Haotian emperor said to the wild Emperor: "man God, ready to start!"

Because Long Yan had let the barbarian emperor obey the command of Haotian emperor for a while, now Haotian emperor can be said to be the main leader of this time, but the people in the world don't know.

All the people stare at the leader of Youquan mansion as if they were dead. "Blood devil, what you say is farting. I don't believe what you say. You are only cruel and bloody. If you become a devil, you can't change your magic. So you'd better say less farting. Even if we return the girl of the ethereal clan to you, you won't change anything. Let us go, that's bullshit, So go ahead and kill me! "

This thin old man is very righteous. Although he is in his old age, he speaks more forcefully than other young people. His attitude is hard and can't be changed. He is even more unshakable and fearless in the face of the leader of Youquan mansion. All the people are rubbing their hands, and their blood is boiling, and their heart is beating wildly!

"Well, since you want to die, don't blame me for being rude." Twenty minutes later, the leader of Youquan mansion waved his hand and sent out endless evil Qi from his body. Without saying a word, wanzu, the God and devil around him, took the lead in attacking the enemy. With a roar, the Dragon chanted to the sky and turned into a dragon directly.

A huge dark demon dragon with a length of 10000 meters appeared in the sky, full of bloodthirsty light, sharp look, dark eyes, roaring and rushing towards the crowd.

It's just that the gods and demons of wanzu are so terrible. The power of terror frightens people.

"The four great kings listen to orders and work together to stop him!" Haotian emperor quickly ordered.

"Yes, sir

Without saying a word, the four great kings of martial arts burst out their own super power of nirvana. They are all the four peaks of Nirvana, and they are extremely powerful.

At the same time, the dragon spirit quickly arranged: "Ning yanjianzun, you lead the three jianzuns to stop!"

"Yes, Emperor!"

A total of eight Nirvana quadruple peak strongmen, surrounded by the gods and Demons wanzu, even if the gods and Demons wanzu did not turn into the original dragon body, his strength can be called the initial state of Nirvana quintuple. If the Dragon turns into a dragon, his strength will be even greater. Although there is no Dragon burning after turning into a dragon, it can enhance ten times the amount of terror, but his strength can not be underestimated.

These eight strong men are all the four peaks of nirvana. Any one of them can cause a lot of destructive power. They have great hope to join hands to resist the gods and demons.

The battle has finally begun.

Wanzu, the God devil, roars and rolls the huge dragon body. He has already fought with the eight top strongmen. On the side of Tianjing sword sect, there are still the Dragon Spirit and the four sword masters, and on the side of the wild emperor palace, the four emperor demons, the eight Xinjiang masters and other strongmen, in case those demons appear.

The emperor Haotian and the wild emperor have confronted the leader of Youquan mansion, but the leader of Youquan mansion doesn't seem to want to start. Instead, he quickly turns into a magic spirit, and the whole person quickly disappears in the blood cloud array.

Wanzu's goal is two emperors. Suddenly, a dragon wags its tail and sweeps toward the two emperors.

The two great emperors burst out their own palm power one after another, forming a huge palm print with a total length of more than 1000 meters, which directly shook away the gods and demons.

"Four great demons, work together and control him." Said the wild emperor.

For a moment, without saying a word, the four great demons transformed their original animal bodies one after another, roared and surrounded the gods and demons in the middle.

The four great demons are transformed into original animal bodies. In terms of combat effectiveness, they even surpass the strength of the four great kings. It is their responsibility and mission to protect the world. For their own home, they will not shrink back for a moment.

Taking Huangji red soul lion as the leader, the first thing to show is the huge lion and beast. Its whole body is full of red flame. It's more than 6000 meters long. It's huge, roaring, and its fangs are wanton. It's only anger in its heart. The orc itself is extremely fierce.

Regardless of their own safety, life and death for them, has been forgotten.

Then the three great demons behind him were also so domineering. Huangji Jiuyou white tiger and Huangji wind demon wolf were also known as tuntian wolf ancestor and Huangji red blood thunder leopard.

Their steel claws and sharp teeth, as well as their strong body, are their melee attack means, endless tearing, destructive power, followed by the outbreak.

The four sword masters also transformed their own eight spirit swords into a set of combined sword prison "prison dragon decision" to attack the gods and demons.

The four king of Wu, star Baguio king of Wu as the main attack, behind is yuan Tianzun, tianzhendong, sangmo, each showing their strongest means of attack.

"The innate way -- Chixiao Bazhi!"

"The innate way - holy fire palm!"

"Innate Dao fa - Thunder Dragon break!"

"The innate way - bone breaking witchcraft!"

The other eight masters of the territory also used their own means of attack. For a moment, the huge dragon body rolled up and swept across the land with the momentum of the river and the sea. However, his huge dragon body, with such a strong defense force, could not resist the joint attack of these strong men at the peak.

Under the siege of the God and demon wanzu, countless explosive attack means broke through blood holes on his huge dragon body. Within a long time of fighting, the huge dragon body was submerged by these attacks, and became full of holes. It was knocked down from the endless void, and then crashed to the ground.

With the power of heaven and earth, the four great swords, with their own magical weapons in their hands, changed into four huge swords with a force of more than 1000 meters, nailing the dragon to the ground.

The four kings of Wu will also carry out their own means of seal, directly under the joint efforts of the four of them, to open a huge barrier of tens of thousands of meters.

At the same time, the dragon spirit, holding the nine immortals sword, carrying the power of justice, cleaved on the huge dragon body, mercilessly destroying the evil power on his magic dragon body.

The evil power seemed to be taken away from the giant dragon body, which made the God and devil wanzu wake up for a short time.

He regained his consciousness for a short time. The demon wanzu saw that there were countless strong people at the top of his head and surrounded him. He realized what had just happened. He didn't want to be a sinner in the holy land. He had been controlled by the demon and couldn't recover to the appearance of the human race.

He burst into tears and yelled: "go ahead, kill me, kill me,. I'm under the control of demons. I don't want to be a sinner in the world. "


Countless people see this scene and roar. They finally understand that the God and devil wanzu is controlled by the devil, and everything he does to resist the Terran is not of his own free will.

Everyone can't do it.

"Kill me

Just before the crowd could react, suddenly behind the crowd, a overbearing voice came out.

"Get out of the way!"

At this time, the barbarian emperor rushed out of the crowd. Without saying a word, he opened his mouth and fangs in circles for the first time. Then his whole body expanded rapidly and became a super terrifying glutton.

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