These elite disciples, looking at Long Yan, he is the focus of all people, their anger and abuse, eyes full of killing.

In particular, when they think of the fact that more than a year ago, after Longyan killed Zhan Tianqiong child prodigy in the ancestral hall of the ancient gods of the human race, it caused a sensation in the whole domain of the Dragon Emperor, so they hate Longyan very much.

Many people have heard the name of Longyan, but without seeing it with their own eyes, they judge and abuse themselves. This has also had a huge impact on Longyan. In particular, he is still the son of the Dragon God Emperor, which makes everyone hate him to the bone.

These elites and geniuses only listen to their elders and learn about long Shuo's behavior. They also resent Long Yan for his bad influence.

"Is this boy the son of that traitor? So young, even if he has some talent, but he joined a foreign race, just like his father, treacherous

"This little guy is not worth pitying. It seems that he fled to the sky covering star field, but was abandoned by the alien race. Who would keep him like this? Fortunately, he escaped and fell into the hands of our limitless dragon hall."

"Hum, this boy should not live today. His life is a tragedy. I don't know how to grow up!"

The crowd began to talk and jeer.

"I don't want him to die so soon. I should be imprisoned for life, depriving him of his freedom and suffering forever. I will judge him today and take him back to face the five dragon temples in the future. I will make him kneel down in front of his ancestors to repent and widowed him!"

"You see, this young man has a lot of good fortune. He is surrounded by such a beautiful woman. Alas, it's a pity that this beautiful woman chose to be with a dying man. It's really sad. I'm afraid that this young man's guilt will implicate this peerless beauty. The elders don't pursue her guilt because of her beauty."

Anyone who is close to Longyan is guilty. Moreover, many people have heard that this peerless beauty is Longyan's woman. They regard longshuo as their father, so they are guilty.

"Look, there must be a good play to watch. This boy is hard to live. The elder of Phoenix tomb will not let him go. The Dragon God Emperor is so sinful that he owes too much blood to the human race. He can't escape the debt of his father and son. It's right for him to commit suicide. How dare he stand here?"

In their opinion, Longyan is a joke.

When they speak, they have no scruples at all. They speak very loud. Long Yan can even hear them very clearly, but he can't be angry, because in this way, these guys will be more proud.

Long Yan has been used to it for a long time. He just wants to change people's views on him with actions and let them talk. Only strength can prove everything.

Then he will be the strong one. Only the strong one is the truth. Everything is right.

Longhuan and Fengmu first said hello to Longmu. They looked at Longyan and looked at the young man. Naturally, the two old men had heard the name of Longyan and knew that his father was the first Dragon God of that year. But they didn't expect that longshuo had such a young son in the world.

Long Mu then looked at all the elite disciples around the high platform and said in a loud voice: "it seems that you already know the identity of this young man. Yes, he is the super genius Long Yan I brought back this time. Although he has a special identity, I can't deny that he is a super genius. His father, you've heard of him, is the first God of war in our dragon empire."

All of them couldn't help laughing. They laughed even louder. They looked at Longyan like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. It's not far from death.

Long Yan calmly looked at them, and followed him with the same loud voice: "I have met two predecessors, and you elite talents. Yes, I am Long Yan, the son of the Dragon God Emperor."

At this time, the Phoenix dragon pulse, Tiangang Tyrannosaurus Rex, Phoenix tomb cold hum, with a very rough crazy voice angry way: "Longyan, you dare to come here, don't you know your father's heinous, and you are the same, you father and son all want everyone to kill, if there is such a father, there must be such a son, such a bandit, should be killed on the spot!"

During the conversation, Feng Mu's eyes were full of murderous air. From him, there was a strong sense of killing, which acted on Long Yan. When he showed the opportunity to kill, those elite disciples were about to cheer.

The wind tomb was fierce and angry, and his face became ferocious. Sure enough, the old man wanted to kill Longyan very much. However, since Longmu had brought Longyan here, no one would hurt him.

Wind tomb did not directly start, but waiting for Longmu to give him an explanation and reason.

Looking at Fengmu, long Mu guessed that he would be like this. No matter what he did, Fengmu would never agree with him and would fight against him. Then he blocked Longyan behind him and said in a loud voice again: "you guys, Longyan is the one I brought here. I can't watch him being teased or killed. I want to give him a chance and make him our man, After all, he is also a dragon warrior. He belongs to the same kind of people as us. He is still young. We can't judge his life and death just because of his father status and his killing Zhan Tianqiong. My purpose is very simple. I want two elders to accept him, and let you know him again, so that he can make contributions to our human race and make a new life. I am very rational and know what I am doing, Because I think he is a rare super genius in millions of years. He has great talent and potential. It's not a pity that such a rare genius is stifled. Moreover, I think he is stronger than you. Even if the little prodigy lives, he may not have such talent. "

Long Mu pauses and looks at those elite disciples. They are not satisfied and surprised, but they all calm down.

"I'll give you an explanation and reasons. First of all, I think he has his own qualities. He is a child full of justice and kindness. He is gifted and transcendent. He thinks he can do things that you can't do. I say two things. First, it doesn't matter whose son he is. You have some opinions about the Dragon God Emperor, but do you know the Dragon God Emperor, Of course, I'm not for the sake of the Dragon God Emperor to vindicate his mistakes. I just say that Longyan is Longyan. His father has disappeared for so many years and can't affect him. Therefore, the gratitude and resentment of the older generation can't be imposed on Longyan. The second point is that he killed the little prodigy of the battle sky, which is not what he really wants. Some things are forced, as far as I know, At that time, he was in the ancestral hall of the eternal gods. When his identity was known, everyone wanted to kill him, especially Zhan Tianqiong. Then, would you choose to kill the child prodigy like him? Who lives in this world and is willing to be killed.

Everyone wants to kill Longyan, and the only thing he has to do is to kill the child prodigy and get the help of the alien strongmen, so that he can escape from the ancestral field of the eternal gods. You can all think in a different position. His life experience can't be changed, and he can only do so. Then, I say, as Longwu, we should have a certain mind and mind, rather than catch him a little wrong, Judge him right and wrong without thinking. Do you think you are qualified? You should learn to be magnanimous. Long Yan is young and has such strength. How many people here have never contacted him or even met him? What kind of person do you think he is? So you should give him this opportunity! "

Long Mu's words surprised all the people present. They even doubted whether they had heard the wrong thing. Their master long mu or his predecessors actually begged forgiveness for a betrayer of the human race and gave him a chance to reform.

This is against the will of the whole Terran. Even many people think that Longmu is crazy, and he has such a strange idea.

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