Longling wakes up, but her eyes are full of tears. She can't care about the pain of her wound. She protects Longyan in front of her chest and looks at the sword sky. In this world, when Longyan is really threatened by death, only Xiaoshi and Longling ignore to protect Longyan together.

Even if she gave her life, she didn't step back. She had no regrets, just like Longyan did to her. If Longyan died, she still had the meaning to live in this world.

That clear eyes, tears fall, at the same time, already with some hatred staring at the sword sky, she until now, treat this father already full of anger and hatred, even disappointed.

This is also the sky of the sword. I can see such hatred in the eyes of the dragon spirit.

But the sword sky pointed the sword at Longyan behind her: "I say again, get out of my way, you know, anyway, you can't stop me."

It can be said that the sword sky can achieve the position of the patriarch, which definitely has a cruel side, and will not be retreated by the dragon spirit because of this little hatred.

Long Ling shakes her head. She is not the little girl who obeyed him at the beginning. She is simple and kind. She not only contradicts the sword sky, but also hates him from her heart.

Her love is persistence, but also a responsibility to Longyan. She wants to protect her own love, because their love can't only be guarded by Longyan. She also has her own protection.

"If you take brother Yan and me apart like this, you will suffer retribution. I will make you never succeed. Even, I can use death to prove how much I love him. I will make you get nothing. Do you think I didn't have the Danhong herb last time I took it? I prepared a lot, even I had taken it before, as long as I refined it in my body, You get nothing... "

Long Ling was very stubborn and said that at this time, Jian Tianqiong was very angry. Of course, he didn't think of this. He didn't see any concern on his face. He just thought that he would complete the mission and accomplish his great career.

If Long Ling really died, there would be nothing left. No one could stop him.

"Ling'er, you, how can you be so stupid? You are still so young. My father never wanted to sacrifice you. But in this world, only you can do this. You are the most suitable person. You are still you. Just change your memory. Forget about Long Yan. Your fate has come to this point. My father is begging you. Long Yan, he has violated my bottom line again and again, I can't bear it any longer. I won't abandon such a person who doesn't know good or evil. It will threaten my whole sword clan in the future. I can't let him grow up. "

Longling didn't retreat at all. The love she showed to Longyan in her eyes and the hatred to the sword sky.

"Are you really so? Isn't it for your own personal interests? You want to revive the great disaster emperor, and then your value will rise with the flood. Maybe the great disaster emperor will take you to the Dragon kingdom in the future to develop and let you live in a higher realm. Do you think I can't guess that? The Dragon kingdom is the dream of the strong in the whole holy Dynasty. But if you want to sacrifice us, I can't do it. If you are strong enough, I will make you regret what you have done to us. You are so cruel. I have wasted so many years to call your father, so no matter what, I won't get out of the way. "

Speaking of this time, she is more tightly hold Longyan, if not with Longyan together, they have no future, then she is equal to lost everything.

Long Ling has turned pale and pale. "Come on, if you want to kill us, then kill us. Anyway, I won't get out of the way. You can try. If you kill brother Yan first or I die here first, you won't get anything."

Such a beautiful woman guards Longyan for love, and her moving beauty affects the hearts of every strong person present, making them feel extremely shocked.

For the sake of love, she would rather die than surrender, and force each other with death. This spirit of love to the end of time touches every strong man.

Life and death in their eyes, has not how important, as long as they can be together, this is enough, stronger than anything.

Longyan's tears don't listen to the flow down, he will also hold Longling, feel her body has been shaking, so peerless appearance, but for their own color that original appearance, he is very distressed.

Now they have nothing else to ask for, relying on their will to fight against the sword sky, and he is even more frightened by the dragon spirit taking the red grass.

It's white skin, delicate and incomparable, white reflection, the body familiar with the body fragrance, let Longyan full of warmth, at this time, he is head nestled in Longling's arms, this picture looks very warm, also let people feel very sad.

"Xiaoling, I love you!" Long Yan in her face full of tears, gently kiss, and at that moment, Long Yan eyes, full of murder, the kind of people from the heart feel deep fear and fear, as if appeared in his face.

They hugged each other tightly, tears and blood mixed together, and they suffered a lot from each other.

Each other feel each other's heartbeat, "if there is a chance, I must be very good to protect you, I want to love you, Xiaoling, we live and die together, but this time, brother Yan really tried his best."

"I know. I know everything." The Dragon Spirit was crying, and the blood red robe wedding dress, which was dyed red, was even more enchanting.

At that moment, Long Yan's heart seems to have a lot of Epiphany, especially at the moment, long Linghu is beside him. He seems to realize what killing itself is, why people kill, is killing just cruel and cold? Is there no tenderness, no love, no yearning?

He seemed to be pushed away from the clouds and saw the sun again. He was protected by the dragon spirit. The anger that she was unable to resist the sword sky, her heart, actually had a killing.

This kind of killing is inspired under the premise of love, so the killing itself is not really killing.

There were some small fluctuations in Longyan's mood, but no one found out. Sometimes, killing is not a real killing. There are also various factors. Maybe Longling is his lucky general. God has arranged such an encounter for him to let them bear such pain. Maybe it is also Longyan's double ancestral dragon spirit, It brought him a great setback and life test.

If he lost confidence in himself, lost his courage and gave up everything, then he would not be worthy of this double ancestral dragon spirit. What would he take to achieve higher talent and supreme honor in the future? This is the biggest test of his life. Even in the future, there are still countless such tests.

Stand the test, maybe everything can be overcome.

God is fair to everyone, but it is absolutely cruel.

The most precious thing in the world is love. With love, there is a combination of two people, and a lot of things happen. So what does this have to do with killing?

Killing itself makes Long Yan enter an unprecedented state repeatedly. At that moment, his brain spins rapidly, and time seems to be frozen.

The Dragon Spirit and the sword are living and dying in the sky, and their lives are on the line. They win a lot of thinking time for Longyan. Any chance, Longyan will not be wasted.

When the gentle and tender embrace him in the words, his head is held by the dragon spirit, that kind of tenderness and warmth, full of the whole body of the dragon, the love between each other, into each other's body.

They use life resistance, to fight for the last glimmer of life, Long Yan know, when, even if only the last glimmer of hope, he can not easily give up.

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