Zhao Gao is a strong man with the power of gods and demons. It is also a big challenge for Long Yan.

He is no stranger to Longyan. He just feels that he has been looked at by such a low status Longyan with angry eyes, which makes him very humiliated. It seems that he has been greatly humiliated, which is really unacceptable.

"It's too much for you to be a hero." He sneered.

Long Yan is proud and unyielding. If anyone dares to hurt the person he wants to protect in this way, he will kill each other with extremely tragic means. However, Zhao Gao doesn't seem to realize all this. He thinks that the height of his realm is the absolute commanding height. That's a big mistake.

After Longling and jinxuanmeng are absolutely safe, Longyan can also rest assured to kill this hateful guy.

The next moment, Long Yan without saying a word, crazy incomparable toward Zhao Gao Chong, see Long Yan suddenly start, he didn't care, also use extremely fast speed, toward Long Yan attack.

"Die, little mole ant." Zhao Gao's hands became claws, which instantly turned into tens of thousands of claw awns and killed them with fury.

It seems that everything is in his hands. His speed is really fast. Long Yan feels a lot of pressure in the face of thousands of claws.

At the same time, Longyan's killing shows his most crazy killing. Every sword can break out the power of destroying heaven and earth.

Brush! Brush! Brush!

The sword cuts off his claw awn endlessly, which makes Zhao Gao really see the strength of Longyan. In addition, Fengshen chop has 199 Taoist patterns, which makes it more powerful. For a time, Zhao Gao has to push back a lot. It seems that when he fights, he will fall behind.

When Long Yan shows a frenzied Fengshen execution, which belongs to the most violent 36 Lingtian swords, and approaches him crazily, Zhao Gao's face has undergone a huge change and become black and blue.

"What? Your strength? "

Zhao Gao roared. He opened his arms and clenched them with his fists. He absorbed the power of heaven and earth crazily. The power of God and devil was mobilized crazily.

"Fury and explosion - Magic fist!"

He is still in the process of brewing. Just at the time of the outbreak, Long Yan had already used his evasion to move the time and quickly disappeared in the same place. The next moment, he appeared. With his imperceptible speed, he cut off his left fist with a sword.

"What?" Zhao Gao was even more shocked this time, and his face changed greatly.

He never thought that the speed and power of Longyan were so terrible, even the means he didn't have just disappeared and appeared again.

"What kind of magic power is this?" He holds back extremely painful, ferocious looking at Long Yan to ask a way.

He became furious, and from the position where his wrist was broken, there was a strong air of corrosion and death, which was rapidly eroding his wound.

In a hurry, he didn't have time to recover the wound quickly, so he could only use his right hand to transform his Taoist weapon. It was a shield like Taoist weapon, with sharp knives all around it. He caught it in his hand and spun it wildly.

"Swallow the shield!"

In the process of rotating, this instrument can actually activate the forces in the surrounding space, forming a huge vortice of swallowing, and the vortices are full of countless sharp blades.

The swallowing whirlpool was controlled in his hands, and then it became bigger and bigger quickly. It was full of powerful sharp power. Sure enough, Taoist weapons were more powerful weapons against the heaven.

Zhao Gao began to be proud that he could create such a huge power of devouring and destroying, because he knew that once the devouring shield was used, it would cause such a huge power of destroying, devouring heaven and earth, and strangling everything.

He almost never lost his hand, and the power of the gods and Demons was brought into full play.

Longyan couldn't even see clearly what period the swallowing vortex was and how many patterns it had.

But I'm afraid it's no less than 120. It's really tough.

Suddenly, he not only instantly devoured those swords cut by Fengshen, but also madly attacked Longyan.

His left hand hasn't recovered, but it belongs to the blood of his God descendant. His proud heart makes him full of superiority.

"Long Feng Xue Tu!"

Long Yan didn't show any weakness either. When the powerful swallowing whirlpool came, his Fengshen chop directly changed into a thousand meter sword. At the same time, he used the supernatural power of killing Daoyin, which belonged to the ancestral dragon soul.

The thousand kilometer sword is full of Dragon God symbols. Suddenly, it is cut on the whirlpool of swallowing shield.

This cut awn, directly will devour shield all split buzzing, tremor unceasingly, even let Zhao Gao can't control, almost shake off the hand.

It's not bad that this sword didn't destroy his phagocytic shield.

You know, after all, the realm of Longyan is not beyond the realm of Wuni God, but it's unbelievable that such a terrible blow can break out.

Moreover, this sword is obviously a super magic level Taoist method with more powerful power.

"How could that be?" What's more, the wound he was recovering from was still rotting.

And it has spread to the position of the joint. Just now, the pain of his broken arm was his full recovery, so he didn't pay much attention to this injury. I didn't expect that such a thing happened.

The breath of death, just like ten thousand insects biting and devouring his flesh and blood, was unbearable.

However, see him so painful appearance, Long Yan will give him a chance, next belong to Long Yan more violent killing, still to near, don't give him any breathing opportunity.

He was killed madly by Longyan. He used countless swords to kill Zhao Gao so fast that he was forced to retreat.

Long Yan showed the most violent and crazy killing. The sword of death finally made Zhao Gao pay attention to it. However, Long Yan's madness has exerted his fighting power to the extreme. Even for a while, it has attracted the attention of nearby warriors. It's rare that his crazy killing can make Zhao Gao so embarrassed.

Zhao Gao had no choice but to hold the phagocytic shield with his right hand to resist the attack of Longyan.

"Little thing, it's my carelessness. If I can't see you, I still have some strength. I can't handle it!"

At this moment, he spun wildly again with the phagocytic shield, and then decomposed into hundreds of small phagocytic escapes. Under his control, they all spun. The blade was extremely sharp and made a roaring sound.

"Attack me all!"

Such hundreds of small phagocytic shields are so terrible that anyone would be afraid.

Toward the Dragon Yan killing, but, dragon Yan is still very calm, because he is ready for the last fight.

The next moment, directly into the void, into the void world, disappear in place.

The magic power disappeared in an instant shocked Zhao Gao once again, and he could not feel any breath of Longyan at all.

"What's going on? What is this boy? How can he have so many strange magic powers? Where are you? Get out of here. "

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