Lingmu and others are completely stupid, because they didn't expect that Jiang Peng directly resisted the joint attack of their nine leaders. Their realm only ranges from the early stage to the late stage, but Jiang Peng has already reached the quadruple realm.

Although it is stronger than them, its strength surpasses the strength of their nine people.

Many of the leaders of Shencheng were stupid. After all, the four levels of Wuni are the power to destroy the spirit and Tianni. No more than five of the strong ones in the field have such a level.

Lingmu stood there, pale, and his body was shocked. Even if he could fight Gu Yumo with one against three, it was not easy, or even impossible, to kill Longyan with Jiang Peng in the immortal cave of Jinhua.

"Lingmu, I said, you can't kill him. Even if he really colludes with the demon clan, it seems that it's not your turn to kill him. Are you bad at killing him like this? What qualifications do you have to kill him?" Jiang Peng said.

Gu Yumo also said: "it's true that Long Yan is a member of my Gu Ling family. You are not qualified, and you expose your despicable character. Thanks to the fact that other people in the spirit city around you are still standing with you, don't you feel ashamed for him?"

Lingmu's eyes are full of fierce light. He can't kill Longyan. It's hard to get rid of the hatred in his heart, and he can't get the fairy. He's almost angry.

At this time, the leader of Taoyuan Shenshan fairy cave, the third largest force in the thirty-six small caves, stood up and said, "everyone, calm down. I think there is a key problem now, which is to find out the real identity of the boy, whether he is from the lower world or not. If someone can prove this, it would be better. His collusion with the demon clan is not tenable, If not, then we can only put to death. How about that? We need to investigate. "

That's the point.

For a moment, everyone was shouting.

"That's right. You say he's a lower race. Who can prove it?" There is a clamor at the gate of heaven and earth.

Long Yan is a little worried. If he really exposes his identity, it will be really bad, especially Longling. Never let the people of Wuji blood spirit pulse dragon clan know that she is here.

Or she'll get caught.

At this time, suddenly at the end of the crowd, a very sharp voice full of cold breath came. Although the voice was not big, everyone listened very carefully.

"I can prove that he is from the lower race!"

For a moment, everyone looked in the direction of the voice. Yes, they saw the woman with the same unparalleled beauty.

Long Yan also saw, this is the girl that he never dreamed of, unexpectedly really can appear here.

He and long Ling are so stupid that they can't even control their emotions. Their eyes pass through the crowd and look at the cold woman with tears on her face.

The woman dressed in black is so beautiful that she appears there unexpectedly, surrounded by many strong people. Just like everything arranged by God, there are arrangements in the dark.

Long Yan grabs Long Ling's finger and unconsciously walks towards the girl in black. Everyone is dull. Seeing this scene, they all feel very strange.

It seems that the child prodigy and the sky, which are full of countless auras, are eclipsed and directly ignored by the public.

The girl in black has long been wet with tears in her eyes. Her eyes are full of excitement, desire and expectation. After more than three years' absence, she suddenly brings such a surprise. In such an environment, when we meet each other, countless once beautiful memories come to mind one after another.

"Brother Yan, are we blinded?" Long Ling said in disbelief.

"Xiaoling, we are not dazzled. She is real. He is the person we are most familiar with."

Their relationship goes beyond the boundaries of friends, beyond all friendships, and even people who can exchange their lives for each other.

It can be said that the three of them are destined to have an inseparable fate with each other. Their feelings quickly draw close to each other. Without any words, they even hear each other's excited heartbeat.

"Xuanmeng..." Longyan's throat is blocked, a little hoarse. In order to fulfill his love with Longling, the girl chooses to quit. His love for Longyan is not great? Such a kind-hearted girl, let the dragon spirit all see heartache incomparably.

This girl in black, the dream elder sister Zhan Tianqiong has been talking about, is Jin Xuanmeng. She left the mainland in the last holy Dynasty. More than three years later, it turned out that she really set foot in the Dragon kingdom.

Jin Xuanmeng is full of coldness and gives people a look of resisting others. Only after seeing Long Yan, she will be so excited. Her eyes contain tears. She tries her best to control herself and prevent outsiders from seeing that she also has such a tender side. That is not unchangeable coldness, but full of excitement.

Zhan Tianqiong obviously found her change, which was an expression he had never seen before. He was a little surprised that he knew little about this dream sister. It turned out that she would also have tears of excitement and excitement.

They don't know each other, and they are friends. Why does she have such a huge emotional fluctuation and feelings that are hard to suppress.

Everyone was stunned, incredible, and curious.

One after another, they speculated about the relationship between Longyan and the Dark Goddess of the dark sword sect.

The Shengchao mainland crossed countless distant distances and vast sea of people. From the original Xinghai territory, they set foot in the domain of Shenlong emperor. They thought that there would never be any intersection in this life, and they could not meet again. However, they never thought that fate would arrange them together again.

All this, just like an unexpected meeting arranged for them by God, they couldn't believe it was true.

The familiarity with each other, the most real feelings, soon close their distance, Long Yan can't forget this girl all his life, even in his heart, is the second girl besides Long Ling that he cares about most.

Lingmu, Gu Yumo, the leader of Donghai holy mountain, the people of Cangshan holy cave, and Jiang Peng of Jinhua holy mountain fairy cave, all the people present seem to have been fixed there by time. Their sight in Longyan has disappeared completely.

There are tens of thousands of people in Haishen harbor. At this moment, it's surprisingly quiet, and everyone seems to be frozen. Only the girl standing there, spotless, full of enthusiasm, excited tears, infinite tenderness, stands there, waiting for the arrival of Longyan and Longling.

Jin Xuanmeng Leng is on the spot, but she immediately reacts to come over, the footstep doesn't listen to the same, also quickly steps toward Long Yan this side to walk.

Their call to each other, the process of heartbeat, let those who protect her strong of the dark sword sect of huangquan, are stunned on the spot.

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