The magic spirit king put his hand on Long Yan's shoulder and then said, "the Star source is the most precious treasure in our sky covering star field, and it has something to do with the last stage of our domain master's battle. However, I feel that your star soul is very powerful. You must have fused a lot of star souls in it. You have disappeared for almost a day. Can you tell me, After you reappear, you will become stronger. What did you experience during that period? "

This guy suddenly asks Long Yan this question, obviously he is suspecting something.

Long Yan looked at him and told him truthfully: "after the war between me and the imperial power, I left there very soon. I tried to find long Qingqing and them. Later, I went to a dark place. There was no starry sky and it was dark, but suddenly there were countless star spirits, among which the Star source appeared. I knew it might disappear soon, But I was afraid of any danger, so I tried to get closer. As a result, those star spirits converged crazily towards my body and all rushed into my body. In this way, I resisted all the pressure and finally refined these star spirits into my own strength. I only became stronger because of these star spirits, but the Star source soon disappeared. That's all. "

"Sure enough, you saw it again. Is that it?" Asked the phantom king.

Long Yan nodded: "of course, even if the star does not disappear, I can't take it away. With my power, you know."

The magic king looked at Longyan and knew that he didn't have that ability. Then he said with a kind smile: "you're right. The source of stars is extremely precious and contains great energy. Even my brother yexiaoding can't take it away. Don't tell anyone about it. There's nothing else. Go back and prepare well. I'll inform you then. In addition, your demon brother, I'll find a way to help, too. "

Long Yan thanks and leaves here soon!

After waiting for him to leave, the night Xiaoding comes out from behind the golden gong hall. His eyes are deep. He looks at the direction of Long Yan's leaving.

"Elder brother, this Long Yan is really mysterious, unexpectedly can let those star spirits rush into his body voluntarily, I think I know what this is because of."

The phantom king turned and looked at him: "Oh, tell me about it!"

"Chen'er mentioned to me before that Long Yan had a little girl friend, who should be his wife. But this woman has something from our sky covering star field. I think maybe that's the reason why those star spirits actively merged into his body, and he found the Star source twice. Now, I doubt where the woman around him has gone, I'm sure I won't be in his dragon Kingdom, but I'm not. So why do these star spirits and star sources appear? "

The magic spirit king was lost in thought, and soon he looked directly at yexiaoding: "you said that there was something like this on that woman, what is it? No matter what it is, I think this woman will be very important to us, and Longyan is also very important. Be sure to watch Longyan closely for me. I think maybe this will be the foundation for us to find the source of stars first. It's too important for us. If you pass on the order, that woman will also be found and all the people will be distributed, but this matter should be kept secret, Don't let the demons and Protoss know. "

"Brother, don't worry. If you have any news, I'll report it to you immediately. I'll do it myself!"

Yexiaoding leaves soon

Long Yan came out from the magic king. He went back to his room and thought about the magic King's words. He naturally understood how important the Star source was to jinluozong.

What's more, just now I left out a point with the phantom king, that is about the source of stars.

"Ling'er, the magic king said that the source of stars had something to do with the last stage of the battle for hegemony. That means that the last stage is to look for the source of stars, or to get something like that. Presumably, the source of stars will appear at that time. No one knows exactly where it is. But I attracted those spirits to gather in my body, which means that this guy should start to be on guard against me now, Even if you want to find the source of stars through me

Even if Long Yan is in the room, he has to defend himself and communicate with the Dragon Spirit by means of teleportation.

"Brother Yan, it must be like this. By the way, you still remember yexichen knew that I was gone. Did he ask you if he would feel anything strange in me? Now I think it's not related to the extraterritorial magic. Maybe he felt the existence of double winged sword!"

"Well, you have a good analysis. The flying swords with two wings tremble when they meet those stars. What's the relationship between them? In a word, we should be careful, and you must not let them know that you are in our dream dragon kingdom."

The Dragon Spirit nods, and she reinforces the guardians of some domain spirits, which no one can feel.

Time goes by day. During this period of time, Long Yan is basically practicing in his own room, and those star soul forces are finally digested.

And Long Yan's reputation, after his wonderful performance in the star core, has almost become the most famous person in the whole Zhetian star field, with a great reputation. After all, he has performed so well.

Let more people know that this son of the Dragon God Emperor is the youngest one, and his fighting power is so adverse. It can be said that this is absolutely the peerless genius in the hearts of all people.

What's more, many people outside are saying that the reason why Longyan is so rebellious is that he inherited the supreme dragon soul. It's almost no secret.

Moreover, the predecessor of the supreme dragon soul, it is said that it was one of the ten accompanying spirit Dragons of the ancestral dragon in ancient times.

Longyan is full of killing. Maybe it's the Supreme Soul of killing. This news, like a bomb, makes everyone scream.

Some people even sent the news back to the Dragon kingdom of the Terran. Moreover, because of the appearance of the Dragon flame, the five dragon temples, the most powerful people also gathered together to discuss the Dragon flame.

Long Yan's performance in team cooperation is nothing, but the sensation it caused is extraordinary. Many real high-level figures have noticed him.

"No, it's said that Long Yan, who killed a child prodigy in the ancestral hall of the ancient gods of the human race a year ago, was the most likely to become a God. At that time, it was Long Yan who was the strength of the martial arts rebellion. Now, it's said that the real realm has easily defeated the martial arts rebellion elites before they set foot in the martial arts rebellion, This kind of growth speed and talent is even worse than that little prodigy. "

"Yes, after Long Yan killed the little prodigy, he was chased by the Terran mercilessly, which made countless people repel him, spit at him, abuse him, and drive him away. Maybe, Long Yan suddenly appeared in our sky covering star field, and rose up with a shining star. Maybe, the Terran will favor him this time, and he will return to the Terran."

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