Iron winged mad dragon has sharp dragon scales, and the whole body is a red dragon. The lone star burning dragon is similar to the sea of stars, and the whole dragon body is shining with stars.

Two ultimate dragon fighting together, broke out the Dragon chant.

Their dragon bodies are very hard. This is a collision of strength and strength. The young Dragons of Qianlong palace have a peak duel. At the end of the battle, it depends on whose will is more firm.

The strength is almost the same. The one who sticks to the end is doomed to be the winner. If only on the physical strength between them, the lone star yanlinglong will be more powerful, because his magic power is the skill of empty star. He throws the other side ten blocks.

However, the opponent's original spirit is extremely strong and can cause soul control skills. Each has its own merits. The killing depends on who can bear more damage.

However, Xu Kang's hatred and anger, which had been squeezed for many years, was as violent as a volcano eruption, while the other side was arrogant. There was a fundamental gap between the two. The fighting spirit of fearing death was reflected in Xu Kang. However, in the fierce battle, he tried to dodge with the other side, trying to provoke the other side. One was to defend his position, One is to replace the other, forming a huge psychological gap.

Fear, tenacity, madness and cunning are all reflected in Xu Kang.

"I'm ten blocks behind you. You're not my opponent at all. Come on, take out your best strength. I can defeat you. It's easy to defeat you."

Xu Kang infuriates the other party and makes Lan Ya really angry. If such a humble boy dares to yell at him like this, it makes him feel like he has been greatly humiliated.

All this, Long Yan see in the eye, the more angry the other side, he fight, will be disordered, as a fight wise, brave, sometimes not only rely on strength to win.

Long Yan can see that even if Xu Kang lost two opponents before, he consumed some strength, but he dodged to avoid each other's edge. In this way, Lan Ya also consumed a lot.

What's more, this is also to kill the will of the other side. The real counter offensive on Xu Kang's side has not really started yet. The other side has been in a state of rage and has made every effort to kill.

Dragon are close combat, fortunately, the lone star fire spirit dragon has a hard dragon body, even if he hurt a few times, it can't hurt it at all.

"You are a lowly beast. You are not qualified to fight with me. I want to defeat you. You are nothing. In my eyes, you are just a lower class." Lan Ya said.

"Yes? Let me defeat you today. I'll trample you under my feet and rub you to face. "

After so many years of forbearance, Xu Kang is waiting for today's glory. He has the ability and endurance that ordinary people can't bear. His psychological quality is very good. Lan Ya is very strong, but his heart is arrogant and arrogant. He can't tolerate others to say that he is not good. He cares about what others think of him.

In other words, he doesn't pay so much attention to the overall third group's victory and honor. Even if he loses, it doesn't affect him, but he attaches great importance to his personal winning and losing!

If he has really reached the final stage of the battle of life and death, he will naturally give up for the sake of life.

Naturally, Xu Kang also grasped this point of his psychology, angered the other side, and then found the best time to fight back. He attacked the other side with bloodless killing, and let the psychological defense of the other side collapse completely. This is his way to win.

Of course, if we fight with all our strength and face-to-face with each other, he will not lose, but he will be more confident in that way.

He's got the key thing.

One is to fight for honor, for the collective, for dignity, and the other is to fight for the individual. The things involved are different.

Therefore, Xu Kang's task is to defeat the other side and fight to the death.

Hearing the cheers of his companions, his brothers and sisters, for them, for himself, for his father, for Longyan, his heart was very tough.

Waiting for the opportunity to come, the Jedi fight back, just like last time, breaking through the limit of the battle. He had experienced that feeling when he fought with the eighth group last time, and this continuous victory has made him understand a lot and gain a lot.

Only by defeating each other, can we go further. LANYA doesn't need to work hard, but also has a lot of resources and huge development space.

This is his belief and the source of his strength.

Long Yan is such, he has always understood that he is shouldering great responsibility, he felt great pressure, so he had such a driving force, all the way to the present.

When he was in the birthplace of the dragon, he stepped on the Dragon ladder and really felt the hundreds of millions of people in the world. After being closely linked with him, he knew how great his responsibility was. He lived for the world, for the sake of protection, for the sake of justice in his heart, and life was precious. At the same time, for the sake of responsibility, he paid everything, Also got a great reward, that is, he was satisfied, he felt the greatest happiness in the world, gained too much.

Long Yan understands this truth. He knows too much, so he can become a strong man at the top. It's a natural thing. People who grow up in adversity and despair are destined to be stronger than their peers who grow up in the greenhouse.

Although Xu Kang is very weak, he is already the best in their group, and has many similarities with Long Yan.


Xu Kang finally fought back. He started the most violent killing. From outsiders' point of view, he has been losing step by step and dare not fight head-on. At this moment, he began to fight back for dignity, glory and everything.

For a moment, the iron winged wild devil dragon, who had already gained the upper hand, was suddenly defeated. The dragon's body was immediately deeply stabbed into his flesh by Xu Kang's Dragon claws, tearing off a large piece of flesh and blood, making him scream.

It can be said that the battle between these two dragons has been very wonderful. While the iron winged wild dragon is losing, all the members of the God of war team cheered. The atmosphere is very high. Everyone's mood is full of excitement, tension and clenched fists.

They all held their breath and were nervous about the final battle.

Long Yan looked at here, his heart has a foregone conclusion, because he knows Xu Kang will win, he has a broad vision, judge a person, he is very sure.

However, it is impossible for other people to have such a vision. Just as everyone in the God of war group cheered, the iron winged wild devil dragon actually performed that magic power at this time, which immediately made the depressed third group cheered.

The fight is getting better and better, and it's still going on

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