The fierce struggle of the wild emperor, now it's the fear of death and the despair that Longyan brought him.

"Let me go, let me go, or you'll die!" The wild emperor roared.

At the same time, the scarlet mouth, a ring of sharp teeth, also began to bite towards the huge dragon body.

For a time, dragon blood and gluttonous animal blood, sprinkling down, the sky began to rain blood!

"In that case, it depends on who eats faster."

With a roar, Longyan can bite off one tenth of Taotie's body.

The whole heaven and earth are full of terrible killing. The heaven and earth tremble. The space is constantly squeezed out of the air by the dragon's tail, and explodes. The wild and ancient world has been destroyed, and the heaven and earth split. This is a super world war. The huge gluttonous beast with a full length of more than 30000 meters has been devoured half by the ancestor dragon's body.

"Wait, do you really want to see the lion die? I command you to stop, stop for me The voice of the wild emperor in despair, and finally with the life of the lion once again from the threat of Longyan.

"Damn it The dragon's body is more than 60000 meters long. Only then does it stop tearing and swallowing. Moreover, a dragon swings its tail and pulls the half beast's body toward the ground!


The gluttonous swallow beast smashed a pit of at least tens of thousands of meters on the ground, but Longyan still couldn't breathe. Seeing the little lion in that space, he got some recovery. Because the wild emperor was injured, the digestion of those spaces was not so corrosive.

This is equivalent to fighting for some time for the little lion, because the little lion can wake up again from the coma and see that Longyan has become a blood red dragon more than 60000 meters deep. His voice choked directly.

Long Yan from the beginning to the end, did not give up on the lion, because it is not the last moment.

Lion to see the ground, the diameter of tens of thousands of meters deep hole, he already guessed that is the Dragon Yan has the upper hand.

"Hahaha, you really make me look at you with new eyes. Dragons are the masters of all things in the world, but I devour dozens of dragons. I've never met such an adverse heaven as you. I'm more and more curious about what kind of dragon you are. Are you beyond the level of higher dragon, but even super dragon, I still have hope, because among the dragon I swallowed, there are high dragon and super dragon. Of course, that's not the point. The point is that after I swallowed them, I had their magic power, and there was a way to recover! "

All of a sudden, such a terrible sound came out of the ten thousand meter deep pit. He followed Taotie to swallow the beast and crawled out of it. Moreover, Long Yan saw that all the injuries of the wild emperor's body had been restored in a short time.

This amazing recovery ability makes Longyan a little silly, but Longyan's huge body is also completely recovered.

"Well, dragon, I can't think of it, so you can't help me. I'm a gluttonous animal eater. The only thing that survives is me. My ancestors protect me. How can they let me be eaten by you? I'm always so lucky. Even my animal body is no worse than your dragon body. Even I may become the strongest one in the future, As long as I devour powerful dragons or some beasts, I will inherit their magical powers. Even if I set foot in the realm of the Dragon Emperor, I can be the strongest. Ha ha ha ha... "

The voice of the wild emperor reverberates in Longyan's ear. He has recovered completely, but the crisis has not been relieved. Because of his recovery, Xiaoshi begins to feel the power of digestion.

"See, no matter what, you can't kill me, but time doesn't wait, the lion will still die, you still have a chance to save him!" The wild emperor laughed again.

Little lion in the face of despair, his lion's head facial expression is completely distorted, Longyan extremely distressed, little lion's whole body meridians, flesh and blood, have been digested, only bones, I believe that before long, even his bones will be melted.

At this time, the fear of death has made the lion feel that the yuan God is under great threat, that is to say, the yuan God is being destroyed.

"Why don't you get out of here? Brother, you need to know what flexibility is, not stubbornness. Can you get out of here? Little lion, please. Think about sister Xiaoling and your family. All your relatives ask you to die. How many times can you die? "

Huge dragon head, desperately shaking his head, Long Yan fell into a difficult choice, how, this most hate others threatened him, but he really died, so those who need him, how to do? If the lion died, he could not accept it, even he would live in pain and remorse from now on.

"What should I do? I'm so tired. I want to die. I want to kill your wild animals!"

Long Yan knew that he could not kill the wild emperor. His recovery ability was so amazing. This time, Long Yan really lost his choice.

When the little lion came to the end of his life, the voice of the wild emperor sounded again to guide and deceive Longyan.

"Long Yan, don't hesitate. You see, we've been struggling for such a long time. I've made it very clear that as long as you're swallowed by me, I promise you won't feel any pain. It's a relief for you to die without pain. It's the most perfect ending. If you save the little lion, he will carry everything for you. He's a god beast, and he can become a super strong man, With the power that I devour you, it's not a problem for us to fight against Youquan, so you can leave safely. All your relatives can be taken care of by little lion, and let him finish everything. You can also help me. Why not do that? You said you were tired too. You should stop and have a good rest when you are tired, and I can let you sleep here forever, Isn't that good? "

Longyan is really captivated, the inner emotion, into the edge of the collapse, Longling already don't know how to persuade him, no matter life or death, she will accompany Longyan.

"Dragon, you are born with a proud character and unyielding Long Wei. It's a pity that such a man of love and justice as you, a man of good temperament, doesn't die instead of his brother. If you live and the lion dies, what a pity your life is. So come on quickly. Death is actually a relief for you!"

"Relief? Do you want to get rid of me, so that I won't be so tired? " Longyan's mind is not clear. Yes, he was brainwashed.

Those spirit eating phantoms and insects have already drilled into the huge dragon body one after another and lost their minds.

Long Yan seems to see that after his death, he has entered into a kind of paradise. Long Ling and he are still together. They are going to travel all over the world hand in hand and live a happy life. They will never worry and ignore human affairs. Liberation is liberation and the most beautiful ending!

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