The forbidden area of Jianfeng mountain and the memorial mausoleum have always been the ancestral Mausoleum of Jianzong, which is also full of great sword spirit.

At this time, the sword sky was shocked. But soon, everyone saw that when the Dragon Spirit was approaching, the whole ancestral mausoleum was shaking with a roar.

It seems to be loose. What happened?

Everyone was very nervous and full of horror. Then a huge sky sword rose from the forbidden area of Zuling. This sword is obviously different from the sky sword of Tianzong sword farm.

Because people can feel that the sword is really full of verve on this huge sky sword. The sword is actually coming towards the dragon spirit. It is thousands of meters high. It seems that it rises from the ground below the ancestral mausoleum.

No one knows that there is such a magic sword hidden under the ancestral mausoleum. When this sword comes out, the swords of 90 million disciples of the sword clan tremble one after another.

Even the Tianlei double swords in jiantianqiong's hands were shocked, as if they were full of fear for this huge Tianjian.

The whole body of the huge sword is full of verve, full of surging sword Qi. The whole body of the sword is surrounded by that kind of immortal Qi. At the position of the sword Bing, there are several shining blood red crystal stones, which are very powerful and domineering.

I'm afraid this sword will pierce a hole in the sky.

It seems that the healthy qi of sword Qi is specially made for the dragon spirit. There is no doubt that this God's colorful sword must have great spirituality.

When this magic sword, with the speed visible to the naked eye, shrinks fast enough to let the Dragon Spirit hold it in his hand, it stops.

That's it, brush! The sword flies into the hands of the dragon spirit. It's a perfect match for her,.

This sword is powerful. With a slight wave, it can arouse a burst of terrible sword Qi, which is powerful enough.

What's more, this sword is only three feet long, shining with golden awn, colorful and full of verve. It seems that it is only 24 magic swords that are not lost to Longyan.

Even more powerful than Fengshen chop and Lingyang magic weapon.

"What? Is this the legendary nine immortals sword? "

Jianzun and others surrounded the sword sky one after another. Their expressions were all shocked, and they stared at the magic sword.

"According to legend, the nine immortals sword is a super weapon used by the great disaster emperor. It has nine spirit lines and 24 magic blades. They are all super anti heaven weapons of the same level."

How could the sword used by the natural disaster emperor be a simple character? After so many years, I can't imagine that it was buried in the ancestral mausoleum.

Jiantianqiong has Tianlei double swords. The seal of Tongtian imperial sword array that last reversed Longyan is the sword skill evolved from this sword.

It belongs to the best innate Dao method, but the sword master's understanding of Kendo is only superficial, so it doesn't really give full play to its power.

Moreover, Longyan is strong enough, he can't kill Longyan any more.

You know, the nine immortals sword and the Tongtian imperial sword can kill all the strong people in a second. They have created many myths. Longyan is the only one who survived the killing.

It's no wonder that the emperor of natural disasters finally completely compromised with this young man.

According to the legend, the nine immortals sword has exceeded 24 magic blades, and can even be compared with the wusheng tower in the palace of the holy Dynasty.

It is said that wusheng pagoda is evolved from a Taoist weapon, and its power is terrible.

In this way, the nine immortals sword may be an artifact left over from ancient times.

Unexpectedly, it was such a magic sword that flew out by itself and was held by the dragon spirit. This shows that the magic sword came out and it has recognized the dragon spirit.

With the Wuji blood spirit pulse, and fully opened, it's easy to control the nine immortals sword. The Dragon Spirit itself is full of excitement.

In this way, the Dragon Spirit in the face of the triple Ming Wu God, will fear?

No, the next moment, she suddenly instilled the power of terror, suddenly showed an unprecedented sword power, instantly broke the endless void, let the three God robbers, all shock away, this power is enough to shock everyone.

Even Long Yan felt incredible. This move alone definitely exceeded the power of the 24 magic blades. After all, the 24 magic blades also had nine spirit stripes, but it was definitely not more terrifying than this magic sword.

Powerful sword Qi, boundless, dragon spirit can instantly control, and play the power of the nine immortals sword, which is enough to show that she will have no problem in the next robbery.

In this way, the people saw that the dragon spirit, holding the nine immortals sword, rushed straight into the sky, and rose to a height that people were almost invisible.

The nine immortals sword exudes a huge aura of immortality. For a moment, it makes the dragon spirit more powerful and surrounded by immortality.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Three God robbers, without giving face, endless condensation, and then down.

The nine immortals sword seems to have been provoked, and it doesn't flinch at all. It suddenly erupts into a more powerful sword killing.

They collide, and then they fight together.

At that moment, all the people were shaking, and the whole Jianfeng mountain was shaking. All the things in the space were destroyed by the sword spirit.

The sword sky and others also showed their strength one after another, supporting the sweeping power of the sword spirit.

The whole space, full of huge breath of death, threatens everyone's life.

The sword Qi is flying all over the sky. Longyan has to protect the safety of the people. He quickly transforms the dragon and uses the huge dragon body to resist the sword Qi for the people.

All of a sudden, Longyan's move filled everyone with great emotion.

The nine immortals sword in Longling's hand once again successfully resisted the three kinds of God's calamity. The sword's air was vertical and horizontal, and the figure of Longling drew a beautiful arc. With beautiful posture, he rushed directly into the terrible calamity cloud alone.

People were worried about her safety, but soon they saw that in the huge cloud, there were many swords, which destroyed the killing rules of heaven.

The endless process of destruction, everyone is really silly, every sword, at least thousands of meters, can want to be so merciless destruction, even if the sky will tremble.

Of course, during the battle, the dragon spirit is also absorbing the magical power of the underworld, so that he can be promoted and become a real three strong man of the underworld.

It's hard for people to imagine that the little princess Longling, who always seems gentle and kind, has such a strong and terrible side, which really makes them silly.

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