The last time Long Yan went across the realm of Ming Wu, which was frozen for thousands of Li. It aroused the destructive power of the three apocalyptic forces: Ming Wu, ice, fire, and evil. His real strength has reached the realm of nirvana.

And Longyan embarks on the double realm of the underworld, which is equivalent to the six realm of nirvana. This is the difference between the super strong with dragon soul and the general nirvana.

And Xiao Shi, who is also so rebellious, will set foot on the two levels of the underworld and the martial god from the nirvana realm, but he can't overstep so many levels. His real strength is only the five levels of nirvana.

With the strength of Longyan is still a little less, but absolutely not much.

The double plunder of Ming, Wu and Shen is the burning of the city by heaven fire. Once the plunder is successful, they all have the strength of at least two great emperors.

Longyan should be at the level of wild emperor, while Xiaoshi is almost the same as Haotian emperor. Of course, if they change their original body, their strength will soar again. Especially after Longyan turns into dragon, they will have a great deal of confidence in zhanyouquan mansion.

The night was cool, and time passed quickly. All the super strong men in the palace looked out of the passage of the palace.

Because the leader of Youquan mansion with millions of demon troops will definitely come in from this entrance. The huge palace of the beehive has been sealed by the two emperors with the barrier of heaven and earth. There will be no other entrance at all.

People are still very nervous. Time has come. The head of Youquan mansion will surely come here today. Inexplicably, they are beginning to be nervous in the air. All of them are staring at the direction of the passage, and even have a sense of suffocation.

The scene also became very quiet, and the crowd took death as if they were at home. They were not afraid of death, but under such circumstances, they had no choice, and no one wanted to be a coward.

Death is not terrible. What is terrible is that all the people in the world will be destroyed. From then on, all the people here will be destroyed and become a real demon hell.

Everyone is waiting for the moment of fighting against the devil. Everyone is silent. This battle can only be successful, but it can not be defeated. If it fails, hundreds of millions of lives will be reduced to demons and lose their humanity and life. The worst plan is to fight back Youquan until Longyan and Xiaoshi appear.

"In the holy Dynasty, hundreds of millions of people lived in this land for hundreds of millions of years. Since the beginning of the Taichu period, they have been handed down. People have been multiplying. How can they perish because of this little Youquan mansion? We should use our lives to defend our dignity and our lives. We should not turn this place into the dust of history. We should be brave, Once the head of Youquan mansion devours our life and spiritual power, he will become extremely powerful, and more creatures will be harmed in the future, so we can't be defeated. "

The wild emperor is suspended above the heads of all the people, and he is also fully watching the entrance. The Haotian emperor is now guarding the position of the five elements, staring at the direction of the world's magic land.

Everyone's heart beats could be heard clearly. At about a moment in the afternoon, the sun was shining with dazzling light. Suddenly, from the direction of the distant magic land, a dark blood cloud appeared.

"Everyone get ready for battle. The leader of Youquan mansion is about to break through the barrier. His blood cloud array has gathered in the sky, and Asura hell demon world is about to open."

When the ghost door opens, countless demons will come out of the ground and spread to the whole holy land, even to the holy palace.

Then, just at this moment, there was a loud bang between heaven and earth. It seemed that the whole earth was about to split. The loud bang was deafening. All the strong people covered their ears for a moment.

The roaring sound lasted for almost a long time, and the shaking scene of the whole world gradually stopped.

Haotian emperor, at this time, he saw from the direction of the magic dreamland, the underground crack, endless blood clouds converging towards the sky, the area may be able to cover the whole magic dreamland.

This big blood cloud formation is the big blood cloud formation that appeared a month ago. Although it is terrible, it does not pose any threat to the strong in Nirvana.

The blood clouds kept gathering, and with the direction of the pilgrimage to the Imperial Palace, they floated at a very fast speed, which was not the most frightening. At this time, the heaven and the earth became turbulent again. A huge Black Talon suddenly stretched out from the crack, and then a huge demon body climbed out from the ground.

This should be as like as two peas of the Lord of the fountain, which is exactly the height of ten thousand meters, exactly the same as the giant monster before Longyan and the little lion.

The as like as two peas, the devil finally broke through. This is exactly the same as the situation of that year. It made Hao Tian the great emperor, and his heart was trembling, and his uneasiness was very strong.

"Hahaha, I finally broke through the barrier. Little mole ants, you can't trap me. Almost nine million years ago, I have been trapped in the dark and humid underground for so many years. Today I see the sun again. I want to reap your lives."

With that, the blood devil of Youquan made a cruel laugh again. The distant sound spread all over the holy land. The penetrating power of the sound made those low-level warriors in the world directly bleed and die.

It's worthy of being the blood devil of Youquan. It's shocking that only one appearance can cause such a terrible scene.

Of course, the palace of the emperor of the holy Dynasty, the scattered strong and other powerful people, all those who came to Nirvana, also played their role at this time, and took on the important task of protecting the world.

With Youquan blood devil going out of the pass, he soon soared to the sky. The whole demon body was fused into the huge blood cloud and turned into a huge black skeleton, which was composed of countless small skeletons, flying towards the palace of the emperor.

At the same time, with a roar from the ground, a powerful dark red magic dragon came out. This is the God and demon wanzu. The size of this magic dragon is nearly 20000 meters. Roaring, the huge dragon body exudes evil spirit and follows behind the huge demon skeleton.

Below are countless demons. They are ferocious and terrifying, climbing out of the ground, with wanton fangs and bloodthirsty, running towards the palace of the holy Dynasty.

Millions of demon troops, black and white, where they passed, began to spread unscrupulously, biting, and launched a fierce attack on the world.

The strong in the world gathered together to form a channel with a distance of more than a million miles, forming a defense line to protect the human race.

Among them, such as Taiyi immortal, the double strong of Nirvana, played a huge role in resistance.

After all, there are too many Terrans, and there are still many strong ones. These demons and Terrans fight each other thoroughly. The lower level warriors can only retreat. All the strong ones volunteer. In a short moment, the evil spirit soars into the sky, and the terrible catastrophe finally comes. On the sky, the terrible blood cloud array, the place they pass, and the endless crowd below, will leave a white bone.

Youquan blood devil really shows his cruel side.

Blood cloud formation, endless spread, Haotian emperor, told everyone to be ready to fight, when those evil gas after a short half day, spread to the palace of the holy emperor, everyone felt a kind of suffocation.

The blood cloud array is rolling endlessly, and their eyes are staring at the sky darkly. At this time, the blood cloud array has covered the whole holy kingdom of heaven.

These thousands of high-level strong people come together.

The wild emperor, with the power of terror, rushed to the huge blood cloud array above his head without saying a word.

"Everybody come with me!" He roared and set a good example!

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