Soon, Long Yan was taken to a cave by them. It seemed that the cave was not arranged very well, just like the room. There was everything, and in the cave, there was a double bed, which was very conspicuous!

"Well, little brother Longyan, this is our boudoir. Sit down and let your sister rainbow take the gift we have prepared for you. It will be ready soon."

Long Yan hasn't reacted yet, the whole person hasn't reacted yet, the body is directly pressed by the color spirit a shoulder to sit on that soft big bed.

This chamber is fragrant. It's really the place where girls live. It's different from men's chamber.

Longyan is looking around, outside the iron gate of the chamber, there are many Longwu people who are peeping into the iron gate.

The rock walls in the chamber are all blood red, so it is also full of a charming red space and enchanting.

I don't know how many men will be attracted by this place

Lead a person to endless aftertastes. Love is a little bit of Kwai. "The rainbow is a cup of white lotion." he looked at Longyan and gently poured out his fragrance. "Long Yan Xiao, this is our preparation for you to drink milk, drink it quickly, and make sure you will like it, so long as you have a slight mouth to ensure that the next thing will let you into heaven, you will have endless aftertaste."

Cailing also said: "yes, Long Yan is about to drink it. Our sisters don't have any other gifts to entertain you here. This glass of wine has been regarded as our hospitality to you. You must appreciate it."

Long Yan looked at the cup of so-called milk wine in rainbow's hand. It was fragrant, with a breath of temptation. The smell of wine, Just smelling it, already made people have endless aftertaste.

"Drink it, and I promise you won't be disappointed."

Cailing can't help drinking this milk wine.

Long Yan took this cup of milk wine. Although he didn't know what it was, it must not be a good thing. He had never seen such a milk wine with attractive aroma.

Then, Longyan looked at Cailing and said, "such a good thing must be very precious and rare."

Cailing didn't think so. She said with a smile: "of course, you're going to drink it."

"Oh, that's so precious and rare. It's not very kind of me to drink alone. I'd better invite my two sisters to taste it first. How can I drink alone?"

Long Yan is naturally a little alert. He is not familiar with these two women at all, and even meets for the first time.

Cailing looks at Longyan, he doesn't drink, immediately she uses a unique means.

I took the cup and decided to pour it hard.

Rainbow is on the side of her hands trying to stop Longyan, she will hold Longyan tightly, soft hard bubble, soft can't come hard.

This action lets Long Yan detect more not right, he is a little irritated immediately.

No matter how, Long Yan don't know each other's intention, won't drink this cup of wine, who knows they hit what ghost idea.

Long Yan guessed that there must be something wrong with the wine, otherwise they would not be like this.

Some of the two sisters were deadlocked, and they were slightly angry.

"Brother Longyan, are our sisters not attractive enough? How can you be like this, just like wood? If other people had not hesitated, they would have drunk it. To tell you the truth, this is a cup of Qingjiang Yuye wine. If you drink it, you can go to heaven naturally. Our sisters are so lonely here. Do you want us to speak more clearly? We see you at the first sight, I like you. "

"Yes, brother Longyan, my sisters just want to talk to you..."

Rainbow said and clapped her hands.

They are attractive and charming!

"Let our sisters serve you. Let's share the happiness in the world and forget everything in the world. We should be the happiest people."

Long Yan was shocked and knocked the cup of Qingjiang Yuye wine to the ground. He didn't expect that the two women would meet for the first time and really want to be like himself

How can he accept it? Jin Xuanmeng is still in the state of dragon. Even if he is not, Long Yan is a man with a clear conscience.

He won't say anything.

Suddenly, Long Yan stood up and planned to leave.

"Ladies and gentlemen, if you have such a mind, you will look down upon me. I'm not a casual person, but I'm afraid you can't afford it. Please don't follow me in the future. Please respect yourself!"

Long Yan spoke with a firm attitude, without the slightest politeness and leeway.

"Longyan, you treat our sisters like this. What's so great about you? You are the son of the Dragon God Emperor. Hum, you will not have good fruit to eat if you annoy our sisters. Do you think you can go out in peace today?"

Cailing two people finish saying, unexpectedly toward Long Yan hand to grasp, the original appearance.

"You know who I am. Someone must have told you to do this." Long Yan sneers a, very quick reaction comes over, he knows the world has no such good thing.

The two sisters are both in the four levels of martial arts. It's not expensive for them to be the opponents of Longyan.

Suddenly, let Long Yan a hand, even draw two slaps, left and right bow, Pa Pa Pa, pull them out.

However, they seemed to have known that they were not the opponents of Longyan. They were knocked down on the wall. In a moment, the two women's clothes were smashed.

Yes, they set out to frame Longyan.

Of course, they are still wearing clothes on their bodies, and the hot figure makes Long Yan close his eyes quickly, but his brain is still full of infinite reverie.

Their perfect figure, almost by Long Yan moment, have a panoramic view.

"I advise you to be provoked, otherwise, you don't know how to die. The women I met are 100 times better than you. My dragon power is not what you can have."

Said, he wants to leave, but, those two women, unexpectedly still don't give up, stretch out pure white arm, burst out in succession each martial arts counter four heavy later peak strength to attack toward Long Yan.

One shot is four moves!

Long Yan doesn't want to entangle with them too much. He quickly dodges and staggers their attack. For a moment, the whole chamber is shaken up and countless rock walls are shaken down. The movement is really huge.

However, the two sisters were also instantly subdued by Longyan, without any pity. This time, they were forced to fly and hit the wall.

This time, they were so miserable that they could hardly get up in a short time.

Of course, Longyan did not really use their full strength, what they suffered was only skin injury.

"Long Yan, go quickly, you should be calculated by others, otherwise it's too late. When people see such a scene, you can't make sense!" Jin Xuanmeng reminds quickly.

Long Yan nodded, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time, but he didn't know who was behind them. If he left like this, wouldn't he be behind them? The person behind them would continue to count on him, and there would be no peace from now on.

"No, they'll find me after I leave. I want to see who's playing tricks behind my back. They want to plot against me, Long Yan. Hum, they still look down on me." Long Yan cold hum a say.

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