Both Longyan and Longling are Terrans now. You can see at a glance what happened in their demon Kingdom during this period. A lion, a half demon, and two Terrans, the four of them killed the four elders of the snake clan. Many of them already know about it.

Everyone has a message charm, and it's hard to avoid talking to their brothers and friends about it, so when they see Longyan and Longling, they just guess.

"During this time, something big happened in the territory of the demon clan. Four elders of the snake clan died. It's said that the strong snake clan has sent many good things to the border guards here. Pay more attention to you and plan to stop you."

Said the tall man.

"I didn't expect the news to spread so fast. Do you know the strong one of the snake clan has come here?"

In the eyes of the big man, he looked at the other man, shivering and looking at Longyan.

"He can't hear what you said. I've put a barrier on him. Of course, you don't have to worry about my questions. No one here knows what you said, and we won't kill people casually. If your answer is true, I'll just let you rest here for a few days. When you wake up, we have disappeared. If you dare to cheat me, The answer is different from that of him. I will kill you. Of course, even if you don't say it, your companion will say it. If you don't say it, I will coerce other people into saying it. Don't doubt what I say. "

The man should be a warrior of the leopard clan, but his strength has not yet set foot on the land of Wuni. He has no choice but to tell Long Yan what he knows, because he is really afraid of death.

The leopard man then said, "young Xia, you can't hurt us. I'll tell you what I know. As far as I know, it seems that two snake strongmen have arrived here. They all arrived here ten days ago and have been waiting for news in the border guard camp. It seems that only two of them have arrived at present, but other snake strongmen haven't heard of it, After all, a lot of people are watching these in the dark during this period, which is a good play for outsiders. "

"What's more, so the snake tribe is coming. What's their realm?"

"I don't dare to tell lies. They are two people. I heard that they are in the four gods of Wuni, and they are extremely powerful. By the way, I also heard that the strong snake clan has given orders and informed all the snake clans. They are all out. The snake clan really gave death orders this time, and they want to catch you. Unfortunately, a huge lion suddenly came here a few days ago, which is extremely fierce, He rushed through the crowd and ran to the gate. He must have escaped to the divine star. "

"What's a pity, you want my brother caught?" Long Yan hit the man's abdomen with a fierce fist, almost smashing his gall out.

"Young Xia, I, I just made a slip of the tongue." The big man of the leopard family covered his belly and shed tears of pain.

Long Yan cold hum a: "at that time concrete what circumstance, tell me."

"Well, two days ago, a lion and a young girl passed by here. They didn't have any omen. They rushed through the ninth pass, named fenglongjian. Later, the two snake strongmen followed them. So far, they lost the news. Compared with now, when the border guards saw the lion, they should still tremble. It's really fierce, If you go by force, I don't think they dare to stop you. After all, they won't risk their lives to stop you. "

"Son of a bitch, for a moment, he said that the two snake strongmen were waiting in the camp here. For a moment, he said that they were going to chase the lion. Which sentence is true?" Longyan threatened.

"Young Xia, I made a slip of tongue. They were waiting in the camp before, but they went after your brother later, and they haven't come back yet." The great man of the Bao clan has been frightened by Longyan.

"It seems that now is the best time for us. OK, you're finished. Next, you can have a rest. Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

Long Yan finish saying to jump up directly, one punch shock this person faints in the past, follow him to see to another person.

Long Ling also unties the barrier on the wolf. He sees his companion fall to the ground and kneels down in horror, begging Long Yan not to kill him.

"Ling'er, what does this guy say?"

Long Ling and Long Yan roughly communicate, Long Yan said with a smile: "it seems to be true, they did not lie."

"Thanks, brother. I won't hurt you. He just fainted."

Between the words, Long Yan also will this person a punch shock faints.

For their safety, the Dragon Spirit even set up a small extra territorial magic array for them.

Like a transparent halo, passers-by will not find them.

Three days later, this small halo will automatically lift, such a realm, the dragon spirit can easily kill them.

It seems that there are a lot of people, most of them, who didn't even step on the territory of the demon clan. It can be judged that even if the territory of the demon clan is in chaos, there are a few strong people there.

"Ling'er, I guess the guards and the two snake strongmen here only see Xiao Shi and su'er. They think that we have returned to a different race. This is definitely an opportunity for us to take advantage of, and it will be much smoother."

"Brother Yan, those two snake clan strongmen, to chase the lion, should be OK." Long Ling asked anxiously.

Long Yan said with a smile: "my guess is good, those two guys should have died on the way, the strength of the lion, but even the five strong can deal with, in the God Star domain are strong, we don't have to worry."

Now, the most urgent thing is that they must seize the time to pass through these checkpoints. The hundreds of checkpoints they set up are hundreds of channels.

Long Yan thought about it and went to the Ninth level of fenglongjian.

They dare not delay any time. If the two snake strongmen have already informed a large number of snake strongmen, they will suffer. I'm afraid they can't escape.

"Brother Yan, I'm now recovering my strength, and I'm also stepping on the double gods of martial arts and rebellion. It shouldn't be a problem to perform space transfer. It's just that I'm afraid I'll consume more power after performing it. Then you can take me to escape there."

Long Yan nodded.

The space transfer of dragon spirit is not on himself, but on the two strong men in the fenglongjian pass. One of them is the four strong men in Wuni, and the other has reached the initial stage of Wuni.

Longyan even if they break through hard, it's still very difficult, so Longling can play a huge role at this time.

They made a little plan, that is, after they got close to there, they took advantage of the strong man's unprepared at the beginning of the wuchong rebellion to transfer him to other places. Then, Long Yan and long Ling quickly passed through there and fled from here.

At that time, the strong man of Wuni quadruple can't catch up with Longyan. With his speed, he can easily get rid of him.

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