Kunpeng devil is naturally very unwilling. As long as he protects his head, he has a chance to live. But how can Longyan give him this chance.

Long Yan uses the sword of killing God, which has already seriously injured him, and his body has completely become a piece of fuzzy flesh and blood.

"No, no, I'm not reconciled. You little human race dare to kill me. What dragon is still a worm after all."

He summoned up the greatest courage, separated his head from his body, and galloped toward the sky, trying to get rid of Longyan.

He saw that his blood and flesh were as muddy as mud, and there was no shadow of Longyan, because Longyan had changed into human form and hidden in his head.

Even if this guy is cunning, he is not as cunning as Longyan.

Brush! Brush!

Long Yan once again used the sword to kill the gods. After the 30th sword, the head was finally smashed into countless blood clots and smashed to the ground.

After such a toss of Kunpeng, the surrounding rocks are all destroyed. Longyan successfully kills the other side, with great ease.

Two figures appeared directly in the sky. They were shocked and broke the disgusting dirt.

The Dragon Spirit has got the magic sword.

Long Yan looked at the ground below and hummed coldly: "this is the real Mantis catching cicadas. The Yellow sparrow is behind. Ling'er, let's go!"

They don't want to waste time and quickly escape from the killing scene. Kunpeng demon king is dead and can't die any more!

On the one hand, Long Yan is also really worried, make such a big move, in case other demon clan strong draw over, that's not good.

They are the real winners in the end. Longyan pulls Longling and quickly disappears in the same place. They rush out more than ten miles at a time before they stop and breathe.

"According to the map, there is a river in our area. Let's go there and have a look!"

Two people quickly toward the direction of the river, because the demon clan area is too huge, mountains and rivers, branches, countless.

At this time, Longyan and Longling are walking along one of the rivers.

They lurk at the bottom of the river and rely on the energy of the Dragon Spirit to guard the halo and protect them. Long Yan is sure that this place should be safe, so he can finally relax.

It can be said that they can finally get the magic sword. It really depends on luck. The dragon spirit takes the magic sword, and both of them pay attention to it.

Although it can only exert the power of 150 patterns now, it has to be said that it once had 800 patterns.

If it can be repaired, it will be more precious than the colorful God belt of Lanxue.

Long Ling didn't feel any discomfort. Obviously, the sword recognized her very much and seemed to be very close to her by nature.

Long Yan also began to look at this magic sword. It was only one meter long, but it was extremely sharp. It gave people a kind of illusory feeling. It was thin, tough and soft. It was so exquisite that the dragon spirit could hold it in his hand. It was very matching. Even he could see that there were some traces of Taoist patterns left on it.

Although these indistinct patterns have lost their original power, there are still 150 patterns with strong power, which can at least completely replace the eleven immortals sword.

The sword lost its light.

"Brother Yan, this spirit seems to be extremely weak and has entered a dormant state. I'm afraid it's hard for us to wake it up, but if we are lucky and really find the divine material that can repair it, I should be able to repair it."

"Yes, no matter what we do, we have to try and stay with us first. Maybe we will be lucky in the future to find those precious materials. After all, they are also Taoist implements of the ancient times."

"Brother Yan, I'll get familiar with it as soon as possible, but the eleven immortal sword still has a great effect on me and can accompany me for a long time. After all, it has more than 100 Taoist lines." Long Ling is very excited. She holds the magic sword in her hand. She feels it's too late to meet each other.

"Put it away first. It will be useful sooner or later. If it doesn't work, we'll treat it as a collection. Anyway, we won't lose anything this time."

Long Ling nodded. She was about to put the sword away, but suddenly the sword, with a buzzing sound, trembled.

Inside, the weak Dao spirit, who was almost dying, breathed faintly. It was very weak, as if he was asking for help from the dragon spirit.

"What's the matter? How can such strange things happen? Brother Yan, the spirit is asking for help. " Longling was very surprised.

Long Yan also feels very strange, this way spirit clearly already very weak, what help can long Ling bring it.

"Strange!" Longyan was about to take over the sword, but it seemed to resist Longyan. It took Longling to rush forward, as if it was avoiding Longyan.

"Dad, this spirit is going to die soon. Let me eat it or find a host for it. Once the spirit dies, this sword will be useless." Little huowa, a quick reminder.

"What? It's dying. It must have experienced those battles just now. It has suffered a lot. It's so weak that it can't stand any ups and downs."

Longyan didn't even dare to get close to Longling, for fear of frightening the spirit to death.

At this time, suddenly, on the back of the dragon spirit, the colorful beautiful pattern, translated double birds wake up.

It flapped its wings and flew to the shoulders of the dragon spirit.

"Wow, sister Ling, shuang'er had a good sleep. Who woke me up? Ah, it's it. How can it die soon? It's so pitiful, pitiful." Xiaoshuang flapped his wings, as if he was very distressed by the spirit of the God sword.

"Xiao Shuang, do you have a way? You are a different species in ancient times. You belong to the same period as this spirit."

Xiao Shuang, after thinking about it, looks like he's trying to stop talking, as if he's thinking about something.

Long Ling was a little worried: "do you have any way? I want this sword to recover to its original 800 Taoist patterns. If the Taoist spirit dies, it will become a useless sword."

"Sister ling'er, I have a way to make it recover, but the spirit can't be saved. It's too weak, but I can inherit it, that is, I can replace it and become the new spirit of the magic sword. Is it too cruel for shuang'er? She's a girl, I don't want sister ling'er to see me as a greedy little guy. "

"Oh? Is that true Longling saw hope, Longyan also looked at Xiaoshuang.

"Well, if I replace it, the sword can be restored, even return to its original glory and become a new Taoist spirit. This is equivalent to the continuation of the power of the Taoist spirit and the restoration of the Taoist weapon of the Archaic period!"

Hearing this news, it's really shocking. Longling takes a look at Longyan and is very happy.

"Shuang'er, would you like to be its Taoist spirit? Tell me how I can help you. I'm afraid the Taoist spirit wants you to do the same. It can't survive, but it doesn't exclude me. It must wake you up and let you inherit it."

At this time, Long Yan also came forward and asked: "Xiao Shuang, tell me quickly, what harm will it do to you if you become the God sword Taoist spirit, but how can you become its Taoist spirit and inherit its power?"

The birds nodded fiercely: "I'm willing, of course shuang'er is willing. Brother Xiaoyan and sister linger, let me inherit its power so soon, otherwise time won't rush. I'll say it after I inherit it." Xiao Shuang looks very happy.

The Dragon Spirit nodded. She quickly lifted the seal on the magic sword through the extraterritorial magic. Xiaoshuang was very excited with fluttering wings.

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