Crab mother king's real strength is extremely fierce, but Longyan is even more fierce. The only disadvantage is that his Fengshen chop is not as strong as his opponent's broken star halberd.

The other side is ferocious, but Longyan is more ferocious. After a short time of mastering, his power can be easily controlled and freely retracted.

The fighting power broke out and became more and more skilled. With such strong strength, soon in the battle of Longyan, he began to suppress the crab king, making this fierce woman extremely angry and crazy!

Of course, Long Yan also knows that the power of the ancestors of the fish clan will be consumed less and less when used, so he can only kill the crab king quickly, otherwise once the power is exhausted, he will be suppressed again by the other party.

At that time, we can imagine the consequences. He must kill the other party whatever he says.

Long Yan did not dare to relax for a moment. Although he was very powerful now, he was carrying the life and death fate of the whole city of the fish clan on his shoulders. Therefore, he almost killed all the time. His violent power made the crab king almost unable to fight.

Losing again and again!

"The eternal sword is the sword of killing gods!"

Long Yan's sword broke out tens of thousands of swords, which made people almost unable to see his attack. It was too fast. The crab mother king basically didn't even have the chance to fight, and his body was broken into countless blood holes.

Blood flies fast! Dyed her body red.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

"Damn, damn! Boy, you've made me angry. I'll kill you! " The crab mother king screamed, and she was defeated.

Of course, what she resents more is that the ancestors of the sea dragon fish clan gave Longyan such a powerful force, which made her so embarrassed.

"I don't believe that your power will be so strong all the time. It seems that I should fight with you. When the time comes, I will let you die miserably, and I will kill all the dragon fish people!"

The crab mother king roared angrily.

She waves the halberd to break the space and separate the sea water.

Every time Fengshen chop breaks out a sword to kill gods, it can trigger tens of thousands of swords, and it doesn't fall behind at all. But it's not enough to devour the opponent or destroy the broken star halberd.

After all, there is too much difference between the two. Fengshen chop can still parry, which is very good.

Long Yan's speed is very fast. He attacks with all his strength. His speed is extremely terrible. One sword is faster than another. In a short time, he has killed hundreds of swords.

That is the killing of millions of swords. The real sword of killing God is to consume the strength of the opponent. Although the ancestor's divine power is being consumed, the crab queen may not be able to sustain it until then.

"Old woman, you should have been damned. Do you think I'll be consumed quickly, but you will be killed before I finish consuming all my strength!"

Long Yan was furious and continued: "the real damned person is you. The world is changed by the strong. You're just a little crab king. You don't have the great power to control other people's life and death. It's your blessing to kill you on behalf of justice."

Brush! Brush! Brush!

Longyan killed 230 swords. The sword of death, with the air of death, triggered the explosion of space. It overturned the crab king again and broke a sword mark on her body.

"No..." the crab mother king roared again.

Long Yan doesn't give her any chance to react at all. She will take advantage of the victory again.

"Little thing, you wait for me, wait..."


Long Yan once again a sword, will she heavily split into the cracks in the sea, blast out a big hole!

Crab mother king is in a mess. She has hair and red eyes. Even if she wants to avoid the edge of Longyan, she has almost no chance. Longyan is just a hungry wolf, constantly rushing at her!

It can be said that this is the most powerful time for Longyan to exert his power, which makes him completely become the God of war.

"No, no, no!"

Crab mother king not willing to roar, she got up from the ground, she even looked at Longyan some fear, timid.

This young man, the warrior of dragon spirit, will be more and more powerful. His strength should be smaller and smaller.

When the black gold crab clan saw the signs of their king's defeat, they were all frightened and even more shocked.

They treat Longyan as if they had met a God. It's too powerful. Their king is not the opponent of Longyan at all. He can only be abused, and he doesn't even have much resistance.

Originally, after their king came back, they were still thinking of the first World War, but now, many of them are thinking of running away, because they are also afraid of death.

Whose life is not precious? If there is no possibility of victory, why sacrifice your life here.


Long Yan holding Fengshen chop, once again toward the lower crab king, the sword of killing, full burst!

Ten thousand swords pierce the heart!

Tens of thousands of swords directly penetrated the body of crab mother king, making her whole body stained with blood. No place was intact.

Long Yan even close to her, raised a sword, her left eye directly stabbed blind, stir some, her eyes smashed.

"Stand up and fight on, you destroy one eye of Dragon King, then I will destroy one eye of you as well!"

"Our crab queen, she's going to lose. She's no match for this kid at all."

"No, no, our king, how can he be defeated? This boy's strength is being consumed, and it won't last long. Our king, with super recovery ability, will survive!"

On the side of the dragon fish family, everyone is nervous for Longyan. They are very moved and shed tears of excitement. It is this young man who has saved them. Crab mother king is about to be killed, but they can't relax too much!

They prayed that Longyan could really kill the crab king at last, otherwise it would be more cruel for her to make a comeback.

"Come on, can you kill me? I'm the king of crab mother. Even if you destroy all my flesh, you can't kill me!" The crab queen roared wildly.

"Good, then let's try the pain of hovering on the edge of death."

Longyan continues to use the sword to kill the gods.

The 300 th sword kill!

Crab mother king's whole body was pierced into a hornet's nest, but she was still alive.

The 400th sword of killing God!

Longyan was a little exhausted. He killed madly and used the sword to kill the gods. All the power of the ancestors of the hailongyu clan was exhausted, but the crab mother king was still alive. She had to struggle on the edge of death.

After Longyan killed to the 400th sword of killing God, he played all the killing swords to the limit.

Even the crab mother king's head was pierced into a hornet's nest, her eyes were broken, and her whole body was pierced and fragmented, all of which were blurred and smashed.

But the crab mother king was not dead, her heart stopped beating, the corner of her mouth also showed a sneer, this smile is very rigid, she even screamed become numb.

But it can't be killed. At the end of long Yanyue's killing, the crab mother king even showed a sneer and arrogance.

"Even though you are powerful, you still can't kill me, and your strength seems to have been almost consumed. Should you start to feel despair now? I will kill you soon. When I recover, it will be your death time!"

The crab mother king continued to laugh cruelly

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