Looking at longxuanju, Longyan said happily, "great, this is our residence in the future. I've closed longxuanju. No one else can get in. If anyone is near, I can feel it for the first time. Finally, we don't have to stay in longxujing all the time."

Xiaohei came out and said to Longyan, "brother, I think you should continue to use longxujing in the future. Your dream dragon kingdom is not perfect yet, and it's not safe. Moreover, you can see through your dream dragon kingdom against the nine strong. On the contrary, it's longxujing, which I think is more mysterious." Xiao Hei said.

Long Yan nodded: "well, I've thought about that. Before, we used to appear in front of the old people in the Dragon virtual realm. He didn't perceive your existence. In other words, he didn't know you at all. Gu Mo, I think his realm should not be able to see through my dream dragon kingdom."

Long Yan remembers that last time, he was able to see through his dream of dragon kingdom. Lin Lan said that he was the top of the nine peaks of Wuni, and he came from the real dragon hall.

Therefore, Longyan decided to continue to use longxujing more safely.

Xiao Shi has changed his shape, and he hugs Lin zisu with one hand and says with a smile: "brother Yan, we can settle down completely. From today on, I propose that sister-in-law Xiaoling and zisu are responsible for internal affairs, we are responsible for cultivation, and strive to improve our accomplishments. We have a clear division of labor and a combination of work and rest..."

"I see that you are concave, convex, knot, and close, which are almost the same." Xiao Hei is not angry and says, a group of people laugh, the atmosphere is very harmonious, this is probably the happiest time since they set foot on the Dragon empire.

Lin zisu absorbed a large amount of spiritual power, and felt that her strength was improving rapidly. This feeling was really wonderful.

What's more, such a huge longxuanju is not boring. You can build many interesting things here, such as some swings, raising small animals, cranes and so on.

Many lofts are extremely luxurious. No one lived in longxuanju before. Longyan is the first new owner here.

"Tonight, let's have a good rest. Tomorrow we'll discuss the next plan."

Long Yan said, a will long Ling up, a hearty laugh, toward a house bedroom.

The moonlight at night is very bright. I haven't experienced this kind of beautiful feeling for a long time. Long Ling nestles in Long Yan's arms. How peaceful and happy this is. I really hope that the good time can last forever,

Early in the morning, Long Yan stretches his arms, which is a rare safe rest for him. He is full of strength and feels comfortable. Looking at the sleeping beauty in his arms, Long Yan gets up gently.

"Brother Yan, you wake up." Longling smiles sweetly.

Little lion and Lin zisu are also happy, especially Lin zisu, who seems to be greatly satisfied. Her face is slightly red, which used to be inconvenient. Now, I have time to get along with little lion alone, but I think it's a good night for them.

Xiao Hei had no sleep all night and became a panda's eye.

"Brother Yan is early..." the little lion smiles contentedly.

Five people to the spirit of grass refining hunger, sitting around in the courtyard Pavilion, Long Yan looked at everyone and said: "well, today, let's plan for the future..."

Longyan first talked about ancient ink.

"This guy, there must be a plan that we don't know. I feel that this guy is just like the leader of Youquan mansion. He gave me a magic chop to make me stronger and become a tool for him to use. Gu Mo must have the same idea."

The little lion laughed: "it's a pity that he's so miscalculated. The devil's flame is swallowed by me and refined. Brother Yan, this guy must be like this. He's going to use your body to nurture the devil and wait for it to grow up."

Long Yan nodded: "so, this ancient ink must observe us, or limit our freedom, not let us leave him. This is not our home after all. We must find a way to leave here. This is the first point and the second point. We must find out what danger this demon will bring to the little lion if it grows up, and find the fundamental way, If I don't know, I'm really worried. "

Black has been silent, then suddenly looked up at Longyan: "brother, I think this Gu Lingyue is pretty good for you. Let's take her as a breakthrough point to see how the devil can be trapped out of her mouth."

Longyan thought about it and took a look at Longling.

"It's a feasible way, but I'm afraid I need to sacrifice some color. Do you mind for the safety of the lion?"

"I don't mind. Just try. When I'm free, I'll practice my sword more, and I won't be with you."

With that, the Dragon Spirit conjures up a few sharp swords from his fingers, full of killing.

"Ha ha, someone should be careful. Sister Xiaoling will be jealous. That proposal just now is not mentioned by xiaoheiye." Xiao Hei jumped directly to the stone table with a smile.

Long Yan and others are deliberating here, but they don't know that the whole Gu Ling family is going to be in chaos.

Because the news of Long Yan was spread by the inner city and the outer city, many people think it's incredible, especially those young talents who hate him so much.

They thought that Longyan would die inside, but they didn't expect to live well. When Gu Lingyue brought Longyan to longxuanju, someone saw him on the way, so the news spread quickly.

"Is that boy still alive, and he came out unharmed? How can it be? This boy killed the fourth uncle and sixth uncle's own son, and also abolished one of my brother Gu Tianyu's accomplishments!"

Gu lingshuang can't bear this tone.

Gu Yunyi sighed: "shuang'er, don't worry. I think Lingqing, the daughter of your second uncle, should know about this. She won't give up. I heard that your second uncle gave the boy a palace with 37 spiritual tattoos, named longxuanju. It shows that your second uncle deliberately protected the boy."

The news of Longyan spread in Guling family, and everyone was shocked when they heard that the boy had been in Shenyi magic well for a month and a half.

For a time, Long Yan has become the focus of people's discussion.

At this time, in Gu Mo's study, Gu Mo was concentrating on the books in his hand, and suddenly burst into a girl from the door, with an unhappy face and angry face.

Gu Lingqing came to Gu Mo and said angrily, "father, I heard that you released the boy Longyan and gave him a palace with thirty-seven spirit stripes? Why... "

"Xiaoqing, don't monkey around. Long Yan is your brother now. He is my adopted son. I have my own sense of propriety in some things. Don't follow me."

"But, father, have you ever thought about it? After all, Longyan killed the fourth uncle and sixth aunt's child. How can you let Longyan go? And you once said that guanlongyan had been for ten years, but you didn't do it. As the second young city leader, you turned back. What do you want people to think of you? Who will respect you in the future?"

Gu Mo put down his book and looked up at her: "it's their business to say what they think of me. I don't care if I'm a father. However, if anyone dares to move Long Yan, don't blame me for being rude. Go to talk to those little guys and let them do it for themselves."

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