Liu Yun looks at Long Yan, eyes full of tenderness, continues.

"Of course, it's very powerful. Even the first God of war in the Dragon kingdom can't enter, let alone other people. Moreover, the ancestral God Chuyuan cave can only be approached by those who have the dragon spirit, but they can't enter. If those who have not inherited and integrated the Dragon Spirit, they can't even step on the Dragon ladder, let alone get close to it, They can't even see the Dragon ladder. I've heard my father say that for so many years, I've only heard that the Dragon God Emperor can enter the distance of ten meters. The rest of the Dragon emperors can't even enter one meter, and none of them can exceed one meter. "

Said here, Liu Yun's face revealed a proud smile.

"Well, that's very good. It seems that the ancestral dragon Chuyuan Dragon Cave is really mysterious."

Long Yan knows that even his father has not fused the ancestral dragon spirits, but he already has three ancestral dragon spirits. Is it time for him to have a try? He fell into a short meditation.

The immortal ancestral hall is mysterious enough. After Long Yan became powerful, he had to break into it. There is also a mysterious place in the demon world. Now there is another place where the Dragon originated.

Obviously, the origin of the dragon is more mysterious than those two places. The secrets that Longyan wants to explore may be found in these three places.

Longyan knew that it was not easy to go to the Dragon Cave in Chuyuan, and it was a long way to go. Moreover, he stepped on the Dragon ladder to complete the mission of the Dragon hall, which was with great glory.

This is known as the most glorious thing. There must be countless strong people who want to be the most representative.

Moreover, they are directly ordered by the Dragon emperors. Of course, it is relatively safe to go to the Dragon Cave in Chuyuan. After all, there is less interference from the strong of other races, because they can't see the existence of the Dragon ladder.

This is the highest dragon ceremony of the five dragon temples. It will be very grand.

To the process, the heart must also take a sincere heart, because there is the ancestral dragon's habitat, the birthplace!

It is a kind of respect and admiration for the ancestors.

Dragon Festival, Longyan began to yearn, full of expectations.

Liu Yun continued: "there are several stages in this Dragon Festival. The first stage is to select the most suitable candidates from each of our five dragon temples. It can be said that each dragon temple will select 15 people as their representatives, and they are not more than 5000 years old. They are also the most powerful warriors, and then they will go to the southeast to stay in Longyu city, It's close to the evil sect of the seven sword sects, the place where the blue blood sword sect God city and the dark sword sect God city of huangquan join. There are our strong Xueyao dragon hall and the other four strong dragon halls. At that time, all the representatives of the five dragon halls will go there first, and then take charge of the crape myrtle Dragon Emperor there. From the 15 representatives of each dragon temple, After selecting one of the most capable representatives, only one person will go to each dragon hall to take their five dragon crystals. "

After Liu Yun finished, Fengxing took a look at the colored glaze. It seemed that he knew more about it. He said to Longyan, "the crape myrtle Dragon Emperor will lead 15 people to test it. It's said that the magic thing to be tested is a dragon jade. It's black all over, so it's also called black dragon jade. It's very magical. It has the same history as Chuyuan Dragon Cave. The black dragon jade is the shape of a dragon head, In the mouth of the dragon, there is a dragon ball that can rotate. This is the black jade dragon ball. In fact, the one who finally selected their representatives is the black dragon jade. The only way to get its approval is to get the black dragon jade. The black dragon jade seems to have a dragon spirit connected with the Dragon Crystal that was born in the Dragon Cave at Chuyuan. "

When Long Yan heard this, he filtered it in his heart. The dragon head carved from crape myrtle, the Dragon Emperor, and the black dragon beads in his mouth.

"Is the black jade carved or formed naturally? In fact, no one has known for so many years that it is very solid and no one can destroy it. After thousands of years, even if some gods tried to destroy it, they failed. The Dragon God Emperor tried to destroy it, but no one has ever shaken it. No one knows when and where it existed, But there is something about our dragon people, so the five dragon halls directly send strong people to garrison there, gradually forming a scale and becoming the current dragon city. The five dragon halls also go to worship the black dragon jade every year. It's a kind of sacrifice to the dragon. "

"There are so many things here."

In fact, Longyan was extremely shocked. Chuyuan Dragon Cave, as well as the black jade of the dragon head, had something to do with the ancestor dragon. It existed for a long time and was extremely strong. No one could shake it.

Even long Shuo can't do it. It's incredible. It's worthy of being related to the ancestral dragon.

Long Yan is now trapped in the Dragon Hall of Xueyao for 100 years, and has promised that the two dragon emperors will not leave here in the future. However, he is full of excitement, yearning and expectation, and that strong heart urges him to go and have a look.

Maybe there will be any discovery, this opportunity can't be missed by Long Yan.

Another question is what happened to the five dragon crystals in the Dragon Cave at Chuyuan? What else can they do with them?

Is it just a symbol to stabilize the Five Dragon Temple?

The five dragon crystals have not really formed a dragon ball. They are the predecessor of dragon ball, but they will soon become dragon balls.

The birthplace of the dragon must be a very mysterious place. At the beginning, my father didn't go to find out clearly.

Long Yan can't wait.

Liu Yun then said: "all the 15 candidates will try to get close to the dragon ball in the black dragon jade. As long as they are recognized by it, who is the young dragon robber in the end can step on the Dragon ladder and get the blood shining Dragon Crystal."

Long Yan nodded: "so how can we get the approval of the dragon ball?"

Fengxing said: "when you get close to the dragon ball, a mass of black dragon Qi will be released from it. As long as these dragon Qi stay on the candidate representative young dragon for the longest time, you will be selected. Master Longyan, I think you are absolutely qualified to participate in the Dragon Festival. You are a young dragon within 5000 years old, and you have great strength and ability. You might as well sign up for it, If we are selected, we will not have that chance. Only a genius like you will have the chance. "

"Yes, master Longyan, if you can be the representative of the Dragon Hall of Xueyao and get back Longjing, you will be the greatest glory."

Long Yan said with a smile: "I naturally want to go to see fate." In fact, my heart is very eager.

Today, inheriting the spirits of the three great ancestors has something to do with those ancestors. As for the one hundred year agreement that they can't leave here, it's just the words of the Dragon emperors to keep themselves here.

If Long Yan wants them to ask, maybe they will also agree. He won't give up this opportunity to be so close to the place about the ancestor dragon.

What's more, the Dragon ceremony of long yanjue is very important to him. He must hold it.

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