same time, it shocked Long Yan's immortal body against the sky and his perseverance.

Ru Xueqin hugs Long Ling in her arms and doesn't let her see the cruel and bloody picture. But every time she hears people's voice, her heart is stabbed.

Long Ling can't help crying, holding her mother, she can't imagine her brother Yan, in the end bear how crazy torture.

Blood dyed red dragon inflammation clothes, from dry, again dyed red wet up, again and again seriously injured, see the people tremble.

The five great kings and thousands of high-level strong men in the palace of the holy Dynasty could not bear to see this scene. They had to fight several times, but they were stopped by the emperor Haotian.

The hearts of all people are extremely heavy. Even if the sword sky is a little exhausted at this time, every time Long Yan is killed half dead, he can climb up like a Xiaoqiang.

"Emperor Zun, if it goes on like this, Long Yan will really die. Do we really not do it?"

"No, wait a minute. The boy is close to the limit of his body." When Emperor Haotian spoke, his original spirit, with extremely terrifying murderous spirit, took a look at the ancient city of Tongling palace.

This action almost scared the master of the ancient city of Tongling palace to death.

"It's a strong murderous spirit. Can't it be that the emperor Haotian doubts me? It's impossible. After Longyan is killed, it's the best time for me to do it. At that time, it's the king's way to quickly break his kingdom and take away the heart."

The master of the psychic palace thought, of course, no one knew that he would be the first rebel against the Terran.

Moreover, the ancient city of his psychic palace is the largest force in the nine territories.

Then, continue to look at Longyan, waiting for the opportunity to come.

Longyan, who was dyed red by blood, had no resistance. The death and killing tormented his heart again and again. Although he failed, he could stand up and shake his body every time to make himself immortal.

He has a will that can't be killed. In his eyes, he only firmly believes that he can't fall down.

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