The sky of sword is so abnormal that all those who are watching below are very surprised. It seems that suddenly his body is full of power, and the power keeps rising, even surpassing his previous power.

Haotian emperor then continued: "this time, it depends on whether Longyan can fight. The other half of the Yuanshen power of the disaster emperor is in his kingdom, but his power soars. At most, it can only break out once."

Long Yan felt the strength of the other party's surge, and even saw the anger in the sword sky's eyes, which made him feel a bit shocked.

"Long Yan, your time of death is up. If you don't kill me, then I have a chance. I won't give up. Next, I will bring you the most terrible killing." Sword sky finish saying, incomparably arrogant anger smile, the appearance is very arrogant.

The emperor of natural disaster gave him strength, which showed that the old witch was really worried. The blow brought by Longyan was too big for them to accept.

After Xiaoshi defeated the seven sword emperors, he planned to face the sword sky with Longyan, but Longyan said: "Xiaoshi, go back."

Lion understand, Long Yan to face him, did not think much, back to red soul and others.

At this time, with the help of the last power of the God of natural disaster, sword sky tried to kill Longyan again. And this time, the double swords of Tianlei in his hand actually gathered in his body.

The most powerful move comes from the power of emperor Zun. Let Longyan know what is the unity of man and sword.

And they saw that the sword, the body of the sky, burst out the momentum of the two seals, the light, the flame and the thunder.

They are all integrated into his body, and his body emits two magic swords, which have eight spirit stripes. When they come together, their power is even more terrible.

In this way, in his crazy condensation of powerful Nirvana force, completely filled his whole body, ready to go, immediately formed a huge sword power.

This power, with the power of breaking the universe, is ten times stronger than his own terrible move before.

Long Yan realized the terror of the other party, and soon he thought that maybe this power did not come from himself, but from the disaster emperor that day. Of course, with the help of other people's power, he could empty all his own power only once.

Victory or defeat depends on this. Sword sky is hollowed out regardless of his own strength. He just wants to teach Long Yan a lesson and even kill him.

"Give me strength! I want to be stronger, stronger! "

Sword sky, roar up, suddenly, his whole person towards Longyan crazy rush, and he has formed a heaven and earth power of sword momentum, has thousands of meters of huge edge.

The penetrating power is very strong. The power of the ancestor of the sword God is really not strong. I'm afraid that the emperor of natural calamity is the only one who can produce such terrible sword skills on the holy land.

He is the strongest sword warrior who stabilizes the holy Dynasty mainland and brings a huge killing atmosphere to Longyan.

"With the power of the ancestor of our sword God, the unity of man and sword will pierce your huge dragon body."

Suddenly, the whole body of the sword sky was burning with fire, piercing the body of the dragon, and the bloody killing dragon quickly wandered in the air.

The huge sword awn in the sword sky began to destroy the space endlessly, and pursued and killed Longyan.

He is the embodiment of a thousand meters sword, sharp degree, no one dares to resist the edge.

For a moment, the red spirit of the demon clan and the other nine demons were scared.

"I can't imagine that the sword sky has a backhand. It's not his own strength. It's really terrible."

"Yes, sword sky really wants to kill Longyan."

However, want to kill the Dragon Yan, so far people have not seen this domineering dragon, there are any signs of defeat.

Maybe, there will be miracles.

When the sky fire and thunder come, the whole person becomes a sword in the sky of sword. The surrounding energy is constantly enhanced, forming the power of moving mountains and reclaiming the sea.

The whole space is full of huge killing. At this time, people can see that the killing dragon is wandering in the sky, and another picture appears in the sky. That picture is like a sword totem, like a huge picture unfolding. In that picture, all the black shadows are practicing kendo.

It's like a world-class sword shadow. When the killing dragon was included in the picture, countless black shadow swordsmen pierced him one after another.

The figure of the sword sky has disappeared. Maybe it is his real masterpiece that has changed into a huge picture of the world.

All the people were shocked. It was a kind of world-class power that could evolve into such a huge picture condensed by sword shadow.

And those black shadows, there are thousands of shadows, each shadow, I'm afraid, has the level of strength of jianzun.

It's really terrible. The killing sword not only stabbed the killing dragon, but also made the Dragon hard.

People can clearly see that some dragon scales fall from the scroll.

I can't help but let everyone start to worry about Longyan. The real transcendent sword skill of Jianzong is the power of the ancestor of the sword God, which is the treasure to protect Jianzong.

Haotian emperor, some silly eyes up, worried: "this, this is' Tongtian imperial sword real picture seal ', is the sword clan seal, belongs to the natural disaster emperor's way of becoming famous."

"The seal of Tongtian imperial sword array?" For a time, the five kings of Wu were full of horror.

Moreover, no one has ever been able to decipher or come out of the picture.

The killing dragon is completely trapped in the picture and endures endless sword killing, because in the picture, what Long Yan feels is another world, in which he can't even dodge.

It seems that those black shadow swordsmen can't be killed. They can't be killed forever.

I don't know when the figure of the sword sky appeared again. This time, he appeared outside the picture scroll, and he was arrogant and arrogant: "Long Yan, you are waiting to be killed in it. The God of our sword is the God of natural disaster. How can you shake it? I have planned this opportunity for more than 2000 years, and spent countless energy on it, Just because you want to change everything, today, with the power of the emperor, I will get rid of you. No matter who dares to destroy my plan, it will be damned! "

This guy is completely stubborn, there is no cure, he said these words, the most disappointing is the dragon spirit.

Originally thought, let her brother Yan, let each other go, will let sword sky give up, but did not expect each other but want to kill Long Yan, and the killing has never put down.

She underestimated the strong killing heart of the sword sky.

The sad dragon spirit is more worried about the safety of Longyan at the moment, and he has been injured. Even if the huge dragon body rolls endlessly, it is difficult to rush out in this picture, and he can't get rid of the sword killing of those black warriors.

You know, those thousands of dark shadows, one dark shadow, are all the strength of jianzun level. Combined with this huge killing power, they can shock people all over the world.

Ning Yan and the other five sword masters, the sword emperor and others, have never seen them. Their sword clan has such a terrible magic skill, the true seal of Tongtian imperial sword!

In order to kill Longyan, sword sky even used the last card. It's really hard to imagine.

"The picture of Tongtian imperial sword array is photocopied. Do you think it's just the killing? No, the next thing is the key. You just wait to die!"

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