Long Yanyu's fighting power is so strong. Under such a killing, even if the real seven strong rebels don't die, they will be seriously injured, not to mention Long Yan.

The crowd was talking, for they could no longer see the burning anger.

Only the endless dark force of the Nintendo, the continuous explosion.

However, when people thought that Longyan could not persist, no one noticed that at this time, a little bit of blood red actually penetrated directly from the dragon's body and then from the dragon's tail.

It's hard for people to find this tiny blood red thorn.

Yes, at the last moment, while Long Yan used the magic fire purgatory to improve his strength, he also directly used the spirit sword!

His dragon body turned into a bloody sword, which directly penetrated the huge dragon body of dragon smoke rain.

The crowd saw that the huge ultimate dragon body made a scream, and then hit the ground again. Suddenly, it was about to hit the ground.

That time eternal ultimate dragon body, the next moment unexpectedly had a conjoined explosion.

It's true that this scene really scared everyone and made them dumbfounded.

Countless flesh and blood have been fried into powder. From the dark space between heaven and earth, they begin to quickly restore the former appearance of the starry sky.

The ultimate dragon body was destroyed, and it was still under the protection of the Dragon clock.

This scene makes people almost unimaginable, isn't watching Long Yan die?

How suddenly turned into a dragon rain, the Dragon into a powder.

No one dreamed of such a thing happening.

Long Yan quickly transformed the Fengshen chop, and then after devouring the Taoist spirit of the Dragon Emperor bell in those years, he quickly put the Fengshen chop away.

The young man reappeared in the sight of the public. In the void, the Dragon rain had disappeared, and there was no residue left.

Before everyone noticed that the Taoist pattern of Fengshen chop was growing rapidly, Longyan had put it away.

Little huowa is undoubtedly the happiest.

"Thank you, Dad!"

It is very clever to start a meal, Dao Wen from more than 300, this time has grown to more than 400.

This is also an unprecedented great growth of Fengshen chop, which finally stopped growing after more than 470 Taoist lines.

It's impossible to say that Long Yan was not attacked by the power of the dark space-time of the Ninth Heaven. It's just the hardness of his dragon body and his ability to resist the dragon power of Chu Yuan. As long as he doesn't die, he can recover completely.

Long Yanyu was killed by Long Yan, and he became the final winner.

The result is obviously beyond everyone's expectation.

Two people strength who is strong who is weak can see at a glance, now also need not say much.

As long Yanyu has the ultimate dragon soul, she naturally has two lives. At the moment, the space where she disappears.

Long Yanyu's figure appears in the void again. She has been transformed into an adult, and Long Yan is also suspended in the air.

When people saw this scene, they couldn't react to it for a long time. The people in the Dragon Temple were the first to rush towards the Dragon misty rain.

Long Yanyu didn't expect that she was not only defeated, but also killed by Long Yan. Her heart was frightened and shocked, and her heart beat very hard. She even saw that Long Yan made her scalp numb and her back cool from now on, and the whole person retreated from being dull to the rear.

She is flinching, can let a person so fear, can think her heart suffered what kind of fatal blow.

Long Yan is like a devil in front of her, more terrible than the devil.

She couldn't stop. It was just the scene of her own destruction. She kept replaying it. She remembered clearly that Longyan turned into a sharp sword and penetrated her dragon body. Then she died.

I'm afraid it will bring her a state of panic for the rest of her life. This time, he is really scared by Longyan.

It's like a brand in her head.

"Misty rain!"

Long Haonan and his brothers and sisters all look at her anxiously.

"How are you, little sister?" Long Nanfeng tried to ask.

Long Yanyu retreated behind them. With the protection of her husband and elder brother, she finally recovered to a stable state.

"Brother Haonan, brother, I, I lost to him, he, he is too terrible."

She was trembling, clutching their clothes tightly, looking at Longyan in horror with a pale face.

Even if there is a life, give her ten courage, she also dare not and Long Yan continue to fight.

This is a kind of repression to her psychology.

Long Yan looks at the jiudieshen dragon hall, at all the people of the time god dragon hall, and faces the two top figures of the Dragon Emperor level, longhaonan and longnanfeng alone. He still has no fear on his face.

No fear, he is proud, he has unyielding spirit, firm belief, he is full of toughness, such a person, it is terrible.

And the killing is decisive, bloody and cruel!

He is very calm and naturally looks at all of them, especially long Yanyu. He stares at her.

Long Yan won his dignity and proved his strength with his strength. At this time, he said confidently: "long Yanyu, you have been defeated. If you are not convinced, you can stand up and continue to challenge me. You have not forgotten our previous agreement. The humiliation you brought me, the humiliation you humiliated my father, your sarcasm, your ruthlessness, your arrogance and your dislike, I'll give it all back to you now. "

Long Yan said every sentence, let long Yanyu unable to refute, she did not dare to refute, this is the spiritual power to her terrible.

She was on the verge of collapse.

This woman finally shut up, this is the result that Long Yan wants to see.

At this time, the people of Xueyao dragon hall and the other two dragon halls all gathered around. Xuesha stood beside Longyan, patted him on the shoulder, looked at him with a smile, and affirmed his strength.

Xuesha tried his best to suppress his inner excitement and said to the crowd, "everyone, this battle is finally over. I think long Yanyu is convinced. Long Yan has obviously defeated her. Well, now that we have won, I think it's time for this to end. After all, we are all from the Five Dragon temples, so don't make such a bad relationship, There are still many opportunities for you to work together in the future. I think it's over. Let's go back to each other! "

Xuesha said that, naturally, it's also for the sake of the relationship between us. It's just for the sake of Long Yan's happiness. It's a step down for the Dragon Temple of time.

Many people had expected long Yanyu to fulfill her gambling contract. Now when xuesha said that, many people were disappointed. After all, the woman's identity is not simple.

Even Han Gongxue hates this woman very much. At this time, she also stands up to safeguard everyone's common interests and doesn't let the atmosphere continue to be so embarrassing.

However, from the beginning to the end, Long Yan is staring at long Yanyu without any statement. He has suffered so many humiliations and grievances. How can he give up this opportunity? He must let this woman bear the price.

At this time, everyone looked at Long Yan waiting for him to speak.

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