In the face of such a terrible beast, people didn't even have the strength to fight. At this moment, the leader of the tiger and lion cavalry suddenly appeared a huge mountain axe in his hand. The axe was three meters long and the weight was not less than a thousand jin.

"Damn ghost car fierce beast, give me to die!"

All of a sudden, he smashed at the snakes, but as soon as he made a gap, he would be filled by countless ghost cars coming from behind.

The fierce beast is really terrible. The tiger lion's cavalry looks at his men, and almost all of them are destroyed. He is very angry.

Even if the golden Tigris under his seat were killed, he became more angry. Suddenly, the ghost cars attacked him.

You know, he is the most powerful person in this group. Even he is a little overwhelmed, let alone Yu Xiaoyao and Lu Xiaoqing.

Everyone is in a mess. People in Qingxia fairy Palace are constantly falling to the ground and dying. This is a massacre.

"All my people are dead, all of them are dead. These ordinary brothers drink together, kill together, and find women together. They live a happy life and are at ease. Almost no one dares to provoke them in this area, but today they are killed by the ghost car beast king."

How can he accept this!

"Kill! I will die with you

Then the leader of the tiger and lion went to fight against the king of the ghost cart.

Of course, Long Yan is too lazy to pay attention to him for the time being, and the people who control the ghost chariot beast Dynasty continue to fight with Yu Xiaoyao and Qingxia fairy palace.

Almost no one can stop it. It's terrible.

The purpose of Longyan is to kill them all, and leave none!

The giant beast king roared, the snake body twisted, and when he flicked his tail, he could sweep all the people. The small ghost cars and fierce beasts around just played a role of siege.

Poison is the most terrible. There are howls everywhere in this killing place.

Long Yan thought, people are selfish, at present only these three forces to pursue and kill themselves, maybe the news did not leak out, if so, then all the people here today, he can only kill.

To cut off the news is the source of the killing and to avoid the killing.

Otherwise, sooner or later, Long Yan will meet a stronger warrior and come to kill himself. At present, he hasn't even seen what Guling city looks like. He doesn't want to die here without knowing.

Only by constantly killing, blame you for being greedy. You deserve to be killed.

"Don't you hateful guys really want to kill me? When you come to kill me, you should think of the end of death. Now you should realize it

Long Yan talks about it. In the endless killing, there is blood everywhere. Now basically, there are still people who can resist. Yu Xiaoyao, the two sisters of Qingxia fairy palace and the leader of tiger and lion cavalry are the only ones left.

"Together, if we don't join hands, I'm afraid all of us will die here. Joining hands is the only hope!"

At this time, Yu Xiaoyao said, this guy is usually arrogant, but at the moment, he also saw that Longyan, a young man, has too much killing heart and too much courage. Maybe he really dares to kill them all today.

It's really dangerous not to join hands.

"Well, I agree to join hands. We can't escape. This boy won't let us go easily. It seems that he was waiting for us here on purpose just now."

The four people have always believed that cooperation is the most important thing, until they kill the ghost car king.

Yu Xiaoyao, a blank face, he would be reduced to this point, with him no longer retain strength, immediately turned into a Ling Tian Ao frost dragon, rushed to the ghost car king.

His dragon body is more than 100 meters smaller than that of the ghost car king, but its power is also amazing and terrible. It seems that these people are really forced.

Either fight, or be killed, escape is not their character, after all, so many people were killed, let any of them give up four pupil fox is impossible.

In fact, most of the warriors in the Dragon Kingdom have the spirit of fearing death, which is very similar to Longyan.

"Kill The leader of the tiger and lion cavalry roared and rushed to the king of the ghost cart. Lu Xiaoqing and Lu Xiaoshuang looked at each other and nodded. They were holding ancient spirit weapons. Tiangang blood sword was used. This is a pair of spirit swords. They cooperate with each other and are extremely powerful.

The strength displayed can not be underestimated.

No one escaped. The two sisters went to help the leader of tiger, lion and iron cavalry, while Yu Xiaoyao turned the Dragon into the king of ghost chariot.

These strong, if unite, deal with Long Yan, he absolutely can't resist.

The strength of the representatives of the three forces is actually relatively balanced. If they fight each other, I'm afraid the leader of the tiger and lion cavalry will have the upper hand.

"The power of violent frost!"

"Tiangang Blood Sword attack!"

"King Kong is shining in the sky!"

Their strength united to form a super terrorist attack, and their fighting will was thoroughly stimulated. There are also some seriously injured disciples. They can only stay away and watch the fight over there, while recovering as soon as possible.

They gave up the corroded flesh and blood, and then began to refine the spirit grass they carried with them.

"Strange, as far as I know, the fierce beast ghost car, they are cruel, and there is no wisdom, but the beast king seems to be very intelligent, no matter dodging or attacking."

They see a circle, the figure of Long Yan has disappeared, maybe hide to that corner.

However, the ghost car beast king attacked rapidly and had a flexible body. At the beginning, they really thought that it was Long Yan who controlled the ghost car beast king by strange means, but they thought it was impossible. After all, it was a fierce beast, and ordinary people couldn't tame it!

When the four of them were fighting against the beast king of the ghost car, in fact, Long Yan was holding a magic device of the spirit Yang and was dormant towards the soldiers who were recovering from their injuries.

"Don't you all want to kill me, so I'll take your lives first!" Long Yan turns into a bloody figure and rushes away from these wounded warriors. Where he passes, those warriors haven't had time to scream.

One by one, the corpses began to fall to the ground, their eyebrows were almost instantly penetrated by Longyan, and the Lingyang exchanger directly harvested their Yuanshen.

There are almost forty or fifty of them, and most of them are from Qingxia fairy palace.

Those four guys didn't find the accident here. Long Yan killed them cleanly. They controlled the king of beasts and let the little ghost cars rush up to eat the corpses, leaving only a pair of miserable bones!

"This surprise, you will be very satisfied, so next, go to deal with the sisters. They are not good, and I don't have to be polite to them!"

Long Yan sneered, and in his hand there was Fengshen chop, which was shaking excitedly. Maybe the spirit inside had already sensed the taste of gang blood sword that day.

Next, it's time for Longyan to fight back. Kill them one by one!

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