The dragon spirit quickly gathers the vast and terrifying power.

She has the Wuji blood spirit vein and Wuji dragon soul, plus the dragon soul power of Longyan's ancestor. It can be said that she is a combination of three forces. Therefore, when the second great underworld God comes and the city is burning with fire, she is still fully confident that she can survive the disaster.

Long Yan this time, also began to worry, for Long Ling nervous, don't know long Ling this time can also cross rob success?

However, looking at Longling's tough and confident appearance, he can rest assured that Longling will also work hard. If she becomes stronger, it will help Longyan. She is facing a crucial moment at the moment.

Of course, Longling also wants to help Li Mengyao after becoming stronger, hoping to do her part.

The Dragon Spirit looks at the sky fire condensed by the terrible cloud above, and the vast double magic power of Ming Wu makes her fearless.

Herself, her magical power of dark martial arts has been extremely powerful, plus her cultivation of Dao seal, sword Dao seal, also has a strong resistance.

After the formation of such a fire, it came down.

The whole heaven and earth suddenly burned into a huge flame, in which there were countless thunder.

Heaven and earth tremble and roar.

Long Yan is so nervous that he has already clenched his fist, because he loves long Ling so much that he can't bear to see her hurt at all. Even if the sky wants to hurt her, Long Yan will poke a hole in the sky.

When the endless sky fire burns, it condenses, like an ancient beast, swallowing the dragon spirit.

Tianjing Jianzong, when everyone saw this scene, they were all worried. If long lingdu failed in the robbery or was devoured by Tianhuo, it would not only make Long Yan crazy, but also affect the whole Jianzong people.

The Dragon Spirit's body is full of Fairy Spirit breath, dancing with a huge dragon body. The whole person incarnates into a five pole blood spirit dragon full of murderous spirit, and rushes towards the giant beast of Tianhuo. No matter how terrible the Tianhuo is, she still doesn't show any timidity.

"I want to succeed. Only in this way can I share his pressure for my husband. As his wife, I can't let brother Yan fight alone and face these pressures alone."

This is from her inner firm belief, but also her obsession.

To be Longyan's wife, let her own have a kind of glory and pride, it is such a feeling, let her full of power, all the potential power in the body, all excited.

When the dragon body was mobilized, it suddenly burst out to fight against the power of Tianhuo to burn the city with absolute terror.

It's just a double robbery of the Ming and Wu gods, and the dragon spirit is not in the eye.


The low dragon chant burst out, showing that she had been angry, also full of great dignity.

The Dragon itself is the representative of the gods, and the huge dragon body is full of powerful vertical and horizontal sword Qi, endlessly splitting those sky fire.

When the power in her body converges into a sphere of energy, it bursts into pieces and produces a huge energy wave halo.

With the most violent force, to resist the double God rob.

When, above the sky, the dragon spirit, which seemed to exist like a God, showed all her strength. At that moment, everyone was shocked.

They marveled. The power of Dao Yin and the power of the dragon are so powerful that it seems that it is possible to resist the second divine robbery.

The fairy fog, the sword in the sky, tore up all the countless spaces, and the whole world seemed to shake.

Suddenly, those forces collided and the sky boomed, and it burst out continuously.

The power of the double underworld God is more than ten times stronger than that of the previous one, but the power of the dragon spirit is more terrible.

When the power of heaven and earth, the dragon body suddenly disappeared.

The Immortal Dragon Spirit came back. In her hands, a huge sword blade with a length of more than 2000 meters was formed. Moreover, the sword blade was full of innumerable immortal breath, as if covered with innumerable clouds.

In the process of her continuous Dodge, her hands suddenly split down, and with the most absolute crazy burst power, she continued to destroy and weaken the power of that day fire.


Such a terrorist force directly splits a huge space gap, from which an outflow of phagocytic power engulfs countless flames.

Such a powerful force can break through the void endlessly and stir up the turbulence of the sword sea and the star sea.

Countless broken stones were broken into more pieces, and the shaking sword sea was also overturned.

Those stars and stones are scattered one after another.

The sky fire and thunder and lightning robbed the clouds and rolled endlessly, as if they were not threatened by the Dragon Spirit at all. They once again descended with the power of crazy God robbery, trying to destroy the fairy woman.

How could it be so easy for the Dragon Spirit to compromise and be defeated because of her majesty and her abundant power? In this way, the sky exploded endlessly in the process of resisting tianhuoshenjie again and again.

In the endless destruction, Tianhuo was quickly absorbed by her, and then recovered. Yes, in less than a quarter of an hour, the Dragon Spirit succeeded again, and passed the double underworld robbery.

So easy to spend, although there are also breathtaking, but long lingdu robbery, absolutely more relaxed than others countless times.

When those dark forces rush into the body of the dragon spirit, she feels her power increase, and she becomes the strongman of the double dark forces.

This time, the Dragon Spirit has a more amazing change, the whole person is full of a charm temperament, a kind of Queen's feeling.

After she completed this breakthrough and got metamorphosis, Long Yan also relaxed a lot and felt happy for her.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and jiantianqiong's face relaxed. Of course, he was scared out of a cold sweat. If Longling failed, their Jianzong would lose a Jianzong emperor.

However, it's hard to understand why, after two successive robberies, the cloud still doesn't dissipate in the sky. Does it mean that

People dare not think about it. Sure enough, Long Yan sees that the cloud is crazy again.

Long Yan found out for the first time, because after the complete metamorphosis of the dragon spirit, her dark plunder power was extremely strong, which also made her step on the peak of the double later period.

The boiling of Wuji's blood and spirit pulse, stimulated by the ancestral god dragon, makes her even more terrifying power of robbing the cloud. Does this infuriate the power of the way of heaven?

All the people were in an uproar again. The extent of the sudden rise of power, the cloud of robbery has completely covered the whole Jianfeng mountain.

Is this the legend, to three joint ferry robbery?

Miracle, this is absolutely the first time in history that such a triple robbery happened to Long Ling.

When the three clouds of Ming Wu God's robbery condense, the strong wind, thunder and lightning make the sunny day directly covered by the clouds into a dark world.

This time, the sky of sword, the six great masters of sword, the seven great emperors of sword, and countless disciples of sword sect are even more stupid.

It's not only them. Longyan opens his eyes again and looks at the top of Longling's head in disbelief. He is extremely worried, and the ancestor spirit in his body also boils with him.

"Xiaoling, are you sure?"

Long Yan yells, he is nervous at this time all want to rush past, plan to put her in the dream dragon country, personally to replace the terrible God rob power.

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