After Huanglong left, Longyan also entered the cultivation. Now he has too many unsolved mysteries.

Only by becoming stronger and the most powerful can we be qualified to explore those secrets.

In this way, as time goes by and half a month goes by, the young dragons in the temple of war also enter their own cultivation state every day.

Long Yan still guides them occasionally. The rest of his time is spent on cultivation. To improve himself and become strong as soon as possible is the king's way.

However, this kind of tranquility didn't last long, one day half a month later.

The war god temple unexpectedly someone came to look for Long Yan, and this time this person brought the news, let Long Yan at a loss, let him both action, and very hesitant.

That night, Long Yan was practicing in the hall of God of war, and then stopped. He came to the top of the highest Hall of the hall of God of war. The moonlight was very bright tonight.

After Long Yan and long Ling contact, the mood is still good.

Just as he was looking at the bright moonlight and preparing to go back, he suddenly noticed that there was a strong man approaching, and this breath was very strong, and it was intended to make him feel it.

That kind of strong Long Wei momentum, even than the last time the Emperor Dragon came, also let Long Yan alert.

It's just the Qi of Longwei, but there's no killing breath. Longyan is a little relieved.

So who will come?

Soon, just at this time, less than ten meters in front of Longyan, there appeared a vague shadow, just like the last time I saw the emperor of time.

Who the hell is this?

Longyan was full of doubts. The feeling of dragon power was very strong and familiar, just like facing the Dragon Emperor.

"The Dragon Emperor of time came to see me. Why didn't he show up?" Long Yan heart secret way, he knows the other party to this should be no malicious

Although, years of Dragon Emperor in the impression of Long Yan, did not leave any good impression, but he did not know to engage in such a sneak attack to kill himself.

The thought of his father's coming to this end has a direct relationship with the emperor long. As an adoptive father, he not only failed to protect him, but also laid a solid foundation for long Shuo.

Long Yan naturally also does not wait to see him, even from the heart already drew a clear line with him.

With the suspicion of Longyan, soon the illusory figure began to appear, and the outline became more and more clear.

When Long Yan really see, this is not the years of the Dragon Emperor, but think that the gorgeous beautiful woman, the perfect figure, the image of my fair lady.

This woman wears blue purple skirt, very calm looking at Long Yan.

It seems like the holy lotus in the night, some are coquettish, some are serious and can't be profaned, just like the goddess.

And heaven and earth into one, so quiet, see this woman, Long Yan inexplicably have a very familiar feeling.

It seems that she is still young. I don't know how old she is. She is almost the same as long Yanyu's.

This woman has to look younger. When she comes to the Dragon Kingdom, apart from the Dragon Spirit and Jin Xuanmeng, Long Yan seldom sees a beautiful woman with this temperament. Moreover, she is an old and elegant woman.

Her skin is better than snow, and her eyes are similar. When she looks at Longyan, she has a kind of elegant and elegant temperament, which makes people feel ashamed and dare not profane. However, her eyes are very attractive, which makes people have to be haunted.

This is the combination of Longling and jinxuanmeng. When I was young, I'm afraid I was even more beautiful.

So the woman appeared in front of Longyan. When her smart eyes were bright, she looked at Longyan for a few eyes. Finally, her face changed. She seemed to be very interested in this young man. Her smile turned all living beings upside down. Longyan was not afraid at all, but even had a very intimate feeling, which made him feel at ease and comfortable, It's like he always knew this woman.

Long Yan didn't dare to have any blasphemous thoughts. He just looked at her curiously. Needless to say, with this woman's sudden appearance, that kind of unfathomable strength is at least too much stronger than him. She looks very young, but that feeling, she should not know long Yanyu's age.

This woman is either a strong one like xuesha or a top strong one beyond the level of xuesha. Longyan doesn't dare to be a bit presumptuous. He should be clever to such a strong one.

After all, the other side is really strong, and he doesn't dare to offend easily because he doesn't know what the other side wants.

Then, Long Yan said respectfully: "what's the matter with you? Who are you? My name is Longyan. Is it because of me? "

That elegant woman, looking at Long Yan with a smile, her smile is very infectious, there are two dimples when she smiles, so close feeling.

She said gently: "Longyan, I've come to you specially. You must guess that I come from the time dragon temple. You can see my time power. I'm the sister of the time Dragon Emperor. My name is long Qianzhi. I'm the second year Dragon Emperor of the time Dragon Temple!"

"What, you are the Dragon Emperor of youth?"

This identity but the Long Yan gave amazement.

I didn't expect that such a big man would come to find himself. He thought about the identity of this woman, but he didn't expect that she was also a dragon emperor, which means that her strength has already stepped on the nine levels of martial arts and rebellion. Nianhua Dragon Emperor is almost the same level as Niannian long emperor.

She is also long Yanyu's aunt. I didn't expect that she looked so young and beautiful, which really made Long Yan never expect.

If she doesn't say her identity, Long Yan can't guess that she is so old. She looks really young.

But why did she come here to find herself?

She didn't seem to have the slightest taboo about Longyan. She showed her true face directly. Generally, few people can see the true face of the great emperor.

Previously, in the Dragon Cave of the ancestor of Chu Yuan, the emperor Xueyao and the emperor niandalong only saw the empty shadow and a cloud of blood fog.

At the moment, the Dragon Emperor, who is in his prime, really appears in front of Longyan. Such figures are all the top strong men in the domain of the Dragon Emperor. When their strength is terrible, they can easily cause the power of destroying heaven and earth.

The existence of hundreds of millions of people.

Longqianzhi seems to have no malice to Longyan, and is very gentle, giving people a very close feeling.

She looked at Longyan for a while and laughed again.

Even if the other party with his smile, Long Yan also very respectful appearance, dare not have the slightest collision.

"Elder nianhualongdi, you are very young and beautiful. If you don't speak, I can't tell your age."

Nianhualong emperor said with a smile: "I can control the time and keep my youth forever. Ha ha, don't make a fuss. I have two things to do this time. The first is to come to see you, and the second is to tell you something."

Sure enough, I came here to find myself.

Long Yan looked at her and asked: "so what did the elder come to me to say?"

I saw her. From her attitude towards herself, she should be very satisfied with herself, and she didn't leave any bad impression. Naturally, it's not because of his unfavourable talent that she came to find him, but to tell him something very important. As for this matter, it should be very important for her to come to find Long Yan.

Long Yan heavily breathes a few breath, adjusts own state of mind, waits for her to say that matter.

At this time, the Dragon Emperor said directly, "my child, the main purpose of my coming here is about your father's corpse. I want you to go to our dragon temple, because there is an indescribable change in your father's corpse. You can't imagine that kind of change. Even this kind of change, we can't stop it, I think, When you see it, you should know something. Don't you want to find out the cause of his death? Don't you want to know a lot of truth, then go back with me. "

Long Qianzhi finish, give Long Yan time, let him think about it.

The other side didn't say what happened, and still can't stop, can't describe, this let Long Yan very confused, don't know what she said is true or false.

Long Yan doubts: "my father died, leaving only the corpse, how can there be indescribable changes? Can't you describe it to me, or in order to let me go to your dragon temple, you deliberately just told me, let me see it in person?"

Long Qianzhi years, long Di shook his head: "it's not that I don't want to tell you, but I really can't describe it. When you see it, you will understand it. I won't force it. I can give you a choice. You don't want to be ambitious. I don't blame you. However, before I come, I promise my brother that he will make rules for me. He can't tell you, just let you see it by yourself!"

"Is that so?" Longyan lost in thought, she didn't seem to harm him at all. Her voice was gentle and beautiful.

Long Yan has promised long Ling that he can't go to the temple of time dragon, because if he goes there, the wolf will enter the tiger's den. In case they deal with themselves, he has no resistance.

However, long Shuo's body, changes, what is specific, but also let him personally to find out, this seems to have a kind of feeling, also let Long Yan have no choice.

Long Qianzhi seemed to see that Long Yan was worried, and then she said with a smile: "son, don't worry, since I've come to inform you, naturally I want to protect your safety. No one dares to move you when I go there, and I can make decisions for you and support you. I just want you to find out what's going on and why your father's body will change like that. In addition, here is Xueyao dragon hall, You don't have to worry about it. Before I came here, I passed through the two Dragon Emperor ditches. They also agreed to let you go. They are very reasonable. I can see that they treat you very well and value you very much! "

"Oh, they did take good care of me and agreed to a lot of requests."

Long Yan's life is related to the whole world. He can't have any problems.

But when we went there, so many people hated themselves, and most of them wanted to teach him a lesson. It was inevitable that there would be a lot of contradictions, or unavoidable battles. It was impossible to get such treatment as the blood dragon temple. I didn't get away with it!

"This, this matter, I'll think it over and give me some time."

Long Yan can't promise her for the time being, in fact, he has already made a decision in his heart.

"Master, wait for me for a moment."

Long Yan finished, quickly turned his back to her, and then took out the message Rune to communicate with the dragon spirit.

In this way, even in his prime, the Dragon Emperor did not know what he was talking about.

"Xiaoling, there's a situation now. There's another person coming from the Dragon Temple of years. This time, Nianhua Dragon Emperor came to me personally. She told me that my father's body has undergone an indescribable change. I can't find out until I go, and they can't stop that change. They won't have a chance to see it later. I have a decision in my heart, Xiaoling, I promised to wait for you to come back, and we'll set foot on the time Dragon Temple together. Now it seems that I have to go alone. You know my character. It's my father's body. I can't wait for a moment. "

"Brother Yan, have you really decided?"


Long Ling said with a smile: "don't worry about it. I don't think they will really deal with you. I have confidence in your judgment. I support you!"

Long Yan is only a dragon spirit, get her support, he is more full of strength, fearless.

Soon, he turned around and asked, "master, you really can't describe to me what kind of change that is?"

Long Qianzhi shook her head, "it's not that I don't want to describe it to you, but I really can't describe it, and even if I said it, you don't believe it. Only when you see it yourself can you know it. Maybe it's something your father left you before he died, and I can't say it clearly!"

"It's like this. Well, I've decided. I'll go back with you!"

Long Yan does not want to hesitate, after all, it is the father's body, if he continues to tangle, waiting, really afraid to miss something.

The most important thing is that Long Yan still believes in long Qianzhi, the Dragon Emperor. What kind of identity is she? Even if she wants to imprison Long Yan and arrest him directly, she can do so at the beginning. There's no need to make up this lie to deceive herself. Such a small trick will also lose her identity.

Moreover, both Xueyao and bloodthirsty dragon emperors agreed, which means that there is no fake, and Xueyao Dragon Temple is not a fool.

When something happens to Longyan, Yan moxie will go crazy. They are mainly responsible for it, because they took him away at the beginning.

As for the safety problem, long Qianzhi just told Long Yan very clearly, so other problems are not problems here in Long Yan.

At this time, Long Yan even can't wait to get up. He really wants to be confused about what happened to the change she said.

Longshuo is mysterious and powerful, surpassing many of the Dragon emperors.

Every time will give Long Yan left a lot of suspense, and even help him solve a lot of things, and this time will also be what clues and so on, is that the body deliberately lead Long Yan to the past.

What is the so-called "really want"?

If Long Yan makes up his mind, it is impossible to change.

Long Qianzhi smiles, very gentle.

"Well, since you've decided to go back with me, it seems that you've made up your mind that my trip is not in vain."

Her smile is very happy, very warm, the appeal of the smile, people feel very comfortable.

She seems to be Longyan's dependence. Among all the people in the Dragon Temple of the years, this is the only feeling that Longyan has for himself.

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