There is a very terrible psychedelic parasite in the body of Taotie swallowing beast. The psychedelic parasite can make Longyuan's demons completely psychedelic in his belly, and the demons are completely digested.

Although many of them were killed by Longyan last time, they can continue to regenerate as long as the wild emperor does not die.

I'm afraid that from then on, Longyuan will never appear in the world, and will be thoroughly digested.

Although for this death, Long Yan is not satisfied, but finally killed him, only this way can kill the devil.

This makes the scalp numb, the incomparable shock of swallowing, simply let everyone's heart for a long time can not be calm.

You know, the terrible dragon scales of Longyan were almost digested, not to mention the magic body of Longyuan.

Swallow the dragon Yuan to the belly, Long Yan this just slightly ease the anger in the heart, if not swallow, even if kill him, long yuan still can revive.

Then, the next moment, the target, the wild emperor looks at Yu Baishuang. In fact, it's Long Yan who is looking at him. This guy actually takes refuge with the leader of Youquan mansion. Moreover, this time Tianjing Jianzong is in such a big crisis because of him. This guy's nature is more than ten times worse than Longyuan's.

Moreover, it was this guy who betrayed Xiao Hei, not only sacrificing the gods and demons, but also devouring the 30 million lives and spiritual power of his own ancient city of the psychic palace.

That anger to the extreme of Long Yan, a wave of killing towards him.

Yu Baishuang is frightened. When he sees that the dragon Yuan demon king is killed in such a cruel way, his whole body is shaking and he is about to stand unsteadily.

Don't care about other, turn around to escape, but unexpectedly Long Yan want to kill him, think he can escape?

At that moment, suddenly, the wild emperor directly opened his mouth, and from his body, he turned into the virtual image of the original animal body.

Taotie swallowing beast opened his mouth, without saying a word, there was a huge phagocytic force from his mouth.

Yu Baishuang had no resistance at all and was swallowed directly.

What's more, the insects in emperor Zun's belly soon covered his whole body, making him digested in endless pain!

Even the devil, after all, still can not resist the more powerful, they even uttered a scream, did not come to the urgent, the evil spirit road disappeared.

Long Yan knows that it's too cheap to kill them like this, but such killing is cruel enough. No one knows what kind of torture they will suffer in the belly of a gluttonous beast.

That kind of pain even dragon Yan almost can't hold on, let alone they.

Next, in order to avoid the escape of the seven demons, Longyan directly let the barbarian emperor change the original animal body and devour them.

Among the seven remaining demons, three of them had no time to react and were swallowed directly, while the four remaining demons did not escape, because they knew that even if they escaped like this, they could not escape from the hands of the wild emperor. They simply led themselves to explode and let their own demons fly away.

Only by this way, the master of Youquan mansion can recover them all. The wind is rolling. Long Yan's original intention is to kill all the demons, and there is no one left. Although it's a pity to escape from the four demons, this time, it also directly resolves this terrible crisis.

Then, Long Yan looks at the two shaking baling Magic Needle fruit trees. There are two magic kings in them. These two magic plants are the root of this time's tyranny. Only by destroying them can we stop the spread of evil Qi!

The wild emperor was not polite. He burst out a burst of brutal laughter and rushed to the two big trees. The animal body of more than 30000 meters directly pressed on it. With two claws, he uprooted the two magic plants and swallowed them together.

Emperor Zun doesn't care about anything. He can devour everything in the world. When the two demons in the demon plant realize that it's not good, they can break through the five powers of nirvana. Unfortunately, they have no time.

After the wild emperor devoured these two magic plants, he immediately shook them out.

He tore up the branches like meridians and grasped them from the center of the magic tree. He also became the middle-aged man himself.

Looking at the two demons in his hand, his mouth opened, and the circle of terrible teeth, with a click, grabbed one of them directly, and bit the demon in half.

And then the other half, click click, is quickly stuffed into the abdomen.

"It's hard, but it's burning!"

In this way, the two demons were chewed alive by the wild emperor and entered his belly. In this process, countless demonic blood had dyed his clothes red.

These were eaten by the devil, simply died too miserable, that kind of powerless feeling, let people see, it's very exciting, but also extremely frightening.

After the destruction of the two magic trees, it means that this terrible disaster is completely over!

In the end, only four of the fifteen demons escaped. The wild emperor devoured seven of them. Of course, the sword sky and the three dragon generals also killed one of them, which was too bitter.

All the people on the scene held their breath, the atmosphere did not dare to breathe, the scene was silent, very quiet!

It has to be said that as soon as the wild emperor came out, everything was easily solved.

Next, the wild emperor immediately told the crowd, "Why are you still in a daze? Let's all take action!"

The crowd cheered this time, and there were 300000 or 400000 demons on the scene, but the Dragon Spirit recovered quickly and could completely transform them from demons again.

At this time, these demons have been controlled by those elite disciples and formed a circle.

The total number of people who died was more than 100000. Their bodies were directly torn and devoured, and they died forever. Moreover, in this battle between man and devil, two strong swordsmen, nearly 400 high-level strong swordsmen, and thousands of elite disciples were lost. These are all strong swordsmen in Nirvana.

Tianjing Jianzong, this is the current loss.

The wild emperor became the backbone of all the people for a while. In fact, Long Yan was in charge of all this.

The four demons also came to the emperor.

"Go back for a while and protect the wild land."

"Yes, sir

Chihun, Jiuyou and others say hello to jiantianqiong and others, but they also leave Tianjing Jianzong quickly. After all, this crisis is too terrible. Longyan has no time to let them stay. It's too long, so as not to make Youquan mansion's next target be the wild area.

The tension was finally relieved, and everyone was relieved.

The terrible catastrophe is over for the time being. Of course, it hasn't been until the leader of Youquan mansion really broke through the barrier. If it's that day, I don't know whether the world will be in chaos or not. Even the barbarian emperor doesn't have much resistance.

Although there are only a few hundred thousand people who really died, for the whole Jianzong, these hundred thousand people are also lives. They are all children raised by their parents. It's heartbreaking that there are no living lives!

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