Long Yan is rampant to the extreme, he can't give these people a good face, and he will never go to beg for people who want to kill themselves, treat such people only hard hit their face, tooth for tooth!

It can be said that these guys have been so angry that they can't bear such abuse and humiliation even if they know they are invincible.

Moreover, everyone is much older than Longyan.

It's his elder.

"The boy is too wild."

"It's disgusting. Let's go together!"

Everyone is a heart with blood, dignity and pride.

They roared and started at the same time.

Even if they kill Longyan in this way, they don't have any worries. If they let Longyan teach them all a lesson, it's hard to say. After all, there are so many people.

Where to put their face, Longyan will not only be more rampant, but also be powerful again.

Of course, there are also many strong men over 7000 years old who are in the sixth division of Wuni. They think that they can't fight so many people at the same time with one person.

However, Long Yan is good at group warfare. His speed, strength and tough body are all strong. No one can compare with him.

When these more than 1000 warriors came to kill Longyan one after another, some even used all kinds of Taoist weapons to perform their most violent killing moves.

The whole valley of Longyu city has become a battle field.

The chain of mountains began to collapse and vibrate.

Such a scene is really rare. This is the trial of Long Yan.

The killing was so fierce that people roared and launched their strongest attack.

Such a shocking scene is really spectacular, and Long Yan's figure is soon drowned in these fierce killing attacks. No, it should be said that he quickly shuttles through the crowd.

These seemingly fierce attacks are very lethal and ornamental, but none of them can meet Longyan's attack.

The whole world became bright and dark, as if the end was coming, and the world would collapse.

Long Yan was inundated by the crowd, and they all searched for him, but it seemed that they could not find him at all.

"Is the boy blown to powder?"

"The boy should be dead. After all, there are so many strong people here who work together. At least hundreds of them are in the five levels of Wuni, and there are a lot of them at the peak of the later stage. At the same time, they use Wuni divine power, which is the original power of the five elements. I don't believe the boy can survive."

This valley space, countless explosions continue to blow the space to pieces.

Such a vast killing attack made people think that Longyan should have been killed and there was no bones left. They felt relieved and relieved.

"Silly B men..." Long Yan has appeared in the higher Valley, looking at those rampant warriors, still looking for their whereabouts.

He gave a sneer. In this case, the double power of Wuni and Shihuang from his body directly melted into the time seal.

Suddenly, he showed the power of time anger to thousands of people below.

"The tide of eternity!"

The rage of time swept across, in that area of time rage, the most frightening rage of time roared.

It's like a wave of time coming, suddenly all the people below are involved in the eternal tide of time. The whirlpool of time storm stirs up their time rules, and then all of them are confused.

They just like lost time, become dull, follow, boom! Boom! Boom! There was an explosion on their bodies in time.

The anger of time is also their grave, which distorts the rules of time, and the tide sets off huge waves, shattering their meridians, bones, tearing their bodies, and the power runs rampant in their bodies.

All of them were beaten up by the power of time. They were bruised by the power of time. Many of them burst out with blood.

The body was swept by a serious time frenzy, seriously injured, a short time, under the valley, has been lying down a person, can barely stand up.

They have also completely lost their fighting capacity. They are suffering from the impact of such time power, which really makes them feel that kind of rebellious and restless feeling, which is more painful than death.

It's as if all of us have experienced a separation of life and death.

"What is the power that is so terrible?"

"I, I saw what I looked like after I died. It was so scary."

"No, no, it's not true. I've gone through time. I've gone back and forth to the future and seen the whole world

They scream in horror, and their bodies bear the pressure of time. The power of the storm of time can tear them to pieces.

It can be said that after Long Yan used this move, no one within 7000 years old can resist his eternal frenzy.

When Long Yan fell on the ground and looked at the wailing people, he surprised everyone with his strength from the beginning to the end.

Long Yan cold hum a, this just suddenly a swing arm, directly set off a wave, the first emperor divine power, will fall to the ground, these defeated generals, swept out.

Those martial arts of the same clan, this just reaction comes over, caught those martial arts in succession.

Everyone looked at Longyan again. His face was cold and terrible. He was unyielding, just like a shining star. No one could defeat his inner pride and make him yield. He would rather die standing than live on his knees.

He was stubborn and didn't retreat half a point. He also let people see his determination and know how firm the young man's heart was.

For a moment, everyone was helpless to this young man, they became helpless.

"Why do you treat me like this? What's my crime? I've done anything to betray the Terran. I'm just the son of the Dragon God Emperor. I'm just more rebellious than you. You're not afraid that I will bring crisis to the Terran in the future. You're jealous of me. Can't you tolerate me? Do you really have no room for me... "

Said finally, Long Yan suddenly furious, he questioned the world, questioned the heroes!

It's just that some individual people hate him very much, but all of them are hoodwinked. They know the truth, but they dare not say it.

"Heroes and heroes in the world, I, Longyan, can stay in the divine star domain and have enough time to grow up. No one dares to kill me there. But why do I choose to come back? Xueyao dragon hall sends someone to pick me up? Because I'm a member of the Dragon kingdom. This is my hometown. How can I harm my hometown and my father's hometown, I came back only to hope for your trust. Now, you disappoint me, but you can't go on wrong all the time. As the most gifted genius of the human race, do you want to be imposed on you by those people who are jealous of me and full of malice, so you treat me like this? If any of you dare to stand up for me now, I promise that you will not be investigated. I am the same as you. In the future, I will become the strongest. Only I can lead the Terran to a more brilliant future and lead you to develop and become stronger! "

What Long Yan said is very powerful. It makes people excited. This time, it's even more frightening to them. It's a bigger impact on them. Some people have begun to repent in their hearts.

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