Under the general pain of death, Longyan was proud of his ancestral dragon body. He was the super overlord in the early Taigu period and the overlord in the whole domain of the Dragon Emperor, and his rank was even higher than that of the real gods.

Even if he was engulfed and drowned by the demon spirit again, he didn't care about it in the face of the ridicule of the people. Only when he died and was born after death, on the edge of extreme collapse and pain, could he make the dragon body of Longyan get a greater transformation. After the demon spirit rushed into his dragon body, what he really fought against was Taixu God.

On the verge of collapse, Long Yan's will is always above the will of the devil. Finally, it is hard to attack. Under the rule of life and death, the power of heaven destroys Long Yan again and again. With his strong life will and super recovery ability, Long Yan is constantly reborn. The power of heaven finally gives up. It is a kind of recognition and compromise, the power of the devil's curse, Be engulfed by Longyan crazily.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

With the power of the curse, countless demons disturb people's minds and scream as if they are full of innumerable grievances.

Restrain the devil in the heart, Long Yan has finally done, this can be regarded as the consolidation of the Dragon yuan God.

The original spirit of Longyan comes from the dragon soul of taixuzu.

Under the collapse and reorganization, Longyan was reborn and got an unprecedented great transformation. This transformation is not only the transformation of more gods in the body.

At the same time, Longyan underwent earth shaking metamorphosis, his dragon body and dragon spirit are becoming stronger, from young dragon to childhood dragon metamorphosis.

This process, Long Yan feel very real, he is more powerful, Longwei momentum is more huge.

At this moment, Long Yan felt a great shame in his heart. He bit his teeth and clenched his fist.

Become strong, become strong, endless growth, know to become the peak of the strong, the stronger, let Longyan heart more feeling, especially during this period of time, all let his heart depressed.

It's a shame to him that he's blocked everywhere, that he's organized everywhere, that he can't control his own life.

After the ancestor dragon soul grew up, this kind of humiliation made him feel more and more intense, so he wanted to resist, he wanted to turn over, he wanted to reverse, wash away all humiliation, become stronger, I want to be infinitely stronger, kill, bloody, since you are so good, I will make the world more trembling, only become stronger, defeat the opponent, is Longyan's desire.

What is the leader of Blood Sword hall, Gu Lingqing, Gu Lingyue, or the twenty dragons who suppressed themselves before.

Longyan will reverse them, even the one who wants to use his own ancient ink.

"Gu Mo, what you say is good. You want to cultivate me, but this is not the life I like. I yearn for freedom, and there is no one to restrain my life. But you threaten me for the so-called cultivation, which is equivalent to holding me prisoner in disguise. Do you think that if you pretend to be kind and let Gu Lingyue come to see me, I will appreciate you? No way, my life, I can't even control myself. What else can I thank you for? If you don't make use of my place, why don't you let me go? Well, you guys in disguise, wait for me. One day, I will be strong enough to make all of you look up to me with trembling eyes. Do you think I'm just a small person and let you all look down on me? Super dragon? Oh, you look down on me

This disguised imprisonment is against the bottom line of Longyan and his dignity as the ancestor dragon.

Long Yan's eyes, full of blood, become red incomparably, he is struggling, in the heart secretly swear, his strong, his will, his unyielding, his heart, is all people can't compare.

Long Yan looks at the direction of the inner city of the ancient spirit family. He is biting his teeth and insisting on the reorganization brought by his body, the tearing and pain, the swallowing of the original spirit and the evil spirit. He is transforming.

The strong will of the ancestor dragon makes Longyan roar. In the struggle, his indomitable spirit makes those watching in the distance feel a thrill.

"What happened to this young man? Why didn't he die? Can he insist so much?"

Under the attack of such a terrible curse, not only the body and the spirit are attacked, but also the mind is seriously damaged.

It takes at least half a year for ordinary people to recover from the robbery, just like normal people.

See Long Yan's persistence, many people from the heart or to his incomparable admiration.

"This boy seems to be able to insist, but it's a pity that even if he insists, it's useless. He will be killed by the way of heaven in the end." Many people are waiting to see how long Yan died.

Long Yan never even knew where his limit was?

In this super God robbery killing, Longyan finally got another transformation, rebirth and growth.

At that moment, the power of the God of heaven began to be devoured by Longyan. Finally, he insisted.

"Give it to me!" With the help of this majestic force, Longyan madness began to impact that critical point.

At that moment, the dragon's tail wagged and the most terrifying power of the dragon's blood killing was exerted. Suddenly, with such amazing power, it would consume almost half of the remaining Warcraft soul, and completely break all its defenses.

The dragon's tail is like a dragon's sting. It starts from the top of its head * its body, and then it breaks down and tears.

When everyone suddenly saw this scene, they all opened their mouths and looked dull. They looked at all this in disbelief. The monster was destroyed by Longyan.

In their eyes, the power of the curse of the devil turned into hundreds of times of their power when they went through the robbery, and all of them were devoured by Longyan. This is the purest source of the magical power of the underworld martial arts. This transformation of Longyan not only made his realm step on the sixth stage of the underworld martial arts, but also made those magical powers more powerful.

Longyan was very excited.

This transformation is a growth of a great realm, which is much more than that in the hidden fog valley. The magical power of Ming Wu alone is much stronger than those of the ordinary six heavy later martial arts. In addition, the body of the ancestral dragon and the stronger yuan Shen, the Dragon powers controlled by them, and the comprehensive fighting power have been improved a lot.

Xiaoshi is still in the early stage of Mingwu triple, while Longyan has already stepped on the early stage of quadruple, but even so, Xiaoshi's early strength is not a problem.

Long Yan is growing up. He is in the middle of the sky. The evil spirit around him has been almost consumed by him. If he continues to grow up, he believes that he will reach his ideal state sooner or later. It seems that every time he grows up, he is one step closer to his dream.

Work hard and grow up.

Those onlookers waiting to see his jokes, are a lost look, they did not expect that Longyan actually survived.

"All for me, get out of here!"

Long Yan tiny see toward that direction, angry voice way.

He came here the usual style, is so, those guys even don't have the courage to resist, have to leave, what is their mind, Longyan most clear, naturally also won't be polite to them!

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