Sword sky looked at the Dragon Spirit and said seriously, "no, ling'er, you are the emperor of dragon spirit sword sect now. You must stay at home. Do you understand? You can't go."

Long Ling's eyes turned: "in that case, well, I'll ask you as emperor Jianzong. I'll go there myself. It's my decision. It can't be changed. You have to obey."

For a moment, Longling and Jiantian are deadlocked. For the sake of Longyan, she has been extremely haggard these days. In order to save Xiaohei, Longyan goes to the magic land in person. Her life and death are unknown, which makes her extremely worried. If it wasn't for protecting Tianjing Jianzong, she might have gone to the magic land with Longyan and Xiaoshi.

As the emperor of sword sect, Longling suppresses the sky of sword and makes the other party have nothing to say. She is very angry at the thought that the holy emperor palace is about to be attacked by Youquan demon.

"Well, don't try to persuade me. I've made up my mind!"

However, at this time, a familiar figure suddenly appeared from the distant direction of the sky. The wild emperor was arranged by Longyan to go back to the wild ends of the earth. After arranging for a while, he went here.

Not long after, the familiar figure of the wild emperor, a dignified and domineering middle-aged man, fell on the front of the sword and looked at the crowd.

He walked directly to the Dragon Spirit and was shocked to see the wild emperor appear again, which made everyone open their eyes.

Then the wild emperor said, "Xiaoling, I already know the situation in the palace of the emperor of the holy Dynasty. You stay and let your father, jianzun and others go."

Hearing this familiar tone, Longling suddenly burst into tears, and her heart was even more excited and speechless. She always told herself to be strong, not to cry, not to be weak, but Longyan said this to the wild emperor, which made her feel at ease and shed tears.

"Brother Yan, are you ok? Where are you? What happened? Tell me quickly, Xiaoling is worried about you!"

When people saw that Longling called brother Yan to the wild emperor, they were all dumbfounded and even surprised.

Long Ling should not miss Long Yan and be confused. It is clear that he is a wild emperor. How did he become Long Yan again? Naturally, people are very puzzled and full of doubts.

At this time, with the help of the wild emperor's body, Long Yan said to the people: "you don't have to panic, don't be surprised, I'm Long Yan, just with the help of the wild emperor's mouth to talk to you, I'm ok, I'm not rebellious, please rest assured!"

"What? What's going on? The great barbarian emperor is willing to be controlled by Longyan, and let him speak in his own voice, which makes people more puzzled. "

Long Yan continued: "it's a long story. Let me make a long story short. Before, I went to the wild world with Long Ling. The emperor of the wild emperor palace was a gluttonous beast and almost killed me. The wild emperor was cruel. But later I controlled him by my own means. When we came back half a month ago, Xiao Hei gave me the most important news, Tianjing Jianzong is about to be attacked by the demon king. The master of yubaishuang palace in the ancient city of Tongling palace takes refuge in Youquan and takes this opportunity to sneak into Jianzong and cheat you. Later, you all know what happened in Jianzong. I asked Xiaoling to bring some dragon generals to inform you. However, Xiaohei is caught by the master of Youquan palace. It's my brother and I have to save him, Xiaoshi and I came to the nether world to fight with Youquan. Now, Xiaoshi and I are trapped in a vortex called infinite reincarnation by the leader of Youquan. But rest assured, we can go out. All you have to do now is to fight against the leader of Youquan with all your strength. I will also inform the other nine territory strongmen as soon as possible, Those who go to support the imperial palace of the holy Dynasty, you must hold on. When I come back, the leader of Youquan mansion really starts to take action this time. No one can be careless. "

After Long Yan finished, he continued to the Dragon Spirit: "Xiaoling, you should stay in Jianzong for the time being. If the Imperial Palace really needs manpower, you can go there no later. In addition, let the six dragons accompany you, so I can rest assured."

"Brother Yan..." Long Ling tried to control the tears, because this is the body of the wild emperor, so they can only talk like this, and did not embrace together.

"Don't worry, everyone. The wild emperor will give you his full support. Now I've completely controlled him. After informing all the strong people to gather in the palace of the holy emperor, I'll control him and let him rush over as soon as possible. As the wild emperor, I'll inform them that the strong people dare not refuse. Let's act together."

Long Yan was in order and quickly arranged. Although the people on the scene were shocked that Long Yan's magical means could control the barbarian emperor, it also made them feel more at ease, and the palm of their hands was also loosened.

If there is a wild emperor, at least we don't have to worry about dealing with the gods and demons. Besides, there is Haotian emperor in charge. Finally, the two emperors will join hands.

The only pity is that the real God of natural disaster and Youming have already performed miracles.

The tense atmosphere, a little relaxed, Long Yan let everyone must hold on, wait for him to come back, believe, he came back that moment, will also reverse the universe.

Youquan mansion master, it seems that he can't really kill Longyan, otherwise he won't be trapped in that infinite reincarnation whirlpool.

After all, it's the dragon warrior. Only the dragon soul can really suppress this demon!

Long Yan said, looking at the crowd, sword sky at this time waved his hand, signal everyone to leave temporarily, give Long Yan and long Ling alone to get along with a space.

"Xiaoling, you are suffering!"

"Brother Yan, you must be careful. I am the emperor of Jianzong now." Longling's eyes contain tears.

"Congratulations, my favorite woman, wait for me. We will certainly pass this disaster. I will let the head of Youquan mansion kneel down and repent in front of all the people in the world. Then I will kill him. Believe me, I will give you an account. At the same time, you should be careful. When I come back, I love you..."

"Brother Yan, Xiaoling loves you. I don't want you to leave. Don't go. Just stay with me for a while..." Longling is not willful. She is really too afraid. She is afraid that Longyan will leave this time. I don't know if she will appear again.

The wild emperor, at last, looks at the reluctant Longling. There is too much love in his eyes. Longyan is not so good at expressing love. He says "I love you" today, which shows that he really loves Longling to the bone marrow.

Finally, farewell, the figure of the wild emperor, in the eyes of everyone, fast away, next, all the strong began to act.

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