Long Yan is not familiar with Yang Dazhuang. He doesn't know what kind of person he is. He asks, "little leader, what dragon spirit are you fusing?"

Yang Dazhuang looked back at Longyan, and then with a mysterious, he laughed, "you want to know, of course, can't compare with you, I heard that you are the supreme dragon soul, and I'm just a little ultimate dragon soul."

"What? The ultimate dragon soul, is it still weak? " Long Yan knew that the two dragon emperors arranged for him, how could they be the weak.

"So what is the ultimate dragon soul?" Long Yan continues to ask a way

"Well, ancient dragon soul... Hey, I said, kid, what do you mean when you care about my dragon soul? Don't forget, I'm your boss now. You're my subordinate. How can I tell you about me? Ha ha, you have to know your position."

Long Yan looked at him, did not expect this guy is quite mysterious, he heard ancient times, presumably should also be the kind of very strong ultimate dragon soul.

Treat him, Long Yan has a kind of similar feeling, perhaps there has been intersection before.

Think about it, Long Yan simply gave up, anyway, when you should know, you will know that Yang Dazhuang's name is very common, but he is definitely not a simple person, and his character is strange and unpredictable. Long Yan dare not underestimate him, or he is not so good at all. If he is such a simple person, how can he become a small leader.

Moreover, Long Yan sensed the power of his body, and this person should have been the peak state of the sixth stage of Wuni.

In addition, he is the ultimate dragon soul, and his combat strength is much stronger than super dragon.

Long Yan sneered in his heart. It seems that the blood Yao temple is still worried about himself. He found a strong man of this level and came to see himself.

Long Yan is thinking about it, Yang Dazhuang suddenly become some serious up, unlike just that woman's appearance.

"Xiao Longyan, if you call me brother Yang, I promise to cover you later, just because you are my favorite son. Do you know that if you come into Xueyao prison with me, you can't think of it and come out. We have strict discipline to guard the prison dragon army, and I'm afraid you don't know that our prison army has another name, the tomb guard army, And it's a big responsibility. Our own level should surpass those patrolling guards. You should be honest here. "

Long Yan saw that he was serious, and his temperament had changed. "Brother Yang, I've been obedient, and I said that the prisoner's Dragon army is to claim, and the real internal name is the tomb guard. Before, your woman's appearance was really hard for me to accept."

Yang Dazhuang burst out laughing: "I'm just a playful person. I'll get used to it in the future. Little baby, you should learn to adapt here as soon as possible. I didn't expect that the Dragon gods would arrange you here. However, no one dares to bully you in the future. If anyone wants to bully you, you tell me, I'll cut off the bird and serve it as food and wine. Ha ha..."

When Yang Dazhuang talks, Long Yan can see that he should be a more open-minded person. Such people are generally easier to talk to and are very enthusiastic with everyone.

Long Yan has seen too many such people, he naturally knows how to deal with him.

"Brother Yang, I will depend on you in the future."

"Well, maybe I'll depend on you in the future. Ha ha, you're welcome to me. You can tell me anything. You are new here. I'm older than you, and I'm also your father's admirer. I'll take care of you more. Now I'll tell you about our duty and some rules of the tomb guard army. Let's pay attention to what you should do and make fewer mistakes, They will be punished. "

Long Yan looked at him: "I'm all ears!"

He followed him for a long time and came to Xueyao dragon city below. He had never been to the dragon city before. The dragon temple was huge, but it was suspended in the air.

However, the bloody dragon city is also full of a strong smell of blood, and it is also a city filled with blood fog.

When Long Yan came to Longcheng, his feeling was that he was dead here.

"Let's go. Xueyao is in the Dragon prison. It's in a place you don't expect. He points to the ground."


Xueyao Dragon Temple, as long as the level of martial arts reaches the level of martial arts, they are qualified to come to Xueyao dragon city for further study. Therefore, the number of martial arts in this city is the largest, and the number of those who really reach the top is naturally less and less.

It can be said that there are more than half of the people in Xueyao dragon hall, but these people come in quickly and are eliminated quickly.

If it fails to meet the requirements, it will also be removed. After all, Xueyao dragon hall receives talented warriors with potential.

The first and second martial arts are the fresh blood of the five dragon halls, so the elimination rate is also very high.

The martial arts of Xueyao dragon hall are from the first to the second. They are all arranged in Qianlong palace, which is a dragon palace where potential is discovered. Of course, they live together with many people, while Longyan lives in Qianlong palace, which is a palace of solitude.

This is the difference between Longyan and them. Qianlong palace is treated like a young dragon. Therefore, such strong people are usually taught and cultivated by their own masters in their own dragon palaces. Only when their realm is upgraded to the triple of martial arts and rebellion can they be qualified to leave Qianlong palace.

At that time, their status will change. The most important thing is that they will be able to complete some missions and perform some tasks for Xueyao dragon hall.

Comparatively speaking, there are not so many restrictions and regulations on the triple fighters. They are free and independent, but they don't have any rights. Generally, such fighters will choose to go out for training or take orders, and they will get points. Only after they have made achievements can they get some resources in return.

However, what Long Yan didn't know was that the most orthodox practitioners of martial arts in Xueyao dragon hall were the four levels of martial arts that they attached great importance to. They were the guards who guarded and patrolled, and the Dragon prisoners.

If so, Long Yan joined the prison dragon army, that is, Yang Dazhuang's tomb guard army. In fact, such warriors have reached the four levels of rebellion, which is also a standard of Xueyao dragon hall.

In this way, these tomb guards are at the same level as the young city masters outside the holy city. In the whole Xueyao dragon hall, they are all talented legions among the elite.

"Long Yan, you can get a lot of resources if you join our dragon army, and it's definitely a good job here. First of all, we can get security here, and the other is resources. Here you can fight with other people every day and find someone to accompany you. You should know that most of the little guys in the Dragon Palace are the result of their efforts, That's to join an orthodox army like ours! "

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